Chapter fourty four - Work over life

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I woke for Monday morning, I shouldn't have agreed to Ezra's date option. We haven't been out all weekend but I feel like I've ran atleast three marathons with how sore I feel.

"Morning." Ezra mumbled as he wrapped his arm around me, I moved it off me as I say up, "you need to get ready." I picked him on the forehead, he looked at his alarm clock.

"We have two hours before work, that's a lot of time ..." he suggested, I shook my head and crossed my arms, "I don't know if I can walk properly anymore." I replied, vexed.

He smirked "you don't need to, I can push you around in a wheelchair." He creeped closer to me before I pulled the blanket over his head to get up. "Seriously how do you have all this stamina!" I softly exclaimed as I sat down at my vanity, sore all over.

Ezra walked over to me and wrapped his arms over me, "sorry, I've been pent up these past two weeks." I sighed as I began to get ready.

"Is Lyn's project starting this week?" I asked as we got into his car, Ezra nodded "luckily Olivias project and Lyn's hasn't crossed, you'll be working on this for a bit longer. Lyn has three months to complete the artwork but you'll only need to work for her for about a month or two." I turned over to look at Ezra.

"Am I just helping her create drafts like with Olivia?" Ezra nodded "creating drafts is the best way to initially learn, and also Lyn likes to work on the final section by herself. I didn't like it at first, but it's impossible for people to work with her at that time so I just let her do the last part by herself now."

I nodded, I would've like to work for the entirety of this project, but if Lyn doesn't accept that then I guess I can't do anything.

We reached work finally and I headed to Lyn's teams office, "Addison, Ezra said that you'd be working for me again. Was working for Olivia fine? Everyone's been talking about how hard you were working." Lyn greeted me.

"It was fine, I really enjoyed working for her and I look forward to working for you again." I greeted her back before she started the meeting.

Unlike Olivias very formal setting, Lyn was more relaxed, with a meeting on a couple bean bags looking at a presentation. The plan was to meet with the writer and visit a couple schools to see the trends with kids at the moment.

My task was to read best selling children books and pick out key themes in the artwork. "Are you done yet?" I turned over to see Ezra at my desk, I looked over to a clock and it was already eight.

"Oh sorry I was caught up with work, I must've analysed a hundred books today." I gathered my coat and bag before heading out with Ezra. "I can't fault you for being a dedicated employee but if you don't take a break you'll get burnout."

I nodded "yeah between the two weeks I worked for Olivia, this weekend and now Lyn's proposal I haven't had a break in a while." I glared at Ezra as we walked into the car park. He avoided my eye contact and smirked.

"Okay I won't do anything tonight." He laughed as we began to go home, I must've drifted off in the car as when I woke up it was still night and Ezra was sleeping beside me.

I stroked his face, he looked like a child sleeping so sound. Even though Ezra was joking that he said I should work with Lyn to get used to being around kids, that was actually my reason.

Maybe if I'm around kids more I'll begin to want to have some with Ezra in the future, it would be cute to have a mini version of him crawling around. And I don't have to give up my career to care for a child, besides Ezra has helped me so much this year, loving for me like no one ever has before, caring for me and not holding anything back from me.

Our alarm went off when I woke up for the second time today, I was meeting the writer with Lyn today at her home. She lived in downtown LA so Ezra was driving me there.

"Hello Ms Whitehall." Lyn shook her hand as we walked into the writers house, "do you guys want some tea or coffee, I'm sorry about my kids it's very hectic to have a baby and toddler at home." She replied before dashing off to the kitchen after hearing our orders.

A child zoomed over to where we were waiting in the living room, "hi" the child beamed a smile at us before dashing off somewhere else.

"I'm really sorry about this, my husband normally watches the kids but he had an emergency dental appointment, otherwise we would have gone to a cafe." The writer sat down opposite us.

"It's fine! Your daughter can help us with what type of books she likes if she's here." The writer thanked Lyn for her kind words and we began talking before her baby began crying, Mrs Whitehall brought out the baby and began to try to calm her son down as we continued to talk.

"Do you want to hold him?" The writer asked me as she saw me staring at her son, "I've never held a baby before." I told her as she showed me, her son fell asleep as soon as she handed me him.

She looked in awe, "wow, you have a rare talent, I've never seen Theo fall asleep straight away in someone's arms. Are you a mom too?" She asked me looking at my wedding ring. "Oh no," I shook my head "but we want to start trying in the next years." I surprisingly told her, I didn't realise myself that I would say that.

The talk ended and Lyn was in the writers study trying to get some peace and quiet to jot down some ideas, Mrs Whitehall came and sat over by me, her son was still asleep in my arms.
"I'm sorry about asking you to keep holding him, he hasn't slept well in the past days and it's great to see him sleep peacefully, but I can take him back if you want, you look a bit awkward."

I shook my head gesturing that it's fine "it's nice being around kids, no one I know has kids so it's nice to have this experience." She laughed quietly "are you not a kid person?" She asked me, I looked down at the baby. "I don't really know, my siblings and I were all around the same age so I've never seen young kids since I was one."

Mrs Whitehall smiled at me, "I wasn't a kid person either, I was an only child and in my twenties I was completely focused on my career, it's weird to look back and see where I've got to." I looked over to her, "what made you change your mind then? About having kids?"

She paused in thought for a second, "my husband? He said not having kids was a dealbreaker and I was about to end our relationship as I didn't like other people's kids, but I loved him too much to leave him so I agreed. It's a whole different feeling though when it's your own child, I mean you created that life how could you not love it?"

I looked back to her child, we've been in similar situations with similar views, so maybe I'll feel the same with my own child?

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