Surprising News

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After telling Levi about my past a few days ago, he will not leave my side.

The second he gets back from work he pulls me into a giant hug and doesn't let go, not that I mind though, I like the attention.

He says that he wants to make sure that I'm ok.

Even though I am ok, sometimes my thoughts go there and I guess Levi can tell because once that happens he cuddles me and places kisses all over my face until I feel better.

I swear, he is the best boyfriend anyone could ask for and I'm glad that he is all mine.

Right now, Levi and I are cuddling on the couch while watching a movie which I'm honestly not really paying attention to as my brain is focused on Levi rubbing my stomach and kissing my head every few minutes.

My phone buzzes and I take it out of my pocket to see who texted me.

When I see that I had gotten another email from Mr.Shadis, my heart rate picks up.

I open the email and read what it says.

Hey, Eren, I hope you're doing ok right now. I wanted to tell you that there has been a change in protocol at the company. This means that you don't have to stay here permanently, you just have to go through a six month training period to learn the ropes and get you used to running a large company. When you're done with training, you have the choice of staying at headquarters or to be based in any of our other branches around the world. Good luck and I'll see you soon.

Sincerely, Keith Shadis

I start smiling as I realize what this means. I don't have to leave my friends, I'll be gone only for six months and then I can get based at the Trost branch.

"Levi, I have some great news," I excitedly tell Levi.

"I know, I read the email too, that's great that you don't have to leave your friends,"

"I know. I have to tell Armin and Mikasa about this, they're gonna be so happy,"

I open up the messages app and go to Armin's contact.

-Hey, Armin, guess what?


-I just got an email from Mr.Shadis saying that I only have to stay in Shiganshina for six months to do a training thing.

-That's great, Eren, I'm happy for you.

-Thank you, Armin. I gotta go and tell Mikasa.

-Ok, talk to you later.

I switched over to Mikasa's contact.

-Hey, Mika, I have some great news.

-What?Did you and the midget break up?


-Then what?

-I got an email from Mr.Shadis saying that I only have to go to Shiganshina for six months to do training then after that, I can choose where I can be based.

-Really? Congrats Eren, that's great.

-Thank you, Mikasa.

-I'm happy that you're not moving away from us permanently.

-Me too, that was my main concern over moving back there was having to leave all my friends.

-Now you don't have to.


-I gotta go, Eren, talk to you later.

-Ok, bye, Mika.

Once the text read sent, I turned my phone off and leaned back next to Levi's chest.

A thought pops up in my head. I feel so stupid that I didn't even know this and we've been dating for what, a month?

"Uh, Levi, this might sound stupid but you never told me your full name," I told him.

"Oh, I didn't, now I feel stupid. My full name is Levi Rivaille Ackerman,"

"Cool name, way better than mine,"

"What are you talking about, your name is great, I love your name,"

"Maybe, except that I have a girly middle name. My full name is Eren Faye Jaeger,"

"I like Faye, I think it suits you,"

"Really? My dad said that it was his sisters name but she died when they were kids,"

A knock on the door interrupted us. I moved to get the door but Levi told me he would get it.

Once Levi opened the door, Hanji came sprinting through and tackled Levi in a hug. 

"Get off of me, four eyes," Levi said with irritation in his voice and I couldn't hold in my laugh.

Hanji got off Levi and walked over to me and gave me a gentler hug.

"Hey, Eren, how've you been?" Hanji asked me.

"I'm fine, Hanji. What brings you here?"

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something but I think I would need both of yours permission,"

"What are you up to now, four eyes?" Levi asked her with glare.

"It's nothing bad, Levi, I just wanted to ask you guys if I could be Eren's doctor,"

"What do you mean, 'be my doctor'," I asked her.

"Meaning I would be the one to do check-ups and whatnot throughout your pregnancy and I would help you when you give birth,"

"That sounds like a..." I was interrupted by Levi.

"That is a bad idea, Hanji, for all I know, you could do experiments or some shit to Eren and I won't allow that,"

"Come on, Levi, I trust Hanji, I know she wouldn't do anything to hurt me or the baby," 

"Are you sure, Eren?"

"Yes, I'm sure,"

"Ok, I'm going to trust your decision," Levi turns to Hanji, "If you so much as leave one scratch on him, I will make you suffer so bad you will wish that you had never been born,"

"Ok, whatever you say shorty," Hanji says, seemingly unfazed by what Levi said, and pats her hand on Levi's head and he swats her hand away then sits back down next to me.

"That was a little harsh don't you think, Levi?"

"Nope, she should know that she is not allowed to harm a single hair on your beautiful head," I blushed a little at his statement.

I saw Hanji tap away at her phone for a few seconds then put it back in her pocket.

"Ok, Eren, I set up an appointment for next week Monday at my office, see you then, bye," She was gone before I could say anything else.

Once the door closed, I swear I saw relief flash through Levi's face. He must really not like the idea of Hanji being my doctor. 

"Quick question, what is Hanji's job exactly?" I asked Levi.

"To be honest, I have no idea. I know she's a scientist because that's all she talks about. She has like five degrees and she's only 28 years old. She told me that she graduated from high school at 15,"

"She must be really smart then,"

"Yeah, even though she's a total pain in the ass, she is one of the smartest people I know,"

"The smartest person I know is Armin, he could've gone to any college he wanted, but he chose Trost University because that was where Mikasa and I were going,"

"Guess we both have smart friends, no wonder they got along so well, they're practically two sides of the same coin,"

I nodded and the conversation ended at that. 

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