Training Day

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The very loud alarm I had set wakes me up and I groan. I had to get up very early this morning because today is when I start my training at Titan Tech.

Levi also has to get up with me because he insists that he has to drive me to the building and that just makes him ten times grumpier. He only becomes approachable once he has his coffee. 

Sadly, Hanji says that I'm not allowed to have coffee because it has caffeine unless it's decaf but then what's the point of drinking coffee without caffeine. That's pretty much the whole reason people drink it in the first place.

With a groan, I get up and go into the bathroom to take a shower. The hot water wakes me up more but after I get out, I still feel tired. 

I quickly dry myself off after I get out, brush out my hair, and put it up in a messy bun.

I walk back into the bedroom to get dressed, not caring about wrapping a towel around my waist and I walk around butt naked.

As I pass Levi, who is walking into the bathroom with a cup of coffee in hand, I notice him take a glance at me and I smirk then wiggle my tail to tease him.

"I saw that, Jaeger," Levi says with a warning tone in his voice and closes the bathroom door.

"Maybe I wanted you to see," I snickered.

Just then, I heard the shower turn on, but I know he heard me.

I quickly dress in a grey dress shirt and black skinny jeans with black boots to match. I'm not one to dress up for anything so this is the best that I can do and if someone doesn't like it then that's their problem.

After taking a glance in the mirror, I head downstairs to make something for breakfast.

Lately, I have been having this oddly specific craving for plain bagels with strawberry cream cheese. It's weird but not bad and I've been eating them a lot the past few days.

Once the bagels pop out of the toaster, I put a lot of the cream cheese spread on top.

Glancing at the time on my phone, my eyes almost pop out of my head as I realize that if we don't leave within the next twenty minutes I'm gonna be late on the first day.

"Levi, hurry up and get down here and eat before we're late," I yell.

"I'll be down in a few minutes,"

"Just please hurry, we're gonna be late,"

A few moments later, he comes rushing down the steps and I have to tell him to be careful.

He comes over to me and kisses my lips then slaps my ass, making me jump a little as I wasn't expecting that.

"What was that for?" I asked him.

"You know what that was for," he gave me a wink then took a bite from one of my bagels.

"Hey, that's my bagel!" I exclaimed.

"I was hungry and your bagel was the closest food source,"

"Hurry and get your own bagel if your hungry, I made two for a reason,"

"Fine, I'm sorry for taking a bite out of your bagel, Eren,"

"I forgive you. Now if you're actually going to eat something then you better make it now before we're late," he nods before going to the cupboards and takes out an energy bar.

"Got my food, let's go, brat,"

"But I'm not even done eating yet,"

"Then take it in the car, let's go,"

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