Chapter 8

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"This is Maya", Payton said smiling down on the blonde girl next to him. I know I told him to go for her, but I didn't think it would be this fast. I felt my body tense up and I looked down at my hands. She started to greet everyone and eventually came to me. I didn't wanted to be rude and she seemed nice. I stood up and gave her a weak smile. "Hi, I'm Aliyah", I said sticking out my hand. She took it and shook it. "I'm Maya", she said giving me a smile. I started to tear up and I really didn't wanted to tonight. She noticed and pulled me in for a hug. I closed my eyes and tried to keep everything in. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you two were together", she whispered while rubbing my back. "I-it's okay", I manage to get out. "Do you want to walk for a bit?", she asked still in the hug. I nodded and she pulled me aside. I know everyone was looking weird at us right now, but I could care less. The beach was really close and we started to walk on the sand. It was silent and awkward, not forgetting she is the girl Payton cheated with on me.

"You're really pretty", she said breaking the silence. "Thanks, you too. I think Payton has a thing for blonds", I said chuckling. She smiled and stopped walking. "I just want to tell you that I told Payton that I didn't wanted to do anything else, when I found out he got a girlfriend", she said looking down. "When did he tell you?", I asked. I don't really blame her. She didn't know. "About two weeks ago", she said looking at me. I nodded and looked down. "How did you meet?", I asked. I know Payton already told me, but I want to know it from her. "We met about half a year back. We were both at the Starbucks and just started talking there. We exchanged numbers and then other stuff happened", she explained. Wait... so it's been 6 months? "So you didn't meet in the music studio?", I asked confused. "No, I don't do music. I dance", she said chuckling, "why?" "Never mind", I said. He cheated on me for 6 months? Great. It became awkward really fast. "Just take care of him, okay", I said as we were walking back. "Yeah I will. Why don't you hate me?", she asked. "I never said I didn't, but I don't. You don't choose who you fall in love with, so it's okay", I said giving her a genuine smile. "That's true, I hope you feel better soon", she said stopping before we were back at the group. "I will, don't worry about me", I said. "Maybe we can be friends one day", she said giving me a hug. "Maybe...", I whispered. We came back to the group and I sat next to Jaden again. "You okay?", he asked. "That's the girl", I whispered guessing Payton didn't tell them. "Wait, really?", he asked. I nodded and looked down at my hands. My night is ruined. Officially.

For an hour I've been silent and eating myself up internally. Payton and Maya are all over each other and I can't take it. Did Payton forget I'm here or something? My phone buzzed and I took it out of the hoodie I was wearing. It was Anthony.

Is that the girl?

But please leave it


No, I mean it Anthony
I talked with her and we're good

Ali, you were literally crying earlier


I want you to be okay

I'm fine
Just leave it

As you wish


I know he is just looking out for me, but I really don't want to start any drama. I looked up from my phone and Anthony was already looking at me. We stare at each other for a minute before Avani starts talking to him. I look away from him and again see Payton and Maya making out. I've had enough. I started to pull Blake's hoodie off, but Jaden stopped me. "What are you doing?", he asked. "I'm leaving, I can't do this", I said pulling my arms out of the sleeves. "You're not leaving because of them. If it bothers you, they leave", he said grabbing my arm making me stop what I was doing. "Jae, it's fine. I'm tired anyway", I said. "Don't make up lies, Ali", he said tilting his head. "I just don't want to be here, okay", I said looking down at my hands.

"Do you trust me?", he asked. "What?", I asked confused. "Do you trust me?", he asked again smirking. "Y-yeah?", I said hesitantly. He puts his hand on my thigh and I tense up. "Jae, what are you doing?", I whispered. "Just go with it", he said moving his hand up. I nodded and looked forward. His hand was close to my heat and I started to blush. I looked at Addison and she mouthed, 'what is he doing?'. I mouthed back, 'I don't know'. And I really didn't know. I looked at Jaden and he was already looking at me. He moved closer to me and my body was completely frozen. Jaden and I never got this close to... kissing? It felt like everyone around us stopped talking, but their mouths were still moving. It seemed like nobody saw us. Jaden moved even closer. Our noses were touching, and he whispered, "act normal, okay?" I nodded slowly and before I knew our lips were connected. I didn't kiss back in the beginning but after a second of two I did. It felt like we were alone. We moved in sync and it felt natural. He moved his hand to my waist and pulled me even closer. I just melted more into the kiss, well make out I could say. After a few minutes we both pulled away slowly and moved back a little bit. Jaden let go of me and gave me a little smile. I smiled back at him and we were both full on blushing.

Then I looked up and saw mixed expressions on everyone's face. Bryce, Blake and Maya looked shocked. Avani and Addison were both trying to keep in their smile. Anthony looked shocked and mad at the same time. And Payton... well he looked beyond pissed. I really wanted to know why because he had been doing that the whole night. His eyes shot between me and Jaden, like we killed someone. I looked over to Anthony and he stood up. "Ali, can we talk?", he said looking mad. I nodded and hugged Jaden. "Thanks", I whispered chuckling. "Anytime", he said smiling at me. I stood up and walked behind Anthony. Anthony stopped walking after a bit and turned around. "What was that?", he asked frowning. "What?", I asked crossing my arms. "You and Jaden? Really?", he said. I just looked at him not knowing what to say. "Ali I know that you're hurt, but you can't go around kissing every guy. You can't be a wh- ", he started stopping before finishing. "What Anthony? What can't I do? Be a whore?!", I said raising my voice a bit. "That's not what I wanted to say", he said looking down. "Oh what then?", I asked raising my eyebrows. He stayed silent. "That's what I thought", I said walking past him. "Where are you going?", he asked grabbing my arm. "I'm leaving", I said turning around. "You can't just leave every time", he said. "I can do what I want. And our parents do it every time, so what is the problem?", I said pulling my arm back. "Just tell me where you're going", he said looking at me. "I'm going to Starbucks and please tell everyone to leave me alone", I said. "How are you gonna get home?", he asked. "I'll call an Uber", I said turning around, "just leave me alone." And with that I walked away. I turned my location on and sent it to Anthony, because I know he's gonna worry. I just kept walking. "What just happened?", I mumbled under my breath. Jaden and I kissed! Like what?! He is my best friend. It was just a kiss, right?


I'm early today!!!! I had nothing to do, so I started to write this chapter :)

This chapter is inspired by the idea of @aubree2007 Thanks! <333


Maya Vienna played by Amelie Zilber...

Maya Vienna played by Amelie Zilber

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