Part Five

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June 10th, 2016 

"... and they left just like that?" A man summarised the story (Y/n) made up concerning the Twins' escape. 

(Y/n) nodded confidently as he produced a false smile on his face. "That's what I said." 

"Sounds pretty suspicious to me. What do you think, Nat?" Rhodey spoke sceptically, turning to his redheaded companion. 

Natasha cringed at (Y/n) and decided that he was telling the truth as she, (Y/n), Vision, Rhodey, Tony, the prince of Wakanda and a teenage vigilante in red and blue spandex were all gathered to help stop Steve from making matters worse for the team. 

"So what is the plan?" Vision asked Tony. 

"I'll talk to him. Cap'll have to hear reason. Otherwise, we're gonna be up for a long day." Tony responded confidently. 

"Tony, can I talk to you?" (Y/n) asked politely with a false smile. 

He and (Y/n) exited the jet everyone arrived to the airport in and spoke four feet away from the group. Soon, Steve, Sam, Wanda, Clint and two unknown allies would arrive before Tony would have the whole airport locked down to prevent their escape. 

"I reckon things are going to get rough out there, which is why I specifically don't want anyone to hurt or touch Wanda. Just, leave her to me. I'm just warning you in advance if I end up levelling half the airport if someone starts throwing propane tanks at my wife." (Y/n) spoke, sharing his worries with someone whom he could entrust. 

"I can't promise nobody's gonna damage the goods. But she'll be safe when this is all over." Tony reassured him by placing his hand on his shoulder. 

"Yeah. But you can hurt Pietro if you want." 

"My chance to get back at him for tying my shoelaces together." 

"Boss, they're here." F.R.I.D.A.Y reported. 


While Tony locked down the airport, the rest of Tony's team assembled in their designated positions to ambush Captain America in case Tony's chat with him failed. Only Steve appeared as he walked out in the open where Tony and Rhodey met him. While (Y/n) was in the middle of meditating, the boy in the red and blue suit came along and rudely interrupted his concentration. 

"Um... M-M-Mister?" The teenager stuttered as he leaned to the side to look at (Y/n). 

(Y/n) kept his eyes shut but acknowledged the teen's presence and spoke raspily to him. "You are nervous. You needn't be. Just do what Tony told you, and you'll be alright." 

"B-But Mr Stark told me to--" 

"Tony'll tell you want you gotta do because this is not your fight. You were brought here to even the odds. Just do what you're told and keep back out of harms way, alright? But a fair warning: you'll wanna keep off the ground when you fight Sonic. You won't see him coming, but he packs a mean punch, I'll tell you that much." 

The teenager paused and shot his hand out to (Y/n). 

"I'm Spider-Man." 

(Y/n) finally opened his eyes and stood up to greet the vigilante with a warm smile and a strong handshake. "(Y/n) Thatch. A pleasure to meet you, Spiderman." 

"Oh. So we're using our proper names. Peter Parker. And that's spelt with a hyphen, by the way." 

"It's interesting to meet someone as young and talented as you, Peter hyphen Parker. I've heard much about you and your protecting New York recently when you caught that school bus from driving into a car, was it?" 

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