Chapter One

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May 31st, 2011

"Why did you bring us back?" A strong, masculine voice boomed angrily. 

"Do you realise what you've done?! What you've started!?" A second bellowed. 

"I was protecting my home." 

The older man in the room was unable to hold back his anger and lashed out at his son as he ordered a friend of his son's to be sent away immediately. 

"You cannot even protect your friends! How can you hope to protect a kingdom!? Get him to the healing room, now!" 

"There won't be a kingdom to protect if you're afraid to act! The Jotuns must learn to fear me, just as they once feared you." The eldest child sneered. 

"That's pride and vanity talking, not leadership. You've forgotten everything I've taught you about a warrior's patience." 

"While you wait and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us! The old ways are done - you'd stand, giving speeches while Asgard falls." 

Two bystanders stood silently in the room, watching the father and son feud. It was most uncommon for the Allfather to lecture his army, let alone one of his own sons, even his eldest and most equally prized as the second. It was so spectacular that this side of the Allfather was most scary than his persona during the times when he waged peace through war throughout the Nine Realms. 

"YOU ARE A VAIN, GREEDY, CRUEL BOY!!" The Allfather snapped viciously.

"AND YOU ARE AN OLD MAN AND A FOOL!!" The son shot back. 

His snidely comment pained him to hurt his father so, knowing the love they had for one another would not be damaged permanently. The Allfather failed to respond as he stared at the blonde in silence with contempt in regards to his eldest's rogue behaviour. 

"Yes... I was a fool... to think you were ready." The Allfather whispered in shame.

"Father--" A raven-haired man spoke in hopes of easing his father's anguish but was cut short by a sudden, harsh snarl. 

"Thor Odinson... you have betrayed the express command of your king: through your arrogance and stupidity, you've opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horror and desolation of war!" 

As the Allfather sentenced the blonde's banishment, he stripped him of his armour and cape and weapon.

"You are, unworthy of these realms! You are unworthy of your title! YOU ARE UNWORTHY; of the loved ones, you have betrayed... I now take from you, your power - in the name of my father, and his father before - I, Odin Allfather, CAST YOU OUT!! Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor." 

As a chance for redemption, Odin threw the enchanted hammer at a gateway that was directed for Midgard. The other person in the room, the (h/c) man standing in the presence of gods was given a most important task by the Allfather, to which he knew the utmost importance that it was completed with discretion before being sent to Midgard to watch over the fallen prince. 

Later that day... 

"Am I cursed?" The raven-haired man asked with a broken voice. 

"No." The Allfather responded coolly, his voice echoing slightly through a hall of artefacts obtained from war. 

As he was not satisfied with his answer, he asked more raspy manner. "What am I?" 

"You're my son." 

The raven-haired man slowly looked around at his father as the colour of his skin faded from dark blue to its natural colour. He then proceeded to walk towards his father standing halfway from the bottom of the steps in the trophy room. 

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