Chapter twelve - Freddy Vale

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I told Lyn the great news the next day and she was ecstatic to say the least, I think when she hugged me so hug I could barely breathe was overkill.

Mr Reed had scheduled a meeting with Freddy Vale's manager to write up a contract, they were very excited that someone wanted to work for Freddy and scheduled the meeting for around lunch.

I had been getting more and more excited to see who this person is, as Lyn keeps hyping him up and telling me not to look him up as it will spoil my first impression. Kelton says he's very hot but rude, and mr Reed says that he wishes that he's a good business partner, but his music is a bit showy for his taste.

And even though no one asked, Dave said he doesn't like him, of course.

"Addison!" Mr Reed called me in to the meeting, "yes?" I replied, "do you mind getting coffee for everyone." I nodded and left the office after taking everyone's orders. Lyn and I were both disappointed as only Freddy's representatives were here so far.

Apparently Freddy is usually late to things - which has already put mr Reed into a bad mood.

I sighed knowing that I probably won't meet him today.

My phone began to buzz as I walked out onto the street, "what's up Kelton? Aren't you in the meeting right now?" I asked, "not right now, they're discussing the details of the contract and I'm not allowed to be in there right now. Ezra told me to tell you to scrap the coffee order as one of the other interns bought some, he said you can take a long lunch break if you want."

I rolled my eyes "ok thanks Kelton! I'll get going now." I hung up and looked around to find any good cafes, my eyes met a quaint looking area and I fixated my journey to that point.

All of a sudden a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me around to face them.

My eyes began the descent up their body to see who they were, but when our eyes met we both stood there in shock.

"Addy?" The mans voice wobbled as he asked my name.

There in front of me stood the man I hated most, the man that I dated for several months before he cheated on me with my best friend indirectly causing me to lose all of my memories.

James Wood ...

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