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The past two days, I've been feeling very sick. Mikasa and Armin keep insisting that I go to the doctor, but I can't.

I've only been sick a few other times in my life and every time I do, it makes my demon side would show; my fangs would extend, my eyes would glow blue, and my tail would get longer.

If I went to the doctor, it would reveal the magical world to humans. Even though there are a few magical creatures that work in the medical field, I won't take that chance.

Levi texted me the other day asking if I wanted to hang out, but I told him that I was sick.

Today I felt the worst I've ever felt in my life, I would throw up a lot, my head hurt like hell, and my stomach hurt like I had just been kicked by a horse.

I was just laying on the couch wishing that this sickness would just go away until I heard a knock at the door, I didn't care who it was so I just yelled for them to come in.

The person who walked through the door was not who I was expecting.

Levi walked in with Erwin and Hanji behind him.

I started to freak out because then he would know that I'm a demon. I hurriedly pulled my blanket over my head to hide my face and wrapped my tail around my leg.

"Hey Levi, what are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We heard you were sick so we came to see if you were ok," Hanji replied.

"Well, I'm not ok, but thanks for wanting to check up on me,"

"Did you go to the doctor and find out what's wrong?"

"No, and I'm not gonna go to the doctor,"

"Why not? You should go and see if it's not something more serious,"

"Its personal, ok, don't ask,"

"Ok, well then we're gonna stay here and take care of you,"

"We are?" Levi asked.

"Yes, we are," Hanji replied with a stern look.

"You guys don't have to do that," I said, still under my blanket.

"Yes, we do, you're our friend and we take care of our friends," Hanji said as she glared at Levi.

"I can't stay, I have to get to work, so see you Eren, hope you feel better," Erwin said.

"Ok, see you too, Erwin," I replied then he left.

"So, Eren, do you want anything to eat or drink?" Hanji asked me.

"No, anything I eat I'll just puke up later,"

"You still need to eat something, Eren, if you want to get better," Levi chimed in.

"It's settled then, I'll make you some soup," Hanji said a little too excitedly.

Before I could protest, she went into my kitchen to make me soup, God knows how that's gonna turn out.

"So, Eren, how are you feeling?" Levi asked me.

"Like crap," I replied then buried my face even more into my blanket.

Levi moved closer to me and put his hand on my forehead. 

I silently thanked God that my demon side wasn't showing right now. It usually comes in short bursts.

"Hmmm, you have a high fever, do you have any Advil?" Levi said.

"Ummm, yeah, in the bathroom, behind the mirror,"

Then Levi got up and headed to the bathroom.

Levi came back but I hadn't realized I had dozed off until he shook my shoulder which startled me a little.

He handed me two pills and a glass of water which I took.

I heard a crash in the kitchen and Levi looked to where Hanji was.

"Sorry about that," she said.

Then I heard Levi mumble something then sat down by my feet and turned on the tv.

It's not that I minded Hanji and Levi being here, it's just I wasn't expecting anyone to take care of me.

I know I have Armin and Mikasa, but they have work and other things to do besides worrying about me.

I dozed off again until I heard Hanji yell out that the soup was ready.

She handed me the bowl and surprisingly enough it didn't look too bad. She had just made chicken noodle soup with something else in it but I couldn't tell what it was.

When I tried the soup it tasted amazing but that was probably just because I was hungry.

"This is pretty good Hanji," I said.

"Thank you Eren, at least someone likes my cooking," she replied and gave a look to Levi.

"I'm just gonna say sorry in advance when I throw all this up later,"

"Oh, it's fine, there no need to say sorry, I'm just glad you like it,"

"Ok," I said then continued eating.

"So Eren, how do you think you got sick, you were fine when we saw you two days ago?" Hanji asked me.

"I think I got food poisoning when we went to that Japanese restaurant,"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I've been there multiple times and I've never gotten sick from it,"

"Maybe I was just allergic to something I ate,"

"Yeah maybe,"

We didn't say anything else after that so I just ate the soup then put the bowl on the coffee table after I was done.

I looked at the tv to see what Levi was watching and it was some cooking show.

After a few minutes of watching tv, I fell asleep.

I woke up and felt that I was laying in my bed. did I get in my bed? I thought.

I looked out my window and saw that it was dark outside.

I also noticed that while I still felt like shit, it wasn't as bad as earlier.

I got up with my blanket wrapped around me and walked to the kitchen to get some Sprite since I still felt nauseous.

When I got to the kitchen, I opened the fridge and got a bottle of Sprite, but when I closed the door I saw something move out of the corner of my eye.

I was still half asleep so I thought I was just seeing things. I looked to my right and saw Levi and Hanji asleep on my couch.

It was surprising to see that they were still here.

I walked back to my room but as I stepped through the door, I felt like I was going to puke so I ran into the bathroom.

I was just in time to the toilet before the contents of my stomach came up and out of my mouth.

After emptying my guts out, I sat next to the toilet to try and get the nausea to go away. I felt that I was going to puke again so I leaned up against the toilet.

I threw up again but then I felt someone holding my hair back as I felt my stomach clench again.

After I was done puking for the second time, I sat back and saw that it was Levi who was holding my hair.

"You ok," the raven asked.

"Yeah, I think I'm done now,"

"Well, you should get back to bed and get some rest, you're still pretty sick,"

I nodded then stood up with Levi's help.

I walked back into my room with Levi right behind me. I crawled into bed and pulled my blanket up to my neck.

Then I closed my eyes to try and sleep more. I was out instantly but the last thing I heard before unconsciousness overtook me was Levi saying "Good night, brat,".

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