Being Followed?

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The past few days, I've been getting this feeling that I'm being watched. 

I'll be at work and I'd leave for lunch to go to a cafe or restaurant to get some food and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up like someone is following me. 

I can't mention this to Levi or else he would freak out. He would not leave my side and be a very overprotective boyfriend.

This has never happened before so I have no idea why someone would follow me. I don't have any 'enemies' or anything, but Levi said that because of his job that he might have enemies.

Now I'm torn between telling Levi and getting him worried for nothing or not telling him and maybe something bad happens.

So right now, I'm meeting up with Hanji somewhere to talk with her about it.

I enter the cafe where we're supposed to meet and I look around for her. I spot her in the corner waving at me and I make my way towards her.

Once I sit down, she begins with her barrage of questions of 'why did you want to meet' and 'why don't I talk to Levi'.

"Hanji, I'll tell you why I wanted to meet with you if you stop with all the questions," I tell her.

"Ok, tell me then. Why did you want to meet me here?" I take a deep breath and lean in closer to her.

"Don't freak out, but I think I'm being followed,"

"How do you know?"

"It's like I can feel it, there's an itch at the back of my neck like someone is watching me,"

"Ok, so Levi told you about his job right?"

"Yeah, I thought that this might have something to do with that but I don't want to tell Levi or he would freak out,"

"That's probably a good idea, he would lock you away and throw away the key if it meant that you were safe,"

"Then what do I do? I can't tell Levi and I don't even know for sure that someone is following me, this could all just be in my head," Hanji's eyes drift off like she's thinking about something.

"Ok, so I have an idea, I'll get Mike or Moblit to follow you for a few days to make sure that this is just all in your head,"

"What if they spot someone actually following me?"

"Then that is when we will tell Levi, he will know what to do, but for now he cannot know, just act like nothing's wrong,"

"That's going to be hard, he can tell how I'm feeling even when I try and hid it from him,"

"Well, you're going to have to try harder,"

"I try but there are no guarantees " I look at the time on my phone. "I've got to go, I'll see you later, Hanji,"

"See you later, Eren," 

I get up from my seat and head back home.

3 days later...

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I look up to see Levi with a concerned look on his face.

"Eren, are you ok, you've been spacing out a lot recently?" Levi asks me, worry evident in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about it,"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," I stand up from where I was sitting on the couch. "I've got to go, love you,".

"Love you too," he kisses me quickly before I head out.

As I'm walking out of the building, I get that feeling again like someone is watching me. I walk faster and I let out a sigh as I see Mike watching me from across the street. I give him a slight head nod and continue walking to Titan tech.

Once I enter the building, I quickly bolt to the elevator. My heart goes back to its normal pace and I continue with my day.

Lunch comes along and I just go to the small cafeteria that's in the building and sit down at an empty table. Mike sits down next to me a few moments later.

"Did you see anything?" I ask him quietly.

"No, not yet, either there's no one there or they're really good at disguising themselves," I nod my head and look around to see if anyone is watching us.

"Hey, Mike, thanks for doing this,"

"It's no problem, if my friend needs help then I'll help them, I never turn away someone in need,"

"I know we don't know each other very well so I appreciate you looking out for me," he nods his head and stands up from his seat.

"I should get going, we shouldn't be seen with each other for very long in case there is someone actually following you,"

"Ok, I'll see you later," he heads off to who knows where.

When it's time for me to go home, I just call Levi to come to pick me up, and if he asks why I'll tell him that I'm too tired to walk home, but in reality, I'm just too scared to walk home alone in the dark even though I know Mike is watching me, he can't keep an eye on me every single second. A few seconds could be all it takes for something bad to happen.

The car ride home is silent. Levi doesn't question why I wanted him to pick me up and I'm glad he doesn't ask any questions because I don't know what I would say.

Once I walk through the door, I head upstairs and into the bathroom to take a shower. 

When I step under the water, all I can think about is why someone would want to follow me other than people wanting to get to Levi.

I haven't done anything to anyone for someone to hate me. I don't think it's The Order, even though they don't like it when angels and demons have a relationship, it's not breaking their rules if a demon and angel get together. I don't know if there is a rule against demons and angels having children together and if there is then Levi and I will deal with it then.

If the reason someone is following me is that I'm pregnant with an angel's child then I don't know how they could've found out. Levi and I decided that we would keep it a secret until I couldn't hide it anymore. The only people who know are Mikasa, Armin, and Hanji and I know they wouldn't tell anyone.

All this thinking is making my head hurt so for now I'm not going to worry about it. Right now, all I want to do is cuddle up with my boyfriend and fall asleep in his arms.

Walking out of the shower, I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist and look in the mirror. I haven't noticed before but now I do. My hair has gotten very long, it's pretty much past my shoulders and my stomach isn't very flat anymore. I wouldn't call it a bump but there is definitely something there.

I quickly dry myself off and brush out my long hair then put it up in a messy bun. I walk into the bedroom and get dressed in a loose shirt and boxers.

After I'm dressed I get into bed and a few minutes later, I feel Levi crawl into bed behind me and wrap his arm around my waist with his hand resting on my stomach.

I love ending the day like this, snuggled up with the man I Iove knowing that when I'm with him, nothing bad will happen to me.

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