Hearing the Heartbeat

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I was all jittery today as I had another check-up with Hanji.

It was currently only eleven in the morning and the appointment is in two hours. I couldn't wait to see my baby again on the ultrasound screen.

Right now, I couldn't sit still. Levi is in the shower and I'm out in the living room, pacing back and forth. I might have a little ADHD or something.

"Why are you pacing, brat?" I jumped as Levi showed up behind me. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist and I stared at him a second too long, making him smirk and stalk slowly towards me.

"I just can't wait for the appointment today," I had to keep myself from stuttering as Levi was just a breath away from me, my hormones almost getting the better of me. Levi noticed what the sight of him almost naked was doing to me.

He reached up to whisper in my ear. "I know what you want, I want the same thing, but not now, we can do...something later," I shuddered a little and he kissed me deeply before walking away, swiftly pulling off his towel revealing his plump ass which I shamelessly stared at as he made his way upstairs.

I just stared off into space, totally in shock at Levi's erotic display of affection. Never did I expect him to do something like that. 

By the time I had snapped out of my reverie, Levi was already dressed and walking back down the stairs. 

He went into the kitchen to make something to eat. He asked me if I wanted anything but I wasn't really feeling all too well at the moment so I kindly refused, having known what happened when I ate something while I wasn't feeling good, let's just say nothing pleasant comes out of that.

After Levi had gotten done eating his small breakfast of eggs and toast, we headed out to do a few errands before our appointment with the mad scientist.

When we had done our errands which only consisted of Levi driving around town for an hour with the music blasting and both of us singing along, we headed to Hanji's place where she had brought all the equipment with her.

We pulled up to a very large house, which was surprising as Hanji didn't seem like the type of person to live in a big house.

Levi parked the car in the very large driveway. We got out and walked to the front door.

Once we had stepped foot near the door, it swung open to reveal Hanji. She seemed more energetic than usual and it was kind of freaking me out.

"Hey, Levi, hey, Eren, glad you could make it," she greeted us with that shrill voice of hers.

"Yeah, hey, four eyes, you gonna let us in or what?"

"Oh, Levi, always the grumpy one. Come on in, I don't bite," she moved away from the door, so we could walk in.

"I'm not so sure that's completely true," All I heard was a chuckle from Hanji as she led us to a large room.

The room looked like a doctor's office but smaller. There was a small bed with which I would assume the ultrasound machine right next to it.

Hanji motioned for me to lay down on the bed and told me to lift up my shirt, Levi taking one of the chairs next to the bed.

Once I got situated, she sat down on the chair next to the bed then turned on the machine and pressed a few buttons.

She asked me the same questions as last time and took notes on a clipboard. 

When she finished asking me her questions and writing her notes, she put her clipboard on the small table next to her. 

"Let's get started then," she said cheerily. 

'Why is she so cheery today?' I thought to myself.

She grabbed the bottle of the gel she used last time and squirted some on my stomach. 

I flinched at the unsurprisingly cold gel making contact with the sensitive skin on my stomach.

"Why are you all smiles today, four eyes? Are you planning something?" Levi asked Hanji with a small glare.

"No, actually, since Eren is far along enough, I can check something I've wanted to look at for a while,"

"What's that?"

"You'll see, trust me, you'll like it,"

Levi just scoffed as Hanji started moving the wand around my stomach, looking for our child.

"Well, everything is looking great,"

She tapped a few more buttons on the machine and a thumping sound erupted throughout the room.

Levi's head shot up as if he knew exactly what the sound was. 

"Is that what I think it is?" he asked with happiness in his voice and a slight smile on his lips.

The pieces clicked together in my brain and my eyes began to tear up. 

I was hearing my baby's heartbeat for the first time and it was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.

"This is your baby's heartbeat and it is very fast which is normal at ten weeks," Hanji announced happily.

By this point, I was crying tears of joy and Levi took a hold of my hand into his and kissed my knuckles. I could tell he was also trying to keep himself from tearing up as his eyes looked a little glassy.

Hanji moved the wand to a few more places before pressing a few buttons and the machine printed out a few pictures for us.

I grabbed the pictures from Hanji's hand and stared at them. Looking at it makes me cry even more.

Hanji handed me a paper towel to wipe to gel off my stomach. Once I had wiped off the gel, she handed me a bottle of some multicolored gummies.

"Eren, I want you to take one of these every day until the end of your pregnancy and when you run out, just message me and I'll get you some more,"

"Ok, but what are they exactly?"

"They're just vitamins to make sure you and your baby are getting all the nutrients you need," I nodded and stood up from the bed.

"Thank you, Hanji, for doing all this,"

"It's no problem, I've always wondered if it was possible for men to get pregnant, so I'm happy to be able to observe one of the first male pregnancies,"

"Yeah, and that's all you'll be doing, four eyes," Levi scoffed.

She just giggled and led us to the door. 

"That's it for today, I'll see you again in four weeks, Eren, see you later,"

"Bye Hanji, thank you," I waved as I walked out the door with Levi pulling me along to the car, eager to get away from Hanji.

Once we were both in the car, Levi quickly started it up and sped away from the large house.

On the ride back home, I just stared at the ultrasound pictures with a smile on my face.

I was so excited to meet my child and couldn't wait for them to be born.

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