Part One

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Later that day... 

"IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO?!" Thor bellowed, challenging Ultron Prime to give the God of Thunder and Lightning more of a challenge than puny clones of himself. 

Ultron Prime hovered over the ground and raised his left arm up, signalling all his forces to gather behind him. Everyone but (Y/n) didn't expect Ultron to have so many of his army gather to combat the superheroes. Still oilthirsty, (Y/n) tightened his grip around the hilt of his Uru sword and clenched his teeth in excitement for the duel ahead. 

"You had to ask," said Steve, nonchalantly. 

"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted: all of you against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?" Ultron chuckled softly. 

"Like the old man said," said Tony. "Together." 

"Hold it! Hoooold it!" (Y/n) spoke out and sheathed his sword. 

Everyone stared confused at the (h/c) man as he walked over to the front of the group and began to stall Ultron so he could surprise him with a trap (Y/n) set before the battle commenced as he knew exactly where Ultron would gather for (Y/n) to provide a trap once he and his friends reached this exact point in time. 

"Do you really think it's that simple, you pinhead?!" (Y/n) spat. "We, we're the Avengers, man! We've got the God of Thunder, two sorcerers, and a mean green fighting machine! And you! You're just scrap metal compared to us!" 

Ultron descended to the ground to staunch (Y/n) as he too drew ever so close to his own trap and grinned mischievously at the robot. 

"You're cocky, you know that?" Ultron grumbled. 

"No. I just know we're going to win. And besides... I knew I'd get you right where I wanted you." 

Ultron's eyes widened at the realisation that he fell into (Y/n)'s trap when all he needed to do was recite some words to spark the trap. It was there that (Y/n) unleashed magnified levels of chaos magic on Ultron and his forces, buying his allies time to figure out how to stop the crater from destroying the planet. As things carried out as normally, (Y/n) stood by as everyone evacuated the church after everyone fought every Ultron clone until they sought to retreat before everyone else went to board life rafts. 

While everyone made haste to escape, all there was left was for Wanda to protect the core while Natasha sought to calm the Hulk down until there was an interruption. Ultron had proceeded to hijack the Quinjet and used the turret on the heroes by shooting at everyone as he could before targeting the archer of the team. To make the sacrifice for that of a child's, Clint was willing to use his body as a shield when somebody also had the right idea to sacrifice themselves. Unfortunately, Pietro paid the price. 

Unbeknownst to anyone, (Y/n) had struggled to save Wanda's brother in time due to a serious wound he sustained when he provided cover for a family fleeing to the rafts where he got wounded in the process, seconds before the clones were obliterated. (Y/n) held his injury, blood seeped out as he limped towards the rafts where he noticed others unaware of his presence until someone came along and assisted him aboard. 

"Wait... where's Wanda?" (Y/n) asked Steve who was on the same raft with him. 

Steve stared at him with a blank expression, his mouth slowly widening as (Y/n) mustered his strength to go out and search for her before the crater collapsed. (Y/n) knew exactly where to find the brunette as she'd gone to the bus Ultron had been thrown into by the Hulk where she tore his heart out and held it in her hand as oil leaked out. 

"Wanda, Wanda, we gotta go," (Y/n) ushered her. "The, the city's gonna collapse." 

Slowly, she arched her head at him and frowned as her bottom lip trembled. 

"No. I want to stay." Wanda replied in her strong European accent. 

"Don't die because Pietro's gone. Look, I'm sorry about your brother. But now's not the time to mourn. He wouldn't want you to suffer, now, would he? He'd want you to move on and survive and live your life, not die so to be with him. You've more to live for, now get off your goddamn ass and get on that raft, dammit! I don't want to lose you again!" 

Wanda furrowed her brows at him, his words seeping into her quickly as she had accepted that Pietro would indeed want her to thrive. Just as (Y/n) had convinced her to flee to the rafts, a half-destroyed Ultron clone triggered the drill to cause the city to collapse. In an instant, both Wanda and (Y/n) began to hover as they descended quickly with the city until (Y/n) grabbed ahold of Wanda's hand with his own and thought on getting them both to the raft. 

Despite the blood-stained hand she was gripping tightly onto, Wanda embraced her destiny and accepted to take (Y/n) as her soulmate when the two had hit a mettalic ground beneath them where they both were on a raft with Steve and Natasha, on their way to the Helecarrier Nick Fury had brought along to store all the survivors of the city of Sokovia. 

(Y/n) grunted and squirmed in agony of his injury. To ease his suffering, Wanda brushed his hair with her hand and shushed him as she entranced him to stop his mind from receiving the messages of the pain he got so he could rest. Though she didn't know him all that well, it still ached her to see him suffer for saving her life like he brother did with Clint and the little boy. It was like a connection sparked because of their devotion. Only, what (Y/n) felt for her was as real as the first day he fell in love with her. 

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