Part Four

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Pissing off one's wife was never a good thing to do. Let alone one who was psychologically unwell, nor one who possessed the same powers as (Y/n). Wanda circled back to her room to clean up the mess she'd made using her brother's body and concentrated on using her magic to restore things back to the way it was, only that the book that caused her sudden transformation she dared to really examine closely. (Y/n) found no pleasure in seeing his wife so engulfed in studying a mysterious book. 

(Y/n) felt his consciousness seep away at how the people he knew and loved were hurting. He almost felt deprived of the life he knew as he was forced to mould into the reality after the undoing of Thanos' work. As if a game was being played, and he was its pawn. (Y/n) removed himself from his apartment to find something to occupy him by wandering the streets of New York.

As per usual, cars were honking, people were screaming in fear of danger present while red and blue vigilantes swung on a web. (Y/n) thought nothing much of it as the nearest cafe gave time to waste. Only, New York wasn't expected to be cloudy until the weekend, nor was there ever an earthquake ever expected to strike the Big Apple. But it was a bad kind of tremor. People began to scream in terror as all fled the opposite direction up the street (Y/n) was coming towards when he noticed a very abnormally large purple foot appear from behind a building. 

That very foot led up a gigantic body that completely towered over many of the tall buildings in New York, however, this one was in the form of a Celestial being that seemed determined to acquire their deep desire. What (Y/n) was unaware of, was the large gathering of heroes that assembled on the scene to combat the invader. Due to their large size, the speed in which their arm was raised was slow as a cosmic beam of energy was concentrated onto (Y/n)'s apartment where his family resided. A singular short beam of that very energy blasted out of the palm of the being's hand at the building which caused the penthouse to erupt into a cloudy explosion which hinted with red energy that whisped out like thin smoke. 

"WANDA!!" (Y/n) screamed, his fists clenched. 

(Y/n) looked back at the being which then concentrated its aim on him as a few of his allies got squished under the foot of the Celestial being like ants when (Y/n) suddenly lost all balance when he fell through a portal conjured underneath him into the safety of a sanctuary belonging to the protector of the Time Stone. 

"(Y/n) Thatch. There's no time. I need you to trust me on this. There's a way to prevent this from happening. You must warn Earth before it's too late," said Strange as he confronted (Y/n) in a desperate manner. "I know you've already done this before, but this time it'll be different. I should have foreseen this... This wasn't our future I saw on Titan. Stop Galactus. Do you understand?" 

"Wha... What are you talking about?" (Y/n) asked, dumbfounded. 

"Do you understand?! It's too late for everyone else. You're the last one. Complete your mission. Save Earth." 

"Okay, but... who's Galactus?" 

Without a response to his asking, Strange placed his thumb on (Y/n)'s forehead and used all of his power to ensure (Y/n)'s present consciousness was converted back to his past body to secure enough time for him to warn Earth of it's latest threat since Thanos. Possibly worse... Without realising what was going on (Y/n) had been sent back in time but only his subconscious was converted back to his past body. The very body that would ensure he was united with the very team that sought to protect Earth. 

"... but he is confident that she never came into contact with anything as powerful as the Mind Stone," said Thor. 

Everyone in the living room of the Avengers Tower all glanced at the Scarlet Witch as her powers were indistinguishable except for the fact that hers radiated red whereas (Y/n)'s was purple when the archer of the team spoke out, concerning (Y/n)'s whereabouts until the (Y/n) from the future was thrown through a pane into the same floor. (Y/n) rolled along the ground as he groaned and slowly helped himself up to his feet and gently rubbed his forehead. 

"Thatch, what happened?" Steve asked in an authoritative tone. 

(Y/n) tensed, realising that hearing one of his oldest friends speak was a very big surprise to him as he slowly arched his head in the direction of the voice and saw the Avengers, Pietro, Wanda and Vision included, as their younger selves during the age of Ultron. 

"Oh fuck." (Y/n) cursed. 

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