Chapter fifty five - Hell is Jimmy Choos breaking

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Lyn and I headed over to the crowded living room where the commotion was coming from, I squeezed my way to the action.

A very drunk Kelton had fallen over and tipped over a table by the floor, it seemed that keltons friends and Ezra were helping him up before he punched Ezra as soon as I walked over.

Ezra seemed very shocked aswell, but Kelton was being constrained by some others so Ezra was about to walk away.

"Addy!" Kelton burst out of his human restraints and rushed over to hug me, I assured the others it was fine and for them to go home now.

"Have I ever told you how pretty you are with your hair like this." I slurred as he twisted my hair up on his finger, Ezra heard this and began to walk over.

"Are you okay? Why are you so drunk?" I asked as Lyn and Ezra began to pick up the cutlery on the floor as Lyn had calmed Ezra down. "Did I ever tell you that I told Ezra to hire you? You seemed really cute caring so much about your job, actually I liked you a tinnyyy but back then, but you liked Ezra."

Ezra slammed down the plates in his hand and stormed over to us, being stopped again by Lyn. "Ezra stop, he's drunk, Kelton got dumped the other day so he's a bit down, he doesn't mean it!" She urged.

Ezra looked over to me, asking me if I needed help with Kelton with his eyes, I shook my head to signal that I was fine. He sighed "Kelton you should be glad in not firing you right now, go home and sober up."

Kelton turned over to face Ezra and shook his head, "no, so what if I got dumped, they're not as cute as Addy!" He slurred once more, I rolled my eyes and braved him up so that I was supporting him with my arm around his waist and his arm around my shoulder.

"Come on, let's get into Lyn's car now." I cooed before my ankle rolled over, my heel had snapped due to the extra weight in needed to support. Before I knew it we had both collapsed on the floor.

"Addison! Are you okay?" Ezra ran up to us, I shook my head beginning to tear up "look at my Jimmy Choos! I got this dress just to match them!" I wailed.

Ezra smirked realising that I was physically fine, I should've rolled Kelton out of my house, this is way worse than any heartbreak. "Lyn can you get Kelton home? I'm going to take Addison to the hospital just to make sure that her ankle is fine." He instructed as he picked me up bridal style.

"I can walk!" I urged before he tightened his grip on me, "you could hurt your ankle more if you try and walk on it before getting it checked out." He plonked me onto the passenger seat before setting off.

"Does it hurts badly?" He asked me in the ER after a doctor had taken a look at my foot and I did a urine test, I nodded still sniffling, "do you know hard it was to get those shoes, I was waitlisted for three months!" I moaned. Ezra held my hand, "Addy no shoe is more important than your health, with your burnout, food poisoning and now this I might have to retire to make sure you're always healthy." He smiled.

I shook my head "actually when I said that you could quit your job I didn't mean it, you're already too involved in my life, I can't imagine my life if you had all day to watch me." I shuddered at the thought. "I love you but I still haven't fully gotten used to being married yet." I laughed.

Ezra smiled, caressing my cheek "then stop making me so worried, I want you to live a long life." I nodded, still sulking. "I don't think I can handle you dying, you're just below my shoes and I think I'm traumatised now."

He stroked my hair, "I'll buy you some nicer, more exclusive shoes, after all it was my fault that there were so many people at your party tonight." I smiled, I'm not over the death of my babies just yet but that would help me move on.

"Did you fight a lot at school? You looked like you were going to punch Kelton back after he punched you. I must admit it was nice to feel like I'm back at high school for once." I laughed at him now pouting.

"I used to get bullied a bit when I was a teenager for not having a dad, the amount of 'your mama' jokes I've heard did make me fight back a couple times." I burst out laughing. "I'm for for laughing but I don't believe that you would ever punch someone."

He frowned, "you'll see me that way once our future kid's friends get eyes and try to hit on you." I smirked, "it's only natural, I plan to age like fine wine, but you're banned from annoying our future kids friends, if we ever have a daughter and she brings home a boyfriend I'll have to call the cops on you."

Ezra shook his head "if we have a daughter she'll never have boyfriend even if he's as good as me!" I looked at him confused, "why wouldn't let you have her have a boyfriend as good as you? You're great!" I inflated his ego.

He still persisted with his message, "if you knew the thoughts I had of you I wouldn't let a guy go near our future daughter with that mindset." I pushed him away in embarrassment, "why are we having this hypothetical conversation, getting back on topic, you're not fighting anyone! You already have a bruise coming through, we should get some ice for that."

Before I could get up the doctor came back after his initial assessment.

"I've checked over Ms Reed's results and her ankle seems fine as long as she doesn't strain it for a couple weeks, we can't preform the X-ray so there could be some underlying issues, if so please come back." He concluded.

Ezra and I looked at each other confused. "Why can't she have the X-ray?" Ezra asked.

"Congratulations, your wife is pregnant."

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