Chapter 18

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"Anthony!", mom cheered walking right passed me. She walked to Anthony and took him in for a hug. I was still looking out of the front door and I saw my dad standing there. I was already tearing up. He scoffed and walked past me too. They acted like I wasn't there. I turned around and Anthony looked at me, while mom was still hugging him. I looked down at my hands and Jaden joint my side. "Anthony, we need to go", mom said pulling away and holding his shoulders. "What do you mean?", Anthony asked frowning. "The photoshoot remember? Or did she didn't tell you?", mom said referring to me. I could hear the sound of disgust in her voice. "You mean Ali? Her name is Aliyah, mom", Anthony said sounding mad. "Are you coming?", dad said. "No I'm not", Anthony said stepping back a little bit. "Anthony, we had to talk to a lot of important. You can't say you're not going", dad said getting irritated. "I don't care. I'm not coming home", Anthony said. "Anthony, we're leaving now", mom said grabbing his arm. Anthony pulled his arm away and then his rant started. "Don't touch me! I'm not coming home, I'm not leaving Ali!", he yelled. His voice cracked at the end and that made me look up. His eyes were glistering. "You don't just kick out your child like that! You are heartless!", Anthony yelled again.

Jaden's parents walked out of the kitchen and saw what was happening. Jaden had wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me closer to him. I felt tears go down my cheeks, but I didn't make a sound. I quickly looked at Amy and she frowned. "Anthony, you're making a scene. We're leaving", dad said. Before Anthony could answer, Jaden's dad stood in front of Anthony. "If he doesn't want to go, he doesn't need to", John said. "He is not your kid", dad said frowning. "Well, hearing what you said, I'm not either", Anthony said looking at dad. "That's not true", mom said. "Then tell me. If Ali is not your daughter, then it means I'm not your son. Because I'm her twin, right?", Anthony said calming down a bit. "That's not what we meant, you ar-", dad started. "So just because you hate Ali she is not your daughter?!", Anthony said raising his voice. I already knew the answer to that, but it scared me more not knowing if Anthony was my real brother. "Basically yeah", dad said under his breath. I know they never liked me, but this broke my heart even more. I want to hate them, but I couldn't. "Okay, leave", John said. Mom and dad turned around and were about to walk out. Before they left they stopped in front of me.

"We never wanted you, you know. We don't want anything to do with you", mom said and walked pass me with dad right behind her. Amy closed the door and I looked up with tears coming down. Anthony walked towards me and took me in for a tight hug. "I'm sorry", Anthony whispered with a shaky voice. I pulled away and gave him a weak smile. "It's fine, it's nothing new", I said chuckling thru my tears. "I love you, okay?", Anthony said as a tear rolled down his cheek. "And I love you", I said wiping away his tear. He smiled at me and put his arm around my shoulder. "Should we get going?", I said. "Are you sure you still want to go?", Avani asked. "You don't need to", Jaden said. "I just want to get my mind of things and we've planned this for months now", I said. "You sure?", Anthony asked. I nodded and hugged him. "Let's go then", Anthony said letting go of me. I gave Amy and John a hug and we headed out. Jaden and I sat in the back and Avani and Anthony in the front. I was looking out of the window, just trying to clear my mind. I feel Jaden grab my hand and I turned to look at him. I gave him a little smile and he bit his lip not knowing what to say. "I'm okay", I said reassuring him. He nodded and shot me a smile.

As soon as we arrived at the first house we saw everyone. The guy who did the house tour, introduced himself and walked us thru the house. It was truly beautiful, but we had four other houses to go. After looking around we did the same for the other three houses and were done by 4 pm. We stood outside the last house and were discussing which one we liked most. Jaden was awfully quiet and that was not like him. "So which one are we choosing?", Bryce asked walking hand in hand with Addison. "I don't know, let's vote", Noah said. Noah and the boys clicked really good on the boat trip. They all wanted him to stay and join our group. The girls and I agreed and that's why he is moving in with us too. After voting for 10 minutes, because people couldn't make up their mind, we choose for house 3.

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