Chapter 47

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That night we went to walk on the beach after taking pictures for our Instagram. Jaden spent the night with the boys while I was with the girls. We had a really good time and I feel like it made our group even closer. The one thing that kept replaying in my head was what Addison told me. 'You lack conversation'. But like what does that mean? We talk, a lot. Like what does she mean. We should talk more? I don't mind tho, I could talk to Jaden the whole night. That was a thing I loved about our relationship and before we got together, our friendship. We were always able to talk to each other, no matter what. Whenever Anthony's parents left me home to a trip to Vegas I would go to Jaden's house. I spent the week there and honestly they felt more like family then my own did. We would go to sit on his roof and just talk the whole night. I cried, laughed and poured my heart out to him on that spot.

If I'm completely honest there was one night that made me realize what I felt for him. It was a bittersweet moment...


"Hi Amy", I said hugging Jaden's mom. "Hai, honey!", she said letting me walk inside. She closed the door and walked to the kitchen. I followed her and went to sit on the kitchen stool. "Are you staying?", she asked grabbing two mugs. "Yeah, if that's okay... mom and dad are on a trip... with Anthