Chapter 10

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~ Jaden's POV ~
Two days passed and it was now Tuesday. I woke up around 11 pm since me and Aliyah stayed up talking on Facetime until 6 am. And if I'm honest it felt like only twenty minutes had passed by. We both said we we're tired in the beginning of the call, but we just kept talking. Nothing was awkward and that surprised me a bit. I mean we did kiss, and we've never done that before. And yes, I maybe did it to piss off Payton a bit, because he totally forgot she was there. Like they we're all clingy and stuff. But I also did it because... I don't know... because I wanted to? It felt weird to say that, but it was actually good. But it probably doesn't mean anything. I shook my head and got out of bed. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I took a quick look in the mirror and with just 5 hours of sleep I looked not as bad as I would think. I undressed myself and got in the shower. I thought I was done thinking about the whole situation, but apparently not. My mind was going crazy and playing with my heart. I just got out of a relationship with Mads. I really loved her and we were good, but she said she fell out of love. 'It feels like we are friends', she said. I didn't feel the same, but she didn't gave me a chance to talk about what I feel. I just started to feel like I was getting over her but thinking about her now makes everything come back. And on the other side, Aliyah just got her heart broken and I think she is just to hurt right now to start anything. And I don't want to use her in this kind of state, or make it look like it.

After standing in the shower for ten minutes doing absolutely nothing I just got out and dried myself. I got dressed and went to get food at Chick-Fil-A. Anthony texted me if I wanted to come early since we were going on a boat trip at 2 pm. I decided to take lunch with me and I asked him what he wanted, and he gave me three meals. That's weird. It's just the three of us, right? Maybe he's hungry. I got the food and drove to their house. There was another car in the front porch. I just shrugged and got out with the food. I walked up to the front door and ring the bell. Anthony opened and took one of the bags out of my hands. "Can you get Ali? She's in her room", he asked unwrapping the food. "Yup", I said walking up the stairs. I walked to her room and opened the door, forgetting that she could possibly be naked. "Ali, I got you food", I said walking in and smiling. "Oh hey Jae", she said getting up. I just looked at the guy next to her. I felt something going on in my body, but I just ignored it. She walked up to me and hugged me. She smells so good... Okay, that's enough. She lets go and gave me a little smile. I smiled back at her and the guy stood up too. "Hi, I'm Noah", he said sticking his hand out. He's is a good-looking guy... that didn't sound weird, right? "Jaden", I said shaking his hand and nodding my head. "Let's go eat", Aliyah said jumping up. I smiled at her and we walked downstairs.

After eating all the food Anthony and Noah started to have their conversation as Aliyah and I cleaned up. "So, who's the guy?", I asked nudging her shoulder wiggling my eyebrows. "Stop that and it's just someone I met two days ago", she said nudging my arm. "Awh", I said rubbing the place she hit, as if she hit me hard. "Oh, did I hurt you", she said pouting at me. "Yeah", I said fake crying. She laughed at me and I smiled at her. She is beautiful... Cut out of it Jaden! "By the way, we met at Starbucks and just talked for a while. He's a nice guy", she said shrugging. "Okay, so are you two- ", I started. "No, haha. I'm not really ready for that now", she said laughing a bit. I nodded. "Have you talked to Payt yet?", I asked knowing she mentioned it last night. "Nop. I'm pissed at him, but I don't want to argue", she said. "Just tell me if you need anything okay. Even if it's just a hug", I said giving her a little smile. "I could use a hug", she said shrugging opening her arms. I smiled at her and hugged her. "Thanks Jae", she said mumbling in my chest. I kissed the top of her head and let go a bit. "You guys ready to leave?", Anthony asked walking into the kitchen. Aliyah lets go of me and nodded. "Just let me grab my bag", she said walking off. "Are you coming with us today?", I asked Noah. "Yeah, if that's okay?", he asked. "Yeah, everyone is welcome. Except from crazy exes", I said chuckling. "Okay good", he said smiling. I think he would be a nice fit for our group.

