Chapter 44

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I quickly ran after Jaden, but Anthony stopped me before I lost sight of Jaden. "What were you thinking?!", Anthony said raising his voice at me. "I-I'm sorry, I need to go after him", I said trying to get out of his grip. "No, listen to me", he said standing right in front of me. "Ant please, I-I don't want us to break up", I said letting a tear role down my face. "I know, but who even if this guy?", he said still frowning and pointing at Theo. "That's Theo, he works at the hotel", I said turning towards Theo, "can I go now, please?" "Fine, but we need to talk tomorrow", he said sternly. "Fine", I said walking away from him and Theo. I hated to just let Theo stand there, but I needed to talk to Jaden. I can't let this break us up.

I walked back to the hotel and straight to our room. I swiped the card and opened the door. I walked in expecting Jaden, but I only saw Addison. "W-where is Jaden?", I said looking around the room. "He's with Bryce", Addison said standing up from the bed. "I need to talk to him", I said walking back to the door. "Ali, maybe it's better to just go to sleep and see how tomorrow goes", Addison said walking up to me. "No Addi, I can't", I said turning around with tears in my eyes. "You both need space from each other right now", she said grabbing both my hands. "I-I messed up and h-he ju-", I said stuttering. I covered my face with my hands and let out quiet sobs. She pulls me in for a tight hug and let me cry out. After ten minutes I calmed down and Addison took me to the bed. She laid down next to me and we were facing each other.

"What happened?", she asked after a long silence. I shot out of my gaze and focused on her. "I finally told him I love him back and he just said 'okay'. And then we ignored each other the whole night. And all of the sudden he want to talk to me, even tho he walked out on me earlier that day. And then he says sorry about acting like that", I said explaining, "then I said stop saying sorry, because he said it about three times in one night. Then he lashed out on me, and I finally asked about Mads." "What did he say?", she asked frowning. "He first said nothing. And then he said, 'it's not what it looks like'. I-I think he's cheating on me, but I don't want to believe that", I said tearing up again. "Ali, I think you guys need to talk more", she said pressing her lips together. "What do you mean?", I asked. "You two are really close, but it seems like you don't know each other that well. And hearing this you both think, but don't talk or ask about it with each other. And I know this might sound cheesy, but the base of a good relationship is conversation. You lack conversation", she said shrugging. I nodded my head knowing she was right. We do lack conversation.

~ Jaden's POV ~
I walked into the hotel and took the elevator up to our floor. I felt the tears roll down my cheek and I wiped them away fast. I ran my hands thru my hair frantically before I hear the elevator open. I walked out and walked past our room. I walked to Bryce and Addison's room. I knock on the door softly, hoping they are still awake. I hear some stumbles and the door opens to reveal a sleepy Bryce. "What?", he asked squeezing his eyes. "Can I stay here for the night? Me and Ali got into a fight", I said looking down at my hands. "Uhh, yeah", he said moving aside to let me in. He walked to the bed and woke up Addison. "Babe, can you go to Ali's room? Then Jaden can sleep here", Bryce asked kissing her forehead. "Sure", Addison said sitting up and looking at me. I avoided eye contact with her since she can read me well. She stood up and walked up to me. "Jay, are you okay?", she asked. I shook my head and she hugged me. "You guys will be fine", she said letting go of me.

Addison gave Bryce a quick kiss and left the room after taking the card for our room. I took Addison's place in bed and moved my back towards Bryce. I let the tears flow and try to contain the sobs I wanted to let out. Why would she do that to me? Did she lie to me when she said, 'I love you'? So many questions, but no answers."Are you good, bro?", Bryce asked. "I'm f-fine", I said trying to sound convincing. "I know you Jay, talk to me", he said. I turned around and sat up in the bed next to him. I wiped away the tears once again and took a big breath. "You rarely cry in front of anyone, so what's going on?", he asked looking at me. "Ali and I got into a fight", I started. "Yeah, you told me that", Bryce said. "And...", I continued. I told him everything. I even told him about the whole Mads situation and why Aliyah thinks I cheated on her. "Why won't you just tell her about Mads?", he asked frowning. "Because this was exactly what I was afraid of", I said shaking my head.

"Yeah, what did you thought she would think? You're hanging out with your ex and the girl that tried to break you two apart, even when you weren't in a relationship yet. Not forgetting Mads broke your heart", Bryce said raising his eyebrows. "I know, but I didn't know how to tell Ali this", I said shrugging. "You two need help, I swear to God", he said chuckling. "What? Why?", I asked frowning. "Okay tell me one thing about her that I or nobody knows?", he asked looking at me. "Uhm... she loves sushi?", I said shrugging. "Jaden, everyone knows that", he said shaking his head. "Yeah, I don't know. You put me on the spot here, dick", I said throwing my hands up. "Okay but my point is, is that you have been friends for practically your whole life, but you know so little about each other. And I really can see that she makes you happy and you make her happy, but when it gets complicated you both run away from it", Bryce said shrugging, "and sometimes you just need to yell at each other and break down together, but if you don't talk it out you're gonna think things that might not even be true." "We do that... sometimes", I said looking down at my hands. "Jay listen. I know it doesn't feel right to argue with her, because I feel the same with Addi. But just not talking to her and ignoring the problem is gonna ruin the both of you", he said. "I just don't want to hurt her, you know", I said looking at him tearing up. "I know, but if you don't tell her it... and I don't want to say this, but... it can cause you two to break up", he said pressing his lips together. "I know...", I said looking away.

After that conversation we went to sleep. And if I'm honest I was just emotionally drained. I can't lose her over a stupid argument like this. And I know I need to tell her about Mads, but I'm scared she won't understand it. I tried to shut my mind of just for the three hours sleep I was going get, but it didn't seem to work.

~ Aliyah's POV ~
Today everyone was going to the mall, but I felt like shit. I decided to stay back hoping Jaden made the same discission, but it won't surprise me if he went anyways. I mean I wanted to get my mind off it too, but my brain doesn't work like that I guess. After laying in bed for two hours I got up and changed into a dress. I did my hair and put some sunscreen on. I didn't bother to do my make-up. It was about to be 11 am and I decided to just go for a walk. As I grabbed my stuff I hear the room door open. Jaden stood in the doorway and looked busted. His eyes were red and puffed and his hair was a mess. I would guess I didn't look any better, maybe just the clothes. He walked up to me and I froze on the spot, not knowing what to do. A few inches in front of me he stopped and looked at me in the eyes. "I... We need to talk", he said hesitating. I nodded looking at him. I already got upset from just that state we were in and the way he looked at me. He was full of sadness and I knew it was my fault...


I'm sorry :))))
But I need to leave you at this <333
Hope you don't hate me tho...

Luv you bubs


Okay, goodnight <33

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