Part One

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"... so, let me get this straight. You, you had to claim the Tesseract and destroy it, which flew you through space and time back into an alternate dimension - this very dimension? - which in turn you must now wait five years before you can resurrect your friends?" Keren summarised, detailing every key point in what (Y/n) just explained to her and Willow I'm great detail.

"One, this is that new dimension. Two, I don't even know if it's five years - it only happened a few days ago. Three, not just my friends, but also half of humanity in the universe!" He responded, correcting the points she missed out on.

Willow unknowingly found discomfort to bode herself with as her soulmate told them his worries for the destiny given to him to uphold - everything depended on it. Everything. The infant child in Willow's arms was the second child of her original (Y/n)'s, whereas the present and current (Y/n) seemed sufficed of seeing his wife raise the second daughter after Mary.

"Are you alright, rata?" Willow cooed at (Y/n).

"Hm?" He hummed in response. "Oh. Yeah, yeah. Fine. Why?"

"You seem out of it. Ever since you got back, you've been acting very weird."

"Have I? Maybe it's because I've been away for so long without you." He said to willow then whipped his head to his sister. "You staying tonight?"

"Yeah. Why not?" Keren answered tiringly.

"Might hit the hay. Wanna join me, honey?"

Willow yawned and bobbed her head up and down, her arms feeling significantly weaker which was where Keren took over and headed off to put the baby to bed then herself as (Y/n) and Willow did the same, except he had to carry his wife off bridal style as she nestles her face in his chest. (Y/n)'s heart melted in adoration for the love of his life snuggles up against him as he made care to lay her down gently on their bed, but he got a surprise when he discovered her hyperactivity after he finished brushing his teeth as he stretched down head to toe as she stripped down to nothing be Goren his very eyes.

He grinned, enjoying the show as she had her back to him when she realised he was staring at her. For some comfort, he had the blinds closed before Willow could begin to undress herself. Now that they had time to themselves, (Y/n) felt himself harden at the sight of his wife's gorgeous curvature and everything else that made her visually remarkable. 

"Îți place ce vezi? Like what you see?" Willow purred seductively as she half-looked at (Y/n) as she proceeded to expose her body to him when she turned to face him fully, leaning on one leg with one hand on her hip and the other up to her mouth so she could bit a nail flirtatiously. 

"Dacă ai putea spune cât de mult sunt pe cale să se bucure de acest lucru, nu trebuie să întreb dacă am bucura doar spectacol, dragă. Pentru că o asemenea priveliște e greu de uitat. Mai ales cu cineva la fel de frumos ca tine. If you could tell how much I'm about to enjoy this, you needn't ask if I only enjoy the show, darling. 'Cause a sight like that is a sight hard to forget. Especially with someone as beautiful as you." 

Willow giggled and flexed her index finger at him, calling him over as she gently laid herself down on the bed so that she was on her back and spread her legs to him, a big grin planted on her naturally rosy red lips. (Y/n) wasted no time in undressing himself as he found himself in no compromising position nor shame because he knew she would not judge him nor the scars all over his body. After their past conversation about his scars, she could now believe that he truly was the manliest chevalier she could be pleasured by. 

December 16th, 1509

"Bună dimineața. Good morning," a soft voice purred as (Y/n) felt a hand brush his cheek. 

(Y/n) opened his heavy eyes and set them on the brunette facing him. Her head was supported by her arm as she glistened her teeth at him as he quickly settled on the magnificent sight before him. 

"Bună, frumoaso. Well, hello, beautiful." (Y/n) responded mellifluously. 

Despite their whole relationship, he still had ways to make her blush. The door to the room was busted open wide - the force of the door being kicked open was almost enough to knock it off its hinges - as Keren looked at the happy couple lying in bed who were now perturbed by the sudden intrusion to inform them that something terrible had been committed while all were slumbering during the night. Without a second to waste, both Willow and (Y/n) retrieved their clothes and slid them on without bothering to tidy themselves up as the news of their child winding up missing distressed them to great amounts. 

(Y/n) could feel his heart sink in his chest as guilt began to flood in over the disappearance of his infant daughter. And this time, he felt how dire the consequences were if his wife were to find out about the estrange allegiance with the person who caused such distance between (Y/n) and Willow Thatch. (Y/n), Keren and Willow searched the house - every nook and cranny - even the barn and the perimeter of the land. Their search was fruitless. Their infant daughter was gone. Kidnapped. Stolen. In the middle of her anger and fear, Willow suddenly turned to (Y/n) as if she knew what he was up to, yet in truth, she knew not what she was doing, except her fury made him quiver. 

"Where is my daughter, (Y/n)?!" Willow snapped at the (h/c) man so suddenly. 

"What?! Me?! What would I do with our daughter?! I was with you the whole night!" (Y/n) countered, justifying himself easily as he raised his hands in defence. 

Willow growled furiously at herself, knowing she was wrongfully accusing the man she so trusted and was loyal to. When she turned to Keren, she laid out her defence, yet the brunette could not find any justification in what Keren claimed to simply putting the infant into her crib before closing the window and blinds, leaving the door open slightly ajar. 

"You need to relax. Right now," said (Y/n), sternly. "We'll find her. She's just a baby. Who kidnaps a baby? Not to hurt them!" 

"You forget. This is the fifteenth Century, beloved (Y/n). You forget men are monsters: they murder viciously without mercy, raid, pillage, rape and they cannibalise each other on whatever form of meat they get their dirty hands on; deer, sheep, bull, ox, man, woman, child..." Willow spat heinously. 

"Yeah. I know. But even though I'm over five thousand years old, I feel I've more experience in the twentieth rather than this and on Asgard. I lost everything a long time ago, Willow. I don't wanna lose you, but this is my destiny. I must accomplish my mission - no matter the cost." 

She scoffed and rolled her eyes in disbelief of what he was saying which made him snap at her without intention of being so bitter. 

"Don't give me that look! You have no idea what I'm going through! I had to watch every version of you die over, and over, and over, and over... I LOST EVERYTHING!! I let her die! I, I let her die..." (Y/n) sobbed as he fell to his knees, clutching on Willow's shirt before planting his hands on the dusty ground. 

Both Willow and Keren were left gobsmacked at (Y/n)'s traumatisation. Yes, he allowed Wanda to die. He allowed his friends and countless others to perish. He was forced to let go of many lives. He saw people important to him die. And at what cost? 

"I know what it's like to lose," said the Mad Titan himself as he exposed himself to the three Terrans before him while in his right hand he held the infant they'd been looking for. "To feel so desperately that you're right - yet to fail - nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. But I ask you, to what end? Dread it, run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here. Or should I say... I am?"

All three gasped as Thanos grinned smugly at them when suddenly he clenched his left fist which triggered the blue Stone on the gauntlet to glow brightly. (Y/n) grunted as he felt violated as he was sat upright on his knees before being dragged along the ground very quickly towards the Titan until he was directly in front of him. (Y/n) struggled to escape the blue force controlling his movement as he levitated off the ground when Thanos latched his left hand over (Y/n)'s neck and squeezed slightly so he recalled exactly how satisfying it felt to kill the God of Mischief who tried to defy him. Little did he know, things would not occur like last time when he massacred the refugee ship of Asgardians. 

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