Final Chapter: The Wings of Freedom

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(Long Chapter)

Part 1

Four Months Later...

Finally. Today is my last day of training for Titan Tech. 

I couldn't wait for this day to come. 

About a month ago, I started working from home and using a computer that the company provided for me so I could use video calls as it was getting harder for me to walk. 

I told Mr.Shadis about my situation and he was ok with me working from home. He said that my health is more important than being at the building so we compromised.

Also, today I start my maternity leave so now I have four months off. Levi is also starting his paternity leave today. 

We also had to tell Pixis and Zackly, Levi's bosses, about me being pregnant as Levi just couldn't take four months off for no reason other than if he was injured in the line of duty. 

Pixis is technically still his boss even though we're in Shiganshina and the director of the Survey Corps branch here is Zackly. 

Levi is just here for the six months of my training then we plan to move back to Trost when the baby is around a month old.

Now, I'm just laying on the couch watching tv as Hanji told me to stay on bed rest as I've been having a lot of contractions that she called Braxton Hicks. They're kind of like practice contractions preparing my body to go into labor.

I freaked out the first time I had one two weeks ago. I thought it was real and Levi looked like he was going to pass out. It took ten minutes for Hanji to convince Levi that I wasn't in actual labor yet.

What worried me about it more was that I was only thirty-three weeks at the time so it would've been too early for me to go into labor.

My morning sickness has gone away but I still get nauseous if I smell certain foods. My back and hips have ached a lot since my stomach got pretty big and my ankles have been swollen, giving me a very uncomfortable feeling. 

I've also been having trouble sleeping because I either can't get comfortable, the baby is kicking my bladder so much I have to pee every ten minutes, or the baby is moving too much.

In addition to trouble sleeping, I've been getting hot flashes. Fun right? Not. What makes the hot flashes worse is that I get shortness of breath. I can barely make it up the stairs without stopping every few steps and even then, Levi insists that he help me go up and down the steps, he says he doesn't want me to fall. 

So for the past few weeks, I've just been tired, sore, emotional, and moody and my clothes don't fit anymore so now I just wear a shirt and boxers, or sometimes if it's hot, only a shirt.

I snapped at Levi the other day because he was breathing too loud. I don't know why it bothered me so much, I could barely hear it but I just couldn't stop myself. I then cried afterward and apologized to Levi, I kept apologizing even though he said that it was fine.

"Uhhhg," I groan as I have to get up for the millionth time today to pee. Standing up is harder as I've gained some weight in the past few months. Levi says that he thinks I'm beautiful but I think I just look like a bloated whale.

Thank god that there's a bathroom on the main floor so I don't have to keep going up and down the stairs.

I waddle to the bathroom and do my business.

Once I'm done in the bathroom, I go back to sit on the couch. While I'm slowly waddling to the couch, I have another Braxton Hicks contraction and I have to put my hands on my knees so my legs don't give out on me. 

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