Chapter 3

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~ Aliyah's POV ~
A week passed since Bryce's birthday. Anthony and I haven't talked about our parents the past week, as usual. He has been with Avani 24/7. I don't mind, well I like being alone but not feeling alone, if you know what I mean. And that is what's happening right now. Payton and I have been really distant. Well actually, Payton is distant with me. I asked him a few times if I could come over or that he would come here, but he is 'busy'. I really don't want to overthink anything, but it's worrying me. I asked Jaden to come over to watch a movie, since everyone in the group had other stuff to do. "Hi", I said opening the front door and hugging Jaden. "Hey, how are you?", he asked hugging me back. "Mwah, don't know", I said laughing it off and closing the front door. "Wanna talk about it?", he asked walking to the kitchen as I followed him. "Nop", I said popping the 'p' at the end. He nodded and we started to make snacks. We made popcorn, grabbed some candy and something to drink. "Do you want to make cookies?" I asked sitting on the counter. "You know it's 9 pm, right?", he asked chuckling grabbing the popcorn from the microwave. "I know, but it's that time of the month and I haven't really eaten all day", I said shrugging. "Okay, sure", he said chuckling. I hopped of the counter and we gathered all the stuff we needed.

After half an hour the dough was done, and we had put them in the oven. We were cleaning up and all of the sudden Jaden taps me on the shoulder. He blows flour right in my face and my face was covered. "Jaden!", I said chuckling and coughing, "you wanna do this?" "Flour looks good on you", he said leaning on the kitchen counter. "You're getting it!", I said grabbing a hand full of flour and throwing it at him. Well that started our flour fight. There was flour everywhere, but mostly on me. Jaden grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder. "Jadennn! Put me down", I yelled chuckling. We hear the front door open and we both stop moving and Jaden turned to the door. Avani and Anthony walked into the kitchen and looked confused. "What happened here?", Anthony asked chuckling. Jaden finally puts me down on my feet and we look at each other. "Nothing", we said at the same time. We started to laugh and Avani and Anthony still looked confused. "Just clean it up please", Anthony said walking away. "Yes dad!", I said giggling. "Let's clean this up", Jaden said grabbing a towel. I nodded and we cleaned up. I had put some music on, and we danced while we cleaned up. My mood was changed within minutes, because of Jaden.

After we were done we both took a quick shower and got settle for our movie night, 2 hours later than expected. We watched 'Clueless' as it is my favorite movie. I laid my head on his lap and he played with my hair. I know it might seem I little bit too close, but Jaden and I are that close of friends, so it was normal. In the middle of the movie there was a knock on the door. Anthony and Avani just walked down the stairs and he opened the door. "Hey Payt", Anthony said. I frowned and sat up. I looked at the front door and locked eyes with Payton. "Hey bro", he said dabbing up Anthony and hugging Avani. "Why is he here?", I said under my breath, but apparently loud enough that Jaden heard me. "You don't want to see him?", Jaden asked. "Uhm... no that's not what I meant... I guess", I said looking at him. Avani and Anthony left, because he was bringing her home. Payton walked up the couch and kissed me. "Hey babe, hi Jay", Payton said giving Jaden a dirty look. "Hey, you good?", Jaden asked as if Payton didn't give him a look. "Yeah totally", Payton said wrapping his arms around my waist. I stayed silent, because I didn't know what to say. "I should get going", Jaden said putting the popcorn on the table. "I'll let you out", I said getting up and out of Payton's grip. He is being jealous. Of what? Jaden? No need to be, Payt. I walked behind Jaden as he put his shoes on. "I'm sorry", I said. "Don't be, it's fine", he said getting up and facing me. I gave him a little smile and he pulled me in for a hug. "You okay?", he whispered so only I could hear. "Yeah", I said hugging him back. He pulled out of the hug and gave me a serious look making sure. I nodded and said, "I'll call you later, okay." He nodded and gave me a smile. "Goodnight, bye bro", he said towards Payton at the end. "Bye", Payton responded cold. I shook my head and closed the door behind Jaden as he walked out.

