Togther At Last

434 17 2

Waking up, I noticed that my head was resting on something soft.

I looked up and saw that my head was laying on Levi's chest.

Levi was still sleeping so I tried not to wake him up as I got up to go to the bathroom.

When I got back from the bathroom, Levi was still sleeping so I carefully laid back down beside him and went back to sleep.

When I woke up again, I could feel someone playing with my hair. I looked up and saw Levi smiling at me.

"Good morning, Eren," Levi said to me then kissed the top of my head.

"Good morning, Levi,"

I couldn't help but notice that he looked happier than normal, usually, he has a blank expression on his face but right now he had a small smile on his lips.

"Are you hungry, I can make breakfast?" he asked me.

"Yeah, I'm a little hungry but you don't have to make breakfast,"

"It's fine, I want to, you just stay here and I'll go make us something,"

I nodded and he got up and went to the kitchen, but not before putting a blanket on my lap and turning on the tv.

After about 20 minutes, Levi came back to the living room with two plates in his hands and handed me one.

Levi had made french toast with berries. I took one bite and it was like I was in heaven. Never in my life had something tasted so good.

I guess there was some look on my face because Levi started laughing.

"I guess you like it huh?" Levi asked me.

"That's an understatement, Levi, this is the most amazing thing I've ever tasted,"

"Thank you, my mother was the one that taught me how to cook and this was one of the first things she taught me to make,"

"Your mom sounds like an amazing woman,"

"Yeah, she was,"

"I wish I could meet her someday,"

"Oh, uh, she passed away 10 years ago,"

"I'm sorry, Levi,"

"It's ok, you didn't know, how could you?"

"Well, I know how you feel so I'm truly sorry,"

"Thanks, Eren,"

To change the subject, I asked Levi more questions about his life while we ate.

When I was done eating, Levi quickly grabbed my plate and went into the kitchen to clean up.

I insisted that I could do it since he's the one who cooked but he said no and told me to wait on the couch.

After he was done cleaning up, he sat back down on the couch with me cuddling into him and we just watched movies all day.

I was dozing off until I heard a phone ring. Levi pulled his phone out of his pocket and answered it.

When Levi was done talking, he hung up and said that he had to go because Hanji and Erwin needed his help with something. He gave me a quick kiss before saying goodbye and stepping out the door.

A few minutes later my phone rings. I look at the caller I.D and its Mr.Shadis who's calling me so I answer it.

"Hello," I say.

"Hey, Eren, how are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking, um, why are you calling?"

"I have some news,"

"What news would that be?" I ask shakily

My heart skipped a beat somehow knowing what he was gonna say.

"Well, Eren, I have just completed everything I've needed to so now we need you to come back to headquarters and take over the company,"

And just like that, my heart dropped.

"U-um, w-why now?" I asked, getting nervous.

"Well, the board members are getting anxious for you to take over since it's technically your company and they don't really want someone running a company that isn't really theirs,"

"Ok, uhhh, when do you need me back?"

"In about two months or so, I'll email you the details later,"

"That sounds fine, see you then,"

"Ok, see you later, Eren, bye,"


I hang up the phone and start feeling like crying. That's that one thing I never wanted to do but now here I am. Headquarters is on the other side of the country meaning that I'll have to leave my friends, I'll have to leave Levi.

"FUCK!!!!" I yell out.

Tears start rolling down my eyes which doesn't seem to stop. Now I'm sitting here crying like a baby over something that's probably not as bad as it seems.

I get up and start pacing around my apartment. After a few minutes, I get tired of pacing.

Instead of pacing, I decided to get some fresh air so I grab my keys, phone, and wallet then head out to go for a walk.

Walking doesn't make me feel better so I walk more. Eventually, I run into a dead-end and turn back around.

As I'm walking back, I see a bar and decide to have a drink.

When I walk into the bar, it's fairly empty for a Thursday night. I can hear music playing and people talking.

I walk over to the counter and order a beer, then another, and another.

After about my third beer, I start ordering shots and down those too.

Eventually, I'm too drunk to even walk properly. The bartender pours out another row of shots and I gulp them down like it's nothing.

I started to notice that the bar got a little bit more crowded and noisier which didn't help my spinning head.

As I get up to find a less crowded area, I almost trip over my own feet but eventually, I find an empty table in the corner.

After a few minutes go by, I start feeling weird, I know that I'm drunk off my ass but this feels different like I feel really tired to the point where it's hard to keep my eyes open and my head feels fuzzy.

Eventually, darkness takes over and I welcome it completely.

The sound of humming wakes me up.

I try to open my eyes but they feel really heavy so I keep them closed. My head hurts like it had been put in a blender and my body feels achy.

I move my hand up to rub my throbbing head and someone grabs it.

"Eren, are you awake?" I hear a familiar voice say.

"Sort of," I try to say but it comes out slurred.

"What happened, Eren?" the voice I recognized as Levi's said.

I think about it for a second but come up with a blank.

"I don't know, I can't remember," I reply.

"Ok, just...go back to sleep,"

I hum a reply and try to go back to sleep. Levi starts caressing my head then unconsciousness overtakes me.

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