New Friend

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For the next few days, all I could think about was Levi. His jet black hair, his grey eyes that seemed to look inside your soul and his lips that looked as soft as a pillow.

I kept contemplating whether I should text him or call him or do neither. In the end, I decided that I would wait another day to make up my mind.

All of a sudden, as I'm watching tv, my phone rings. Me being ignorant thinks it's just Mikasa or Armin calling so I don't even bother checking the caller I.D.

"Hello," I answer.

"Um, hi Eren,"

It's like my tongue got caught in my throat when I hear Levi's voice on the other end of the line.

"Eren are you there?"

"Oh, yeah sorry, hi Levi,"

"I was wondering if you would want to come with me and my friends to see a movie?"

I hesitated for a moment.

"Uhhh, what movie?" I asked.

"Something called Black Panther, whatever that's about,"

"Yeah, sure, I'll go, I've heard great reviews about it so I'm sure it would be good,"

"Ok, good, I'll pick you up in an hour,"

I was about to respond but then he hung up on me.

Guess, I have an hour to get ready. I thought.

I got up from the couch and took a quick shower.

After I got out, I put on a grey t-shirt that had the Trost University logo on it and some blue skinny jeans.

When I looked at the clock, it said that I still had 45 minutes till Levi came to pick me up.

There wasn't anything else for me to do so I cleaned my apartment.

I looked at the clock and I still had 25 minutes till Levi gets here so I sat on the couch and watched some tv.

After about 30 minutes, I heard a knock at the door. I got up and answered it.

Levi was standing outside the door with two other people, the blond guy and brunette girl from the arcade that was with Levi.

"Hey Eren, this is Erwin and Hanji," Levi said as he introduced me to his friends.

"HI EREN, IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU!" Hanji yelled out excitedly then held out her hand which I shook.

I gave a look to Levi which he just huffed at.

"Nice to meet you," Erwin said and gave me a nod.

"Well, it's nice to meet you guys too," I replied.

"Now that you've been introduced, let's go before we're late like always," Levi said with a slight scowl.

I turned to ask Hanji about it but she gave me a look that said 'don't ask'.

It seemed Erwin was driving so Hanji got in the passenger seat and Levi and I got in the back.

Levi, Erwin, and I just sat there as Hanji talked about god knows what.

Every once in a while, I would notice Levi staring at me and it was weirding me out.

After about 30 minutes of Hanji talking and Levi staring at me, we finally pulled into a drive-in theater.

Erwin drove up to the booth and paid for four people to see the movie. I offered to pay for myself, but Erwin insisted that he pay.

Once Erwin parked, he turned on the radio to the specified station to hear the movie.

After a few minutes of silently waiting, the movie started and everyone was silent except Hanji, she kept making small comments about the movie which Levi told her to shut up multiple times.

When the movie ended and the credits rolled, Erwin started the car. and left the drive-in.

"Hey, I'm starving, wanna get something to eat, I know a great Japanese restaurant not too far away," Hanji asked us.

"Sounds good, what about you Eren...Levi?" Erwin asked us.

"I'm down with Japanese," I replied.

"Whatever," Levi replied.

So Hanji directed Erwin to the restaurant and after about 15 minutes of driving, we finally got there.

We got out of the car and walked inside which oddly smelled a little like fish.

When we got to our table, I sat down first but unfortunately, Hanji sat down next to me so Levi and Erwin were forced to sit by each other.

The waiter came and we ordered our drinks.

I picked up the menu that was on the table and looked through it. After a few minutes, I decided on what I wanted.

"So, Eren, what do you do for a living?" Hanji suddenly asked me.

"That's kinda hard to explain," I replied.


"Well..." I said until I was interrupted by the waiter coming up and handing us our drinks took our orders.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to," Levi said.

"Oh, it's fine, I don't mind, it's not like it's a secret or anything,"

"Then tell us, Eren," Hanji insisted.

"Ok then, my parents were the CEOs of a big tech company called Titan technologies but when they died they left me a big fortune. I wasn't allowed access to it until I was eighteen," I said until I was interrupted by Hanji.

"So what happened?" She asked.

"I'm getting to it ok?... When they died, they left me their company since I was only 14 at the time, I wasn't old enough to take over the company so a close family friend took over until I graduated college and got my degree,"

"So when are you going to take over your parent's company?" Hanji asked.

"I was supposed to once I graduated university a few months ago, but Mr.Shadis said that he had a few things to take care of first before I took over so I've been waiting for him give me a call so I can go take over something I have no interest in,"

"Why aren't you interested in taking over the company your parents left you?"

"Because that's not what I'm interested in, being a businessman just isn't who I am,"

"Then what are you interested in?"

Geez, this girl asks a lot of questions. I thought.

"I actually want to be a marine biologist, I love ocean animals so I think it would be fun to study them,"

"Then why don't you follow your dream?"

"Because if I didn't do what my parents wanted for me then I feel like I would be letting them down somehow,"

"Well, I didn't know your parents but I'm sure they would've wanted you to follow what you want to do not what others want you to do,"

I was about to reply until the waiter came back with our food.

After we all got our food, we ate in silence for the rest of the time with Levi glancing at me every now and then.

When we were done eating, we paid for our food then Erwin took me home.

The car ride was very awkward as Hanji kept asking me questions about my life.

I smiled at the fact that we had finally reached my apartment complex.

"Well, today was fun, thanks for inviting me," I said to Levi.

Before Levi could respond Hanji spoke up.

"Yeah, it was great meeting you Eren, we should hang out again sometime, we never see any of Levi's other friends,"

"Hanji, will you cut it out...It was nice seeing you Eren, just give me a call if you want to hang out again," Levi said.

"Ok, uh bye you guys," I replied then waved as I walked into my apartment.

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