Part Six

117 4 0

December 12th, 2018

As Thanos applied the final Stone to the Gauntlet, the Titan harnessed the full power of the Infinity Stones and admired the collection of hard work when a lightning struck him. He immediately jumped up to his feet to meet his new threat and used all of the Stones' power to stop an axe flying towards him which embedded the blade in his chest

Thanos knelt on one knee, fighting strongly when Thor landed in front of the Titan and placed his left hand on Thanos' shoulder and the other on his axe as he pushed the blade deeper into Thanos' chest, causing him to scream.

"You, sho... you... you should... You should have gone for the head!" Thanos whispered, grinning smugly as he raised his left hand up.

"NOOO--!" Thor bellowed as he failed to stop Thanos from winning as a white blur took over.

When everything returned to normal, the Gauntlet sizzled as it latched itself tightly on Thanos' hand. His arm significantly smaller as he analysed the gauntlet that smoked. (Y/n) threw himself at Thanos in a blind rage just as he summoned a portal, bringing his greatest enemy with him to his sanctuary.

While the others speculated as to where the two had vanished, half of the heroes present faded to dust, while Wanda embraced her fate as she died all alone with no-one to comfort her. On the planet known to very few as the Garden, (Y/n) clashed with the Titan until they were both depleted of their energy, yet still standing strongly to stare each other down.

"The Stones! Give them to me!" (Y/n) barked and shot his hand out, demanding the Stones be given to him.

"You underestimate the Stones' power, boy! Only I can utilise it's full capabilities." Thanos bellowed. "I won. And you've lost; everything, again."

To stimulate his rage, (Y/n) screamed maniacally and charged towards Thanos when a figure appeared out of thin air and stopped the two from clashing.

"Now is not the time for incessant feuding over who did what. Gentlemen, I am sure we can reach a reasonable understanding, yes?" The stranger said, to (Y/n)'s surprise.

"Jorge?! What the hell are you doing here?!" (Y/n) snarled and stared dagger at both men before him as Jorge stood in between the two, looking back and forth at both rage-induced men.

"Why are you here, mage?" Thanos asked the bald man calmly.

(Y/n) tipped his head up at Thanos and asked, "You know him?"

"Yes. He was how I discovered the Research on Earth. Which is the reason of my assault on your fort."

(Y/n) tensed, his fists clenched in anger of the Titan sending him to Asgard, separated from his first love, Willow.

"Why are you here?" (Y/n) asked, turning to Jorge more cool-minded as both rivals eased the tension to hear what the strange mage had to say.

Jorge stood erect his fingers in prayer-like form but pointed horizontally as he eyed (Y/n) then Thanos.

"As you have been warned previously, a dangerous individual lurks the deepest abyss of the cosmos. Something so vile, so wretched, so heartless, that it destined to consume all," Jorge began. "Not only was Thalke's intention to eradicate half of all life, but somewhere in the process, there was a bargain, a toll of sorts. The second he snapped his fingers - with combined, the strength of all six Infinity Ingots - his deepest, darkest conscious was created. Galactus. A being that must survive through the consumption of entire planets."

"What must be done?" Thanos asked coolly.

"You both must destroy him within twenty-two days. If not, the universe will be demolished like an infant with his blocks."

"I am not working with him!" (Y/n) scoffed in outrage of this irregular alliance.

"Do it or consider my offer expunged, Peter Thatch!" Jorge snapped sourly.

"Very well," said Thanos.

"Fine." (Y/n) grunted.

With a twisted smile on his lips, Jorge half-raised his hands and clapped once which made him vanish in the blink of an eye, leaving the two marvellous of Jorge's power. Without realising, the strength in Thanos' left arm was restores to full - pre-decimation which granted relief to the Celestial.

"You betray me, and I'll make you wish you hadn't," warned (Y/n).

"I care less about what you do to me, sorcerer. I could snap you out of existence - nor do I need this gauntlet to break you." Thanos responded coldly.

With nowhere to begin, both in the unlikely partnership began to plot where Galactus could be hiding as they were left with so many places in such little time. but thanks to the power of the Space Stone, travelling through space and time was much easier when the two were working together to destroy Thanos' abomination.

And with yet another thunderous bark, both Wanda and (Y/n) argued over trust and her attempting to flee the Avengers estate while he tried to convince her that all had to go accordingly in their home in Scotland.

"... ruin the continuum!" He scolded her.

"I don't care! I care about my family!" She snapped back.

"You'll ruin everything! Don't you understand?! If you let the compound, the fate of the universe would have shattered."

"Stop! Just stop it!"

(Y/n) suddenly lashed out at the brunette and wrapped his arms around her body and squeezed lightly and breathed shakily. She froze, almost surprised at his action and embraced his fragility.

"I. Can't. Lose. You." He said shakily. "Please... I, I don't..."

"I'm... sorry." She cooed and nestled her face in the nook or his neck. "Why do we do this to each other?"

He sniffled and hugged her a bit tighter before they let go, remaining in arms reach.

"For love." (Y/n) answered.

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