The Raven Haired Boy

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"Uhhh" I groan as I wake up and turn off my alarm.

I start smiling as I realize what today is. My birthday. Today I am officially 22 years old.

I get up and walk to the kitchen and make a small breakfast of eggs and toast. 

When I'm done making my food, I sit down at the table, but before I can start eating I hear a knock at the door. I get up and go over to see who's here.

I open the door and see my two friends, Mikasa and Armin, yell "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!". 

"Hey, guys, what are you doing here?" I ask them.

"Hey, Eren, I thought that we could surprise you this morning since it's your birthday today," Armin replies.

"Yeah and we got you a present," Mikasa adds then hands me a bag.

"Oh, thanks, Mikasa, Armin, but you didn't have to get me something,"

"You say that every year, Eren, and every year we get you something," Armin says.

"Just open your present already, we're gonna be late," Mikasa chimes in.

"Late for what?" I ask, getting suspicious.

"Just open it, please," Mikasa pleads.

I opened the bag and pulled out the paper and inside was a new pair of wireless headphones.

"This is a great gift, thank you guys, you're the best,".

"Glad you like it, so hurry up and eat so we can go," Mikasa says.

"What's the rush, Mikasa?" I ask her.

"She has this..." Armin says before he is cut off by Mikasa.

"Don't tell him, I want it to be a surprise,". Mikasa scolds.

"Ok, ok," Armin says while putting his hands up in surrender.

"What are you guys planning? I've told you before, I don't want a big party or anything, I'm just fine hanging out with you guys and watching a movie or some shit,".

"Well, I don't care, Eren, we know that you don't like celebrating your birthdays but we do and there's nothing you can do about it," Mikasa says.

"Jeez, Mikasa, you get more excited about my birthday than I do,".

"I just think that birthdays should be celebrated," Mikasa says.

"Well, ok," I said and continued eating my breakfast.

30 minutes later...

I had just hopped out of the shower before I heard Mikasa yell for me to hurry up.

I stepped in front of the mirror and saw that my hair had gotten long as it was a little past my shoulders.

After drying my wet hair, I brushed it out and put it up into a messy bun then I dried off my long tail. (Yes, I have a tail, I'm a half-demon and all demons have tails.)

While I was brushing my teeth, Mikasa yelled again for me to hurry up and she even threatened to come into the bathroom and drag me out by my hair.

She can be a little scary at times.

I wait a few more minutes just to mess with Mikasa then decide to get out of the bathroom and get dressed.

As I walk out of the bathroom, I see Armin and Mikasa sitting on my bed looking at their phones.

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