Accepting My Feelings

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The past few days have been really boring. I haven't seen any of my friends for almost a week.

I got so bored, I went for a walk, ran into an old friend, Hannes, who I haven't seen since freshman year in college. He was a teacher's aide who I befriended.

I kinda wanted to go back to the arcade but I didn't know where it was and I didn't have a car, also everyone seemed to be really busy.

My phone buzzed so I picked it up and saw I got a text from Thomas.

-'Hey dude, just wanted to let you know that Mina's water broke and we're on our way to the hospital, wish us luck'

-'Ok, good luck, I know you and Mina are going to be great parents' I replied.

-'Thanks, man, appreciate it'

I started smiling knowing that today is a good day.

The only other thing for me to do today was watch tv so I turned it on and saw that there was a football game on, the Scouts vs the Titans. Football wasn't the worst thing to be on so I watched the game.

After a while, I got tired of watching the game so I tried to think of something else to do. I decided to go up to the roof and watch the sunset.

As I walked to the edge of the roof, I remembered when I went up here with Levi and he took me flying. The thought made me smile at the memory.

I sat down and thought of the other fun times I've had with Levi. When we first met to when Levi, Hanji, and I played some pranks on people she didn't like by ding-dong-ditching them, and the time when I got food poisoning and he took care of me.

I thought it was weird at first but then I actually came to enjoy his company, but not just his company, I enjoyed everything about him from his silvery-grey eyes to his smile that rarely ever graces anyone's sight and his jet black hair that I think is so majestic...and also...his lips that look as soft as a pillow.

Then a realization came to me. Armin was right.

I do like Levi.

But what does that mean for me, am I gay or bi or what. All I knew was that I do have feelings for Levi.

And I think he might like me back. I'm not sure, but the way he looks at me and acts around me makes me wonder, but the Order would never approve of a demon/angel relationship even though their sole purpose is to make sure demons and angels get along.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone started ringing. I looked at the screen and saw it was a random number, I answered it thought, curious as to who would be calling me.

"Hello?" I said.

No one answered so I waited a few more seconds before hanging up and turning off my phone.

"Huh, probably just a wrong number call," I said to myself.

I looked out to the horizon and saw that the sun was setting. The orange and pink of the sky looked beautiful from up here. I sort of wished I could be watching this with Levi.

After about 20 minutes of watching the sky, I started to feel tired so I got up and headed back to my apartment.

When I opened my door I nearly jumped out of my skin. Levi was standing in my living room looking just as surprised as me.

"Wh-what are you doing here, Levi, you scared the shit out of me?" I asked him while putting my hand on my chest trying to get my breathing back to normal.

"Well, I knocked but no one answered and when I texted you, I got no response. I got a little worried and your door was unlocked so I let myself in to see if you were alright,"

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