Part Four

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Upon his return to the farm, (Y/n) seemed almost out of it and rather happy until he walked in on Willow sitting in a chair at the dinner table, staring beadily at the (h/c) man that just entered the house as she'd lit the room with a flick of her hand after spawning a ball of fire in her palm. 

Willow greeted her husband broodily. "You're late. It's not like you to be out for so long, and yet so untidy and reeking of alcohol." 

"Honey, you do realise there are thieves and bounty hunters and soldiers wandering about looking for us, right? I mean... King James IV still believes us the savages when humanity had us to rely on to keep society afloat. Now it's thanks to jackasses like him that we're discredited for everything we've done and now on the run or in hiding trying to live normal lives to avoid persecution. Back where I'm from, heroes are praised for their outstanding achievements and are commended for putting our lives on the line." (Y/n) explained to her as he sat on a chair beside her and scooted closer. 

Willow pursed her lips. "What's it like?" 

(Y/n) shrugged his shoulders and his eyebrows at the same time. "Alright, I guess. But there's always gonna be that one guy who has to ruin things because of one little accident."

"Is that what happened with your new girlfriend?" 

"You could say future wife to be more precise, but, yeah. That's... exactly what happened." 

(Y/n) frowned and lowered his head a bit as he diverted his gaze from Willow's ocean blue eyes. 

"Duck, you can tell me anything. Take your time." 

The shirt she wore exposed her cleavage to him which wasn't enough to excite him at the moment as the current topic swayed him far away from happiness at the moment. Her shoulder-length hair draped over her shoulders which made (Y/n) reach up to pull strands of his hair and tucked it behind his ears. 

"May the third, twenty-sixteen. Lagos, Nigeria. The team was tasked with stopping a dangerous individual from stealing a toxic chemical agent when our team leader failed to identify the bomb vest strapped on him before Wanda tried to contain the blast but ended up blowing up the side of a building, yet sparing hundreds of lives. She blamed herself, but deep down, what she'd gone through to get where she was at was leading up to one special moment." (Y/n) began and felt himself become more and more unhappy. 

"Beautiful name, this Wanda. What's she like?" 

"She's amazing. She's got every quality about you, except her magic's like mine, but red. And she's a lot sweeter without much of a temper than yours. She has a brother. He has the power of super speed, and yet it reminds me all too much of Keren. But all I've wanted to do was remember Chloe despite me longing to forget what travesty I caused all those years ago." 

"Hey. What happened was not your fault. But You gotta get off your lazy ass and stop blaming yourself for something that was not your fault. At least you have your other sisters to look forward to meeting again. How long has it been? Four years?" 

"Four years and three months by my count." 

Willow paused for a moment and bit the inside of her cheek as (Y/n) could easily read there was something she had to get off her chest. "I've news for you that I think you might like." 

"Oh? Do tell." (Y/n) said encouragingly with full interest on what she had to say.

A minute on anticipation passed until Willow finally found the courage to confess. 

"I'm pregnant." 

(Y/n) grinned from ear to ear. "May I?" 

She nodded, humming as he placed his index and middle finger on her forehead and read her body to discover the gender of the child. He didn't necessarily need to physically touch her, but it was something he just did as he absorbed the information and stared longingly into Willow's eyes. 

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