Happy Things

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I wake up to someone caressing my cheek. I open my eyes and see silver ones, which I recognize as Levi's, looking back.

"Hey, Eren, Good morning," Levi said to me.

"Good morning, Levi,"

I moved to adjust my position but felt a dull ache in my hips and lower back.

"How are you feeling?"

"A little sore but I'm fine,"

"Do you want some Advil or something?" 

"Sure, but I can take that later,"

"No, you should take it now so you're not in pain later,"

Levi got up before I could protest and came back a few moments later with a glass of water and some pills. I threw the pills in my mouth then took a sip of the water.

"Thanks, Levi,"

He nodded his head in response then took the water and set it on the nightstand. Then he layed back down in bed with me, pulling me closer to him.

"Need anything else?" he asked me.

"Not right now,"

I rested my head on his chest with my arm draped over Levi's stomach and legs intertwined with his then fell back asleep.

When I woke up again, Levi was humming the same tune he always does.

'I'll ask him about it later' I thought.

I tried to stretch my arms and legs but stopped as the aches came back but not as bad as before.

Levi noticed this and had a concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong, Eren?" the raven asked me.

"Nothing, just still a little sore,"

"I'll run you a warm bath, sound good"

"Yeah, that sounds great, thanks,"

"Ok, just wait here a second and I'll be right back,"

A few minutes later, Levi came back. He lifted the covered off of me and gently picked me up and carried me to the bathroom.

Once we got into the bathroom, Levi set me down carefully into the warm water which felt good on my aching muscles.

Levi got in behind me with me between his legs and wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned my head back to rest on Levi's chest.

I closed my eyes as I could smell the scents used for the bath. It smelled of eucalyptus and mint with a hint of lavender. I breathed in deeply and I started to relax with each breath.

"Is this better?" the raven asked me.

"Yes, much," I breathed out as I relaxed more.

As I zoned out, I could feel Levi rubbing circles on my stomach which felt comforting.

After a few minutes of just sitting in the warm water, Levi grabbed a bottle of shampoo, squirted some of its contents into his hands, and began washing my hair.

I closed my eyes and let out a small moan as Levi's nails lightly scratched and massaged my scalp. Levi let out a small chuckle as he noticed my reaction to what his hands were doing.

When Levi was done washing my hair, he used his hands to pour the water over my head to wash out the shampoo and once that was done, he grabbed the bottle of conditioner and did the same thing except he started raking his hands through my hair as it was a little knotted from our activities from last night.

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