Chapter 1

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Hello! This is me. Oh, yeah you don't know me yet. Let me introduce myself. I'm Aliyah, Aliyah Reeves. I'm 18 years old and Anthony is my twin brother. We don't really look alike, but close. We were born and raised in LA and we still live there with our parents. Well not really 'with' them. They have been on a business trip for almost nine months now. We actually don't know where they are, but probably really far away. They haven't called or texted us and they've ignored ours. It's not new that they are gone, but it's hard. Me and Anthony don't really talk about is, but I know he is angry and upset with them. We grew up mostly taking care of each other and that is still the case until this day. I love him to death and we'll always protect each other. Okay, enough of this sad stuff...

All our friends are born and live LA too. We became friends in kindergarten and our group have always been big. First of we started with me, Anthony, Avani, Payton, Jaden and Josh. When we went to high school we met Addison, Bryce and Blake. Josh sadly moved to Canada in junior year, but we still talk to him occasionally. Avani was my first best friend and we stayed that for a long time. She started dating Anthony a year ago and since then we are more distant. I hate that we are not as close anymore, but she makes my brother happy, so I support them. Next to that I have a boyfriend, Payton. We've been together for two years in a week. We first agreed on not having couples in the group, but we dropped that rule a few years back. It caused more problems than needed. We are super close with each other and the other kids at school would never talk to us because they thought we were wierdo's. And if I'm honest I think we kinda are. We dropped out of school a year ago, because we all do social media and other stuff. We do online schooling, but we are not really focused on that.

At the moment I was getting ready to go to Bryce's house. We are celebrating his birthday and we were just gonna chill there. Payton came over, because he was already done getting ready. He was sitting on my bed scrolling thru Instagram. "Did you bring swim trunks?", I asked him doing my hair. "Uhm, I don't think so", he said looking up from his phone. "Ant probably has some, let me ask", I said putting my brush down and walking out of my room. I didn't knock and just opened the door. "Hey Ant, do you ha- ", I said stopping at the door. "Get out!", Anthony yelled laughing. "Oh my God! I'm sorry!", I said closing the door and walking back to my room. I was completely red because of how flustered I was of what I just saw. "What happened?", Payton asked chuckling. "I ran into... well yeah... oh my god", I said laughing awkwardly, "I never want to see that again." Payton just laughed at me and stood up. "You're so cute when you're embarrassed", he said wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked up at him and smiled, still blushing. He puts his hand on my cheek a pecked my lips. "Get ready, we need to leave", he said kissing the top of my head and smiling at me. I smiled back at him and packed up my stuff. A few minutes later we walk downstairs and wait for Anthony and Avani.

I sat on the kitchen counter and Payton stood in between my legs. We were just talking as Avani and Anthony walked downstairs. "Please knock the next time", Anthony said chuckling and I just nodded embarrassed. "Sorry", I said smiling. Avani walked up to me and Payton stepped aside. "I didn't know you were here", I said to her as she gave me a hug. "Yeah, I kinda sneaked in", she said smiling. I smiled at her and hopped off the counter. "Ready to go?", Anthony asked. We all nodded and grabbed our stuff. Anthony was driving and Avani sat next to him. Payton and I took the backseat. Payton placed his hand on my thigh, and I blushed a little. Even tho we've been dating for almost two years, he always manage to make me feel butterflies all over again when he touches me. "No freaky business in my car, please", Anthony said glaring at Payton thru the rear mirror. "Says you", I said glaring back at Anthony. He rolled his eyes and smiled. "Who is gonna drive back, by the way?", Avani asked. "I will. I don't feel like drinking anyway", I said leaning my head on Payton's shoulder. They all agreed, and we arrived at Bryce's house. He still lives with his parent's but he's moving out to a really big house with Jaden soon. We have been talking about living together for years now, but we are pretty young. Probably in a year or something.

We get out of the car and grabbed our stuff. Bryce opened the front door and greeted all of us. "21, babyyy!", he yelled hugging Anthony. "Congrats, bro", Anthony said hugging back. He hugged Avani and Payton and I was last. "You are still 14 to me, you know that", I said chuckling as I was hugging Bryce. "I know, I know", he said smiling and pulling me in the house. "Everyone is in the back", he said walking in front of everyone. "Where's your mom", I asked. "In the kitchen", he said. I nodded and walked to the kitchen. Bryce's parents always made me and Anthony feel welcome. Actually all the parents do. Anthony and I are mostly alone at night, but we are invited to dinner often. Mainly by Jaden's parents and Bryce's.

"Hi, miss Hall", I said walking into the kitchen. "Hi Aliyah", she said smiling at me. I walked over to her and hugged her. "Congratulations with Bryce", I said smiling. "Thank you, please keep him sane", she said chuckling. "I'll try", I said laughing. "Well, I'm meeting some friends for dinner. So I'm leaving", she said giving me a smile. "Okay, have fun", I said walking her to the front door. "You too!", she said walking out and closing the door. I walked to the garden of the house and saw all my friends. "Heeyyyy", Addison said running up to me hugging me tight. "I missed you", I said hugging her back. "Me too, we are going to take pictures tonight, okay?", she asked walking with me hand in hand to the rest of the group. "Oh yeah, for sure", I said smiling. "Hi guys", I said waving at them. I greeted Blake and walked up to Jaden. He hugged me and whispered, "have they called yet?" I really didn't wanted to talk about my parents tonight, but Jaden always made sure if me and Anthony were okay. I let go of the hug and shook my head. "They will okay?", he said lifting my head. I gave him a little smile and trying to hide that I was upset.

"Let's play a game", Bryce said. We all nodded. "What kind?", Blake asked walking back. We had made a fire and sat around it with blankets. Payton gave me his hoodie because I was shivering. "I saw this game where one person whispered something in the others ear about another person, who is most likely to. And then the other person has to answer it, but not say the question. Get it?", Bryce said. We all understood, and Bryce started. He whispered something in Addison's ear, and she chuckled. "Uhmm, Blake", she said smiling. We all looked confused, but it was funny. Then Addison whispered something in Jaden's ear and smiled. "Aliyah", Jaden answered fast and looking down. Addison started to giggle and wiggled her eyebrows at me. I just chuckled and looked confused at her. What did she say? Then Jaden whispered something in Blake's ear and Blake frowned. "Uhmm, Payton", he answered still looking... kind of mad? I looked at Payton and he shrugged his shoulder looking at me. I just let is go and we went on for about thirty minutes. Everyone started to get drunk about this time, except for me. The boys went swimming and I sat on the side with Addison talking. "What did you say to Jaden, when we were playing the game?", I asked curious. "Nop, game rules. I can't say", she said imagining locking her mouth shut. "Fine then", I said chuckling, "so you and Bryce?" "What about us?", she asked turning a bit red. "Don't play dumb with me, you two have been flirting with each other for months now", I said nudging her shoulder. "Okay, I don't really know... I guess I like him", she said smiling like a little kid looking at him. "Awwhh, she is in luvv", I said messing with her. "No... at least, not yet", she said blushing again. I smiled at her and we played around for a bit. A few minutes later a phone buzzed beside me. It was Payton's. I ignored it but it kept buzzing. Maybe it's his mom. I picked it up and looked at the screen. I read the texts and didn't know what to think. I shouldn't look tho. Who is Maya?


This is a new storyline, new people and new feelings. I hope you guys like it!

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