Chapter Seven

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December 15th, 2018

(Y/n) felt psychologically troubled when he recalled the death of his daughter, Mary. It made him hate himself for what he'd become and where it all lead to: the Celestial being he was forced to ally himself with to save the universe. What he failed to realise, was what Thanos had planned, to test him. Yet with the two dozen jumps they made all across the cosmos, it was near the end of the journey - after nearly eighteen days of hard searching. 

"What is the point, huh?" (Y/n) asked impatiently, finally sick of the pointless searching for one being he barely had a good look at.

"What is this incessant complaining, now, mage?" Thanos groaned as a small fire he made kindled as they huddled closely in a bubble formed to restrict the cold. 

"You know. With those Stones, you could just two into the Mind Stone and search through its archive of infinite knowledge for the monstrosity you created, yet here we stand, travelling from planet to planet for eighteen days now. We're running shirt on time, and I, on patience. What's your game, Thalke? Huh?! Tell me, now!" 

Thanos looked down at the (h/c) man standing before him on the desolate iceland as they hid in a cave in the middle of a blizzard. Their chain of events lead to this moment where the test he was putting his unlikely ally in took flight. (Y/n) was forced to look right up at the Titan that staunched him as Thanos himself found it irresistible to cringe at how intimidating (Y/n) was trying to be. Regardless, he understood his anger and knew exactly what he was capable of - despite defeating someone like the Hulk, he was scared of both despite succeeding many fights with them. 

"Just tell me where he is, and we can go our separate ways." (Y/n) growled menacingly. 

"I doubt someone like you can handle the cosmic proportions of what's to come," said Thanos. 

(Y/n) furrowed his brows at him and crossed his arms. 

"Whatever," he replied. "Just take us there. I can handle anything thrown my way." 

And so, Thanos opened up a portal for them both to pass through which brought them to an empty battlefield excluding the moulding bodies littered all over the wasteland. Something about it vibed familiarity to (Y/n) as he did his best to recall where he remembered said battlefield. Crows refused to let what remains of the bodies squander as they pecked at what flesh they could get their beaks on as many gathered in groups for the feast while few fought over big chunks that seems years old. 

"Where are we?" (Y/n) asked in a hush voice. 

Thanos remained silent which almost made (Y/n) suffer from the awkwardness. 

"Thalke. Where, are we?" (Y/n) repeated more firmly. 

Still dead silent, Thanos began to walk through the battlefield with (Y/n) behind him as they entered a forest. The long walk gave the young man time to speculate what his nemesis had planned for him. He could not know. A farmhouse was visible beyond the trees. Slowly, it came to (Y/n). As they drew closer to the farmhouse, it clicked to (Y/n). He was back home. The farmhouse itself was repaired and work seemed manageable as a few carriages rode out with farming goods and hay and food being removed from carts. 

A brunette was assisted by a woman with fiery red hair carry the supplies inside the household when (Y/n) felt a disturbance quell within him. The fiery fae glanced in (Y/n)'s direction and immediately a smile came to her face as she and the brunette ran to approach (Y/n) - none of whom realised that the Mad Titan who corrupted their lives had vanished into thin air - and embraced him in a tight hug around his neck, following the brunette being granted room to squeeze her beloved husband for his return. 

"You came!" Willow sighed in relief and nestled her face in the nook of his neck. 

"Of course I did. I would never leave you behind. Nor would I leave without saying goodbye, love." (Y/n) replied coolly and cupped the cheeks of his wife as his sibling took a step back and adored their happiness. 

After the two shared a passionate kiss, (Y/n) turned to his sister and placed his hand below her ear and smiled appreciatively. 

"What brings you here, brother?" Keren asked curiously as (Y/n) held his hand behind his back by the wrist. 

"What, I can't visit my family?" (Y/n) countered and chuckled. "Come, come. You must tell me all you've been up to in my absence." 

Willow rolled her eyes and gave him a peck on the cheek as the two women escorted him into the farmhouse so that they could all catch up in (Y/n)'s absence. In the meantime, Thanos lurked out of sight and rested as he watched them through the trees, eyeing the fourth member within the farmhouse, resting in the arms of Willow on the couch while her soulmate sat beside her, hand in hand in comfort of each other's presence. 

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