Baby Bump

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The slight breeze coming through the window wakes me up and I open my eyes to see Levi still sleeping beside me. 

Sunlight is peering through the window hitting Levi's skin at just the right angle to make him look like he's glowing.

I watch him sleep for a few minutes as he's usually the one to wake up before me.

I slowly try to get up so I could make us breakfast so he doesn't have to like he usually does, but I'm so entangled in his arms that if I try to move them he would surely wake up.

So it takes about five minutes for me to slowly disentangle myself from his hold and quietly make my way downstairs to the kitchen.

I'm happy that I don't have morning sickness right now, I haven't been getting it all that often lately but today I'm feeling especially good for some reason.

I've watched Levi cook enough to know how to make something simple like toast and eggs. I mean, I'm not that bad of a cook to mess up toast and eggs, right?

Wrong. It took me two tries to make the eggs without burning them and I burnt the toast the first time because I was too focused on the eggs to make sure the toast didn't burn, so I cooked one at a time, and to make the food look better I added fruit slices on the side.

Surprisingly, all the sounds I was making in the kitchen didn't wake Levi up or I would've felt bad.

When I finished making the food, I went back upstairs to the bedroom and Levi was still asleep. I don't know how he could've slept through all that.

I set the plates gently on the bed and sit next to Levi's sleeping form. I lean down and kiss him as this is how he likes to wake me up.

For a moment, he doesn't move but then he slowly wakes up and kisses me back, reaching his hand up behind my head to deepen the kiss.

When we pull away he has a smile on his face from the unexpected wake-up call.

"Well, good morning, amour, what was that for?" he asks me, sleep still in his voice making it a little deeper.

"I wanted to wake you up for breakfast and I knew that you'd like it if you woke up to me kissing you," he smiles even more.

"You're not wrong, I'd love to wake up to that every morning,"

"I'm sure you would, but now it's time to eat. I made us breakfast,"

"Oh, you did?" he sits up and looks at the plates on the bed. I hand him his plate and takes a bite from the eggs.

"It's not the best thing I've ever made but at least it's something,"

"Be honest, how many tries did it take you?"

"Ummm...about three," 

"Oh, Eren, you didn't have to make breakfast for me, I appreciate the gesture but I know you aren't the best in the kitchen,"

"I know but I wanted to feel like I was actually helping with something, you're always doing stuff for me and I wanted to do something for you,"

He sets his plate on the nightstand next to the bed. He then reaches forward and pulls me closer to him to where I'm leaning against his chest then wraps his arms around my waist with his hands going under my shirt to caress my stomach.

"Eren, amour, you're doing something for me all the time, just you breathing and living and being by my side is enough for me and now you're carrying our child, that's going beyond what I ever expected from you,"

"I never thought about it that way,"

"Now you know so don't ever think that you don't do anything for me because you do,"

"Ok," I nod my head. 

I put my hand where Levi's is on my stomach and smile. I love it when he does that, it shows that he's really happy to become a father.

He abruptly stops moving his hand rests it on my lower belly then starts to feel around a certain spot.

"Eren, do you feel that?" Levi asks me.

"Feel what?"

"Here, put your hand where mine is," I do as he says and I feel around for a bit and that's when I feel it, a small bump. 

I quickly get up out of the bed and walk over to the bathroom to look in the mirror. I pull my shirt up a little and turn to the side to get a better view of my stomach.

There it is, a little bump starting just below my belly button. It's small but you can definitely see it.

Levi comes up behind me and rests his hands on my bump. 

"You're showing, amour, your little bump is adorable and I love it,"

Happy tears start rolling down my face and I turn to face Levi before pulling him into a deep and passionate kiss.

There are no words to describe how happy I feel right now. There's a little baby growing inside me and I'm happy that I'm able to bring a new life into this world in about six months.

Whether this baby is a boy or a girl I'll love them no matter what and I'll protect them from anything that tries to harm them. 

I'm happy that I can share this moment with the man I love and that I'm having a baby with the man I love. 

"I love you, Eren, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," Levi says as we finally pull away.

"I love you too, Levi. This moment could not get any better,"

To ruin the moment, my stomach begins to grumble and Levi chuckles a little.

"Looks like someone's hungry,"

"Yeah, let's go eat then cuddle all day," 

"Sounds like a plan,"

We walk back into the bedroom and finish eating the food I had made. 

Once we were done eating, we went downstairs and Levi made more food as the food I had made wasn't enough for me and I was still hungry.

I watched Levi while he cooked as I always do. This time paying attention to what he does so next time I try to cook for us, it doesn't end in disaster.

After a while of watching him, he finishes making the food and walks over to where I'm sitting on the couch then hands me a large plate of pancakes.

I slowly eat so I can savor every bite and also so I don't choke.

Once I'm done eating, I set the plate on the coffee table and cuddle closer to Levi.

I love being close to Levi, he's so warm and soft and I wish I could stay in his arms forever.

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