Part Six

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May 5th, 2015 

As a red android gazed at the City That Never Sleeps, it then looked at its own reflection before it clothed itself and hovered over beside Thor and spawned a golden cape of its own. 

"I'm sorry that was... odd. Thank you," said the android. 

"Thor, you helped create this?" Steve questioned. 

"I've had a vision: a whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at its centre, is that," Thor explained, pointing at the glowing yellow gem on its forehead. 

"What, the gem?" Bruce specified. 

"It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones - the greatest power in the universe - unparalleled in its destructive capabilities." 

"They why would you bring it--" 

"Because Stark is right. The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron." 

"Not alone," the android added. 

"Why does your 'vision' sound like JARVIS?" Steve asked doubtfully as it seemed he could not trust his own team at the moment. 

Tony answered as he observed the android closely. "We configured JARVIS' matrix. To create something new." 

"I think I've had my fill of new." 

"You think I'm a child of Ultron," the android began. 

"You're not?" 

"I'm not Ultron, I'm not JARVIS, I'm... I am..." 

Its train of thought became lost when Wanda stepped forward and stated that she saw destruction in its mind. 

"Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone." Thor proclaimed. 

"And what about (Y/n)? You think its a coincidence that his powers are identical to Wicked Witch of the West, here?" Tony jibed at the woman in his presence that scared him. 

"Brother (Y/n) claims his powers formed after his birth. He told me in confidence that his mother claimed she saw a purple flame arise from her son's palm and knew he was destined for great things. But he is confident that she never came into contact with anything as powerful as the Mind Stone." 

Everyone in the room stole a glance at Wanda as her powers were indistinguishable except for its colour differences. 

"Where is (Y/n) anyway?" Clint asked, raising the thought of his absence to everyone like Natasha's. 

A sudden silence fell upon everyone as they all lazily looked around the lounge room they were in and didn't bother hinting any ideas to his whereabouts. All of a sudden, (Y/n) teleported outside the floor his allies were on as a force propelled him through the glass window inside. (Y/n) grunted and groaned as he laid on his back, glass sprinkled everywhere as Thor grabbed (Y/n)'s forearm and pulled him up to his feet and wiped glass off his back. 

"Thatch," Steve called without a second of discretion. "What happened?" 

(Y/n) placed his hands on his lower back and leaned back, stretching his back and sighed excessively. "As a suggestion, don't ever try Mission Impossible and teleport from a train going at a hundred and forty miles per hour." 

"What were you doing on a train, anyway?" Tony questioned. 

"If I tell you, you won't believe me. But I've discovered Natasha's location. Sokovia. In Strucker's Research Base. Ultron's factory of little Mini Me's.  want a drink?" 

Everyone shook their heads. While (Y/n) poured himself a drink, Steve looked at the Vision attentively and asked about its allegiance. 

The android paused as it stared at nothing before answering. 

"I don't think it's that simple. I am on the side of life, Ultron isn't. He will end it all. I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique and he's in pain." 

"Too bad, tough guy. He made it personal when one of his Mini Me's attacked me while I was tracking Natasha's location and threw me in front of a goddamn train." (Y/n) raised his voice from across the room after gulping down his second shot of vodka. 

"That pain will roll over the Earth. So, he must be destroyed. Every for he's built, every trace of his presence on the net. We have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the other. Maybe I am a monster? I don't think I'd know if I were one." 

"You were born just a few minutes ago, so..." Clint quipped at the shrug of his shoulders. 

"I'm not what you are," the android continued, ignoring the archer's comment. "And not what you intended. So, there may be no way for you to trust me, but we need to go." 

The android picked up Thor's hammer and presented it to him, to everyone's surprise except the Twins who didn't really understand why everyone was in such disbelief. 

"Ha! 'Worthy', my ass!" (Y/n) exclaimed jollily and made his way to the supply room with Wanda, Pietro and Clint following behind him. 

(Y/n) quickly sobered up as he armed himself with the special Uru sword handed to him by Odin himself and an axe when he remembered the letter stored inside his locker from the love of his past life. In case he failed to stop Ultron, he read over it and vowed that he would be reunited with her in the next world she resided in, waiting for him. 

"Who wrote this?" Wanda asked, barely startling (Y/n). 

(Y/n) jumped at her presence and sighed, knowing that it was her beside him. 

"Just a, uh, a letter. Nothing important," (Y/n) responded tensely. 

"May I?" 

He nodded after a minute's hesitation and handed the paper to her to read. As Wanda quickly read through the letter, she handed it back to (Y/n) and watched him tuck it away on his person. 

"You really think you're cursed to be here?" She asked curiously. 

He looked at her, shocked by her question and frowned. 

"I don't know anymore." He answered honestly. 

"Then what's on your mind? I-I won't read it, I just..." 

(Y/n) chuckled lightly. "Hey, we can both read people's thoughts. But I appreciate you not reading my mind, Wanda." 

"Of course." 

He sighed and closed his locker and leaned on it as he maintained eye contact with her, knowing that her eyes were near identical to that of his past lover's. 

"I just... Ever since I came to Asgard, I thought that I was in paradise; a world beyond Earth. But when I realised that I could return any time I wanted, I, I don't know why I held back. We deserved each other, but, at the same time... my heart's been breaking since the day I knew I had one. Isn't it sad when you get hurt so much you can finally say 'I'm used to it'? I have lost... so much. My friends, my family, my home, my people, the love of my life, and yet, I'm still here to live on without their presence in my life." 

Wanda pursed her lips as she reached for (Y/n)'s hand and took it to comfort him. The gesture made the two become flustered at the physical contact when the moment was ruined by Pietro stealing his sister and dashed off to the Quinjet, leaving (Y/n) and Clint to make their way on their own. 

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