"Why was he here?", Payton asked with an annoying tone in his voice. "Because I wanted to hang out", I said sitting next to him. "You could've asked me", he said. I frowned at him, because I texted him earlier and he said he was busy. "I texted you and you said you had stuff to do", I said confused. "Well I'm here now" he said pulling me close, "let's watch something." I was so confused but didn't know what to say. The text of that night keeps coming back to my mind. It's eating me up every day not knowing what is going on. I decided to just asked it. "Payt?", I asked sitting up. "Hmm?", he said focusing on the tv. "Who is Maya?", I asked looking at my hands. He immediately looked my way and it went silent. "What?", he asked. "Who is Maya?", I asked again with a shaky voice. He didn't say anything. "If you cheated on me, please just tell me. I can't pretend anymore that I'm fine, while you've been pushi- ", I started rambling and not making eye contact. "I did", he said cutting me off. "W-what?", I asked tearing up. "I cheated on you... and I'm sorry", he said. I could hear that his voice was unsteady. I looked up at him and moved away from him a bit. I didn't want to breakdown in front of him, so I stayed quiet.

"Do you want to know what happened?", he asked as a tear rolled down his cheek. I nodded slowly looking down. "I met her at my music studio. We started to talk about music and stuff and we just clicked, I guess. And last week I was at her house, and we... yeah", he explained. My heart was shattering more and more by every word that came out of his mouth. "I never wanted to hurt you, Ali. It just happened and I regret it so much", he said reaching for my hand. I moved my hand back and looked at him. "Where you with her tonight?", I asked trying to keep a steady voice. He looked down and I already knew the answer. Yes. "That doesn't matt- ", he started. "It does, Payt. It does to me", I said calmly. "Yes, I was with her tonight", he said tearing up. I was still looking at him searching for something, but I didn't really know what. I could never get mad at him and I didn't know why. "I love you, but I can't do this", I said as my voice started to break. "I know and that's all on me. I will love you always, but maybe it's not our time", he said grabbing my hand and I let him. We stayed like that for a few minutes as I felt like I was choking on my own breath. "What are we gonna tell the group?", he asked breaking the silence. "Just that... we broke up mutually. If anyone finds out then it would ruin everything and Anthony will kill you", I said talking slowly. "Probably everyone", he said running his hands thru his hair. He has a point. They will. "I really want to be alone right now", I said standing up. "Yeah of course", he said getting up too and walking to the front door. I followed him and he turned around after he opened the front door. "I'm really sorry, I truly am", he said. I couldn't say anything anymore, because I knew I would break right there, in front of him. "Bye Aliyah", he said walking away.

I wanted to scream at him and just punch him, but I couldn't. My heart was shattered, like never before. I close the door behind him, and the tears started to come down. I turned my back towards the front door and slipped down until I was sitting on the ground. I was hugging my knees and sobbing loudly. I never felt this. Never. He was my first everything and he broke me. He broke me. My whole body felt weak. I was the complete opposite of numb. I felt every little piece of my shattered heart cutting me from the inside out. After a good twenty minutes I got up and walked upstairs and took a shower. I haven't stopped crying and I felt worse every second that passed by. And my mind was not really helping. Was I not good enough? Am I not pretty enough? Why me? What did I do wrong?

I got out of the shower and got dressed in some sweats and a hoodie. I locked the door of my room not wanting Anthony asking me questions. I laid curled up on my bed and just crying my eyes out. I pulled the hoodie I was wearing up to my mouth to wipe my tears. I took a breath in and recognized a scent. This was Payton's. Obviously. That made it ten time worse. I started to cry even more, but I didn't want to take it off. I hear the front door open and close. Anthony is home. "Ali, come clean up your stuff!", he yelled from downstairs. Shit. I couldn't just ignore him, because I never sleep this early. I got out of bed and wiped my eyes. That had no use because new tears started to stream down already. I let my hair down and put the hood up. I walked down the stairs with my head low. "Where is Jaden and Payton?", Anthony asked. I completely ignored him and just started to clean up the snacks. "Aliyah?", he asked walking over to me. I walked right pass him and walked to the kitchen. I accidently let out a sob and I stood still at the sink. "Ali? Are you okay?", he asked standing right behind me. I couldn't keep it in anymore. I turned around and looked up at him as the tears were coming down again. "What happened?", he asked as he hugged me. I sobbed in his chest and didn't say a word. "Ali, what happened?", he asked again. Payton broke my heart... I'm broken... I'm hurt.


Okay that is that.... 
Would she tell Anthony? Or anyone?

I luv you guys <333

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