Part Two

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One week later...

The whole team worried over (Y/n)'s condition, but knew full well that he would have a speedy recovery. It was only Wanda that feared his health. He had been through worse, after all. Everyone gave her time to keep (Y/n) company as she felt that he was all she had after she lost her brother. Wanda felt she was on the verge of losing her insanity: first her parents, then the pain and anguish she went through to gain her powers to get her revenge on the man who killed them; the city that was wrought with destruction from war and now her brother and almost her soulmate. 

The days Wanda spent sitting by (Y/n)'s bedside were very long and boorish as she had nothing to do but sleep and hope he'd wake up soon. Most of the time she'd wake up with nightmares about her brother dying. No matter how hard she tried to have a different scenario in each dream, the conclusion was all the same. By the time (Y/n) finally woke up, he seemed all too drained, considering that Wanda didn't expect to put him in a deep sleep compared to a coma. 

(Y/n) groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, his vision distorted until they focused on the television on the opposite wall facing him, then onto the brunette sitting beside his bed, completely asleep, laying on the empty space beside him on the bed. Wanda remained unaware that (Y/n) had finally woken up until he laid his hand on top of hers. She stirred also, quickly adjusting to being woken up as she was ready to tell off the person who'd awaken her until she realised that it was (Y/n) who did so. 

"Y-You're awake!" Wanda proclaimed excitedly as she let out a long yawn while she stretched and moaned. "How do you feel, rață, duck?" 

"Duck?" (Y/n) repeated curiously as he didn't recall ever saying that to her. 

Wanda froze upon realising what name she called him but decided to roll with it. 

"That is what the other me's would call you, no?" She countered with a smirk. 

 "True. H-How long were you here for? Did you seriously wait forever for me to wake up?" 

Wanda blushed a deep red as she shyly diverted her gaze from (Y/n) when he grabbed her chin and made her look back at him so he could press his lips against hers. She hesitated for a split second, but only before she drove into the kiss and let herself succumb to it. 

"It's about damn time," said a woman's voice. "Clint owes me ten bucks."

Both (Y/n) and Wanda pulled away to glance at the person witnessing them kiss, who turned out to be none other than Natasha Romanoff. 

"You guys seriously put a bet on us?" (Y/n) scoffed and shook his head. 

Natasha shrugged her shoulders. "Everybody was waiting for one of you to make the first move. Clint, Thor and I bet on Wanda, but everyone else bet on you. Easy money." 

"Well, I think it's safe to say that we've had feelings for each other since the beginning." 

Wanda took his hand into hers and squeezed tightly as Natasha asked how (Y/n) was feeling before he decided to get out of bed so he could return to his own room. At least now, Wanda and Vision could join the team and have their own separate rooms in the Avengers Tower until a more suitable base could be built to house the superheroes. 

"So, how do you like it here? Besides having to get rowdy with the others during your first visit to the tower?" (Y/n) asked the brunette curiously as they both wandered down a hall towards an elevator. 

"It... is alright. Not quite what I would call home, however." Wanda replied unsurely. 

"Well, you'll get used to it soon enough. How long did you say I was asleep for? A week?" 

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