I couldn't keep my eyes off Ezra, he was keeping all of his emotions at bay whilst reuniting with his mom after almost fifteen years.I didn't know what to do or say, was it even my place?
Ms Walters eyes were streaming with tears, but she was silent. I tugged in Ezra's blazer, before I could say anything Ezra took a deep breath in "let's go Addy." He coldly said as he grabbed my arm and forced me into the car.
He set off with Ms Walters still staying put in her spot, I kept looking at Ezra. He was trying so hard not to cry and was bordering on the speed limit. He was in no condition to drive right now, it was the first time that I was actually scared of what might happen to him.
"Ezra." I mumbled as we got home, he didn't respond and kept walking into his study. "Ezra." I ran over to him and grabbed his wrist, he stopped and took another deep breath in.
"What Addison." He bluntly asked not turning around to face me, "I'm sorry, I didn't know." I spoke in an apologetic tone.
"I want to be alone right now." He responded before removing his arm off of my hand and slammed his study door shut.
I sat down, leaning on his closed door until he wanted to talk to me. I already know that he was probably crying as the shower in the bathroom attached was on, I could wait as long as it took for him to come out.
This was the first time that I had ever waited for someone, was this how he felt those two months after I came back from the hospital and we barely talked. Was he too just waiting outside of my room until I would talk to him? I'm sorry that I took so long to reach you.
I fell asleep resting against the door for support, but I woke up the next morning in our bed. Ezra's side was left cold and untouched. Had he slept out? Did he sleep in another room?
I walked down the steps to see Mrs Jackson pacing up and down the porch-way, she stopped as she saw me walking downstairs. "Thank God you're up Mrs Reed." I walked over to her.
"Is there something wrong?" I asked as she nodded, "I heard you two come in last night and after carrying you into your room he came downstairs into the gym, I didn't think much of it until I came here an hour ago and he was still in the gym. I asked if he wanted any food but he didn't reply, I'm worried that he might over exert himself soon." She replied.
I looked over to the direction of the gym, "you can go home today, I'll still pay you." I told her as I walked over to the gym. I peaked into the glass, Ezra was beating up a punching bag, he looked exhausted.
I ran over to him "Ezra stop." I pleaded with him but he wasn't fathomed, "Ezra!" I cried out but he kept going. I planted myself in between him and the punching bag, he lightly punched me on my shoulder blade before realising that I was there.
"Addison are you okay?" He worriedly exclaimed, I looked over at his hands, "Ezra" I softly squealed as I grabbed one of his hands, his knuckles were bleeding and he seemed completely unphased by it.
I began to cry without realising it, I looked back up at him and his face grew even more concerned. "Why are you crying?" He asked me, caressing my check with his bloodied hand which made me burst into tears.
"Do you not think I'd cry whilst looking at my husband in this state?" I wailed, Ezra looked at me not knowing what to say. I brushed away my tears, grabbed him by the wrist and lead him into the kitchen.
I sat him down without saying anything to him and grabbed a first aid kit, "Addison, I-" he began to try and find an excuse to tell me after finally looking at his hands that I was now caring for.
"You don't need to tell me anything" I blurted out before looking at him directly, "you obviously did this because you don't care for me." I saw his face drop, not knowing how to respond.
"Is that it? Nothing? Not even a sorry? Do you know how worried I am for you right now, I kept thinking until I fell asleep if I could even help you. I might be your wife, but I only remember us being together for a couple months, then I kept thinking that if I was old me I could easily help you. I felt worthless and disgusted in myself for not bargaining into your study even though I knew that you were crying alone like you did before we got married." I said whatever came to mind, not holding anything back as tears dropped down my cheeks once more.
Ezra looked down at the floor, "I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to see me in that state, I've never shown that part of me to anyone before" I calmed myself down remembering that this was about him and not my inferiority complex with myself.
"You can avoid me all you want, you don't have to talk to me and you can shut me out, I don't mind. But don't stop yourself from crying in front of me, that hurts way more than any shut door I feel like I can't open." I caressed his face with my hand as tears began to run down his face.
Finally, that invisible door that he never knew existed was open to me.

Young Adult
Teen Fiction18 year old Addison wakes up suddenly now 24, having no memory of the past six years she learns that the car accident she was in at 18 completely wiped her memory and after experiencing a similar car accident six years later, her brain only remember...