Chapter fifty nine - My only option is you

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"Are you okay?" Ezra asked me as we drive to my doctors appointment, I nodded "yeah, I just have a bad headache, I think it's just another pregnancy symptom." Ezra's hand squeezed my thigh.

"You know I've always wanted kids, but after seeing you in all this pain I think that we should just stop at one. I don't like seeing you in this much pain." I smiled at his sincere words, "I'm fine really, I'm a bit scared for this appointment though. Apparently pregnancy only feels real for most mothers when they hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time."

Ezra kisses my forehead after he parked the car at the hospital, he unbuckled my seatbelt after he opened the door to help me get out.

"Everything looks fine with the baby's growth, the ultrasound shows nothing irregular that I would need to follow up." The doctor spoke after I had the ultrasound.

"Would you like to know the sex?" She asked us, I shook my head. To be honest I didn't really care, but Ezra would just fixate in it for the next five months.

"Are you that happy?" I asked him as we left the hospital, Ezra adamantly nodded, focusing completely on the ultrasound pictures. "They said that the baby is the size of an avocado, it doesn't look like it though."

I scoffed, "it doesn't look like it? I'm now a size 6!" Ezra laughed as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "you always look too skinny though, the doctor did say that you should be trying to gain a bit more weight."

I sighed, "you know that I was a step in model for New York fashion week once? I was already surprised that I was a size 4 and not a 2 when I woke up after the car crash!"

We sat down to eat in the cafe next to the hospital before we left, as we were eating the tingling sensation ran down my body again.

"Are you okay?" Ezra exclaimed as I dropped my fork, I nodded "it's just a headache." I left out the part where I heard lily scream again, it always followed with this scared sensation. It was like pure fear, I had been scared before but nothing like this.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lyn asked me at work the next day, I nodded, ever since that minor collision that day these headaches have been becoming more intense and frequent.

"You know you had some headaches like this just before you lost your memories." I looked back up at her. "What do you mean?" I asked her, Lyn thought back to that time. "After the main office relocated to here you started to have a couple bad headaches, you didn't tell Ezra but it was pretty bad, you were always shaking in the toilets - I think you even threw up a couple times."

So I've felt this feeling before, but why? Maybe I just need some air.

"I'm just going to get some air, maybe it's too stuffy in here." I told Lyn so that Ezra wouldn't be freaked out if I left without telling anyone.

I sighed as I walked into the street outside, at-least I could breathe now.

All of a sudden a hand grabbed my wrist, I turned around to see James ... why was he here?

"James?" I asked just incase I was going crazy, he released my hand after he heard me speak. "Why are you here?" I asked him.

"I just came back from my tour, I wasn't going to come by and see you, I was just walking by. But then I saw you, so I thought that we could have a meal together?" I huffed, there wasn't any reason why I should deny him, after all I am hungry.

"So how's everything going?" He asked me as we sat down, "I'm not an intern anymore, I got promoted to assistant." I replied as his eyes lit up.

"I knew that you had talent! It would've been wasted if you decided to work at your fathers company!" I sighed as I looked at my food before looking at him.

"James, wouldn't you want me to work at my dads company? If I did it would've been because I didn't lose my memories, who knows if I didn't lose my memories I probably would've taken you back after seeing you being successful." I replied bluntly.

James shook his head, "whether or not you had lost your memories, you wouldn't have taken me back, because you're Addison Robinson."

I smirked at his response, "you're right, I would've ended up with a guy like Ezra no matter what." I uttered, "Addison is everything okay with you and that guy? If he's being bad to you I can help you!" James replied.

I shook my head, "no everything's great with him, I was just asking because I've been thinking a lot about back then recently. Oh right, I met Charlotte again a while ago." I added as James sulked.

"Can you not mention her, that night was my biggest regret ever." I rolled my eyes at him sulking. "You act like we were some great couple, you're romanticising the last too much. It's not like you ever really cared about me, to you I was just like a nice VIP pass that could get you through any velvet rope."

James slammed down his cutlery onto the table, "of course I cared about you!" I raised my eyebrow at his statement, "really? You actually took interest in what I liked back then? You wrote a best selling album on our relationship, of course you only remember small details like how I like sweet potato fries because it was a cut detail to add to your song."

James sighed, giving up on talking back to me - probably because he knew that I was right. "Why are you bringing this up now?" He asked, "because you need to get over your past to be able to move on. And you can't do that until I free you, obviously you feel guilty, you wouldn't be human if you didn't. But I'm over it now, I wanted to kill you two at first, but then I realised that we were just teens living in the upper-east side; money, sex, exclusivity we're just the perks that I was born with and things that others wanted." I paused as I continued to eat, Ezra wanted me to gain some weight.

"Those three things is how me and Charlotte learned how to use as weapons that others didn't have, it was also the only way we could show our feelings. You were just caught up in a fight between me and Charlotte that night. But meeting her again I realised that we've both grown up, we can actually express our feelings now. What I'm trying to say is that I forgive you, for using me to cross that velvet rope into my world and not knowing how to deal with the repercussions. I accept your apology, so let's not meet again."

I finished speaking as I left the restaurant, not waiting to hear what James had to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2024 ⏰

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