Survey Corps

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Looking out the window of the car, I wonder where Levi is taking me. I keep asking him but he won't tell me, he says it's 'a surprise'.

I'm glad that the feeling that I'm being followed has gone away. Either it actually was all in my head or whoever was following me stopped. Mike said that he never saw anyone suspicious so now I can just forget it ever happened and move on from it.

We pull up to a large building and Levi parks the car. We get out and he leads me inside. 

He walks up to the front desk and scans a card. The scanner makes a ding sound and Levi takes my hand then leads me to an elevator and presses a button to go to wherever he's taking me.

As the elevator moves, it feels like it's moving faster than a normal elevator would which makes me wonder where in the hell we're going.

A few minutes later, the elevator dings and the door opens the reveal a large hallway bustling with a lot of people.

Then it all clicks in my head. Levi took me to where he works, he took me to the Survey Corps.

"Welcome to the Survey Corps, Eren," Levi says as he sees the amazed look on my face.

We walk through the hallway, going past people who look to be in some type of military-like uniform with the same insignia on it, a pair of wings with one blue and one white.

As we're walking along the hall, I can see Levi speed up a little as we pass a certain room. On the door, it says Laboratory, I glance through the window and see a very large room filled with science equipment. For a second I see two people in there staring at a screen with who knows what's on it.

"Hey, Levi, what's in there?" I ask him and point to the door.

"That's just the lab, you don't want to go in there, trust me,"

"Ok," Now I'm kind of curious as to what's in there.

After a few more minutes of walking and going down a few more hallways, we stop at a large door that says Training Room on it.

Levi opens the door and pulls me inside then quickly shuts the door. I look around and see a large room with a bunch of gym equipment everywhere. There's even a boxing ring in the corner with two people fighting in it and two others on the side, cheering for them. 

One of the people in the ring was a girl with strawberry blonde hair and the other was a guy with light brown hair and styled similar to Levi's.

As we got closer to the boxing ring, I got a closer look at the fight and could see that the girl was obviously winning and the other guy look pissed off that he was losing.

The guy made a move to attack the girl but she was quicker and she grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder, ending the fight and causing the other two guys to burst into a fit of laughter.

One of the guys who were standing beside the ring with black hair turned his head and saw us approaching and signaled to the other guy beside him with blonde hair.

"Hey, Captain," the blonde-haired guy said.

"Good morning, Eld," Levi said to the blonde man.

The two that were in the ring got out and stood next to the two men in front of us.

"Hey, Captain Levi, good morning," the girl greeted Levi then took a glance at me, he nodded his head in response.

"Guys, there's someone I want you to meet," he stepped towards me. "This is Eren, he is someone very special to me so I want you to treat him as you treat me, understood?"

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