~ Aliyah's POV ~
We just arrived at the lake we would go to swim and sail the boat. It was a really bit boat and Blake's parents own it. They always came with us because they have a license to sail the boat. When everyone had arrived I introduced Noah and it looked like all the guys like him. We got onto the boat and started to get comfy. It was pretty hot today, so we were going to swim. I laid next to Addison and Avani as we were tanning. The guys were making TikTok's and just doing stupid stuff, like always. The girls and I were talking when Blake tapped my leg. I look up at him and slide my sunglasses down a bit. "Can I talk to you?", he asked signaling to the inside place of the boat. "Sure", I said giving him a smile, "I'll be right back." The girls nodded and I walked off with Blake. We sat down and I gave him a confusing look. He didn't make eye contact and looked at his hands. "Blake, what's wrong?", I asked. He didn't answer me and took a big breath in. "I knew and I'm sorry I didn't tell you", he said looking up at me. I frowned. "You knew what?", I asked. "That Payton cheated on you", he said pausing, "the whole time." Did he mean like the whole six months? I just stayed silent and looked down. I'm not mad at him, but that means that Payton knew exactly what he was doing. Payton had enough time to tell me. "He told me the first time something happened and I- ", Blake started. "When was that?", I asked not looking up. "5 months ago", he said quietly. Well that confirms it.

"I'm sorry Ali", Blake said after a minute. "It's fine", I said giving him a little smile. "Ali, you can't lie to me, you know", he said. "I know", I said looking down. My eyes started to tear up and Blake sat next to me. "What's wrong?", he asked. "When we broke up he told me it had been two weeks. But when I talked to Maya she told me they had known each other for six months and now you told me you knew for five months. He lied to me... again", I said trying to keep my calm. "That son of a bitch", Blake said under his breath getting up. "Please, I need to talk to him first", I said grabbing his wrist. "Does Ant know?", he asked turning around. I shook my head and let go of his wrist. "I know it mind seem as a bad idea, but you need to tell him. He is already suspicious about all of it", he said sitting down again. "I know and I will", I said looking at him. "Are you mad at me?", he asked. "No Blake. He is your friend too", I said. "Yeah, a really shitty one at the moment", he said. "Oh I know", I said. We both smiled and he gave me a hug.

"Let's have some fun, take your mind off this", he said standing up and grabbing my hands. He pulled me up to my feet and we walked back to the front of the boat. The girls asked me what happened, but I ignored them. I walked up to Payton and tapped his shoulder. Oh, did I forget to tell you guys Maya was here too? Well she is, that makes everything ten times better, doesn't it? Ughhhh. "Can we talk?", I asked him. Maya turned around too and gave me a smile. "Hey, I didn't know you were here too", she said hugging me. "Yeah, me neither", I said faking a smile. "Yeah sure, what's up?", Payton asked. "In private, please?", I asked trying to not sound annoyed. He nodded and we walked to the back of the boat. Nobody was there and he sat down. "What's up?", he asked again. He seems to be in a good mood, that piece of shi- "When did you meet her?", I asked crossing my arms. "I already told you", he said. "No, tell me again. I think I forgot it", I said sarcastically. "I'm not going to hurt you even more by telling it again," he said sighing. "Well, you already lied to me once so what would hurt the second time, right?", I said trying not to raise my voice. "What are you talking about?", he asked standing up. "Don't play stupid. I know", I said frowning. "Know what Ali?", he asked. "That you didn't meet her at the studio and that you've known her for half a year now. A-and", I said tearing up. Every time I think about it, it just breaks me more than it already did. "And that you c-cheated on me for five months", I said quietly and letting the tears fall. "How did yo- ", he started. "You did what?!", someone said behind me. There we go... again. I guess I was not that quiet.


Stuff is about to go down again. And is Jaden jealous???

Thank you for reading! <33

I'm exhausted...
So, bye bye <333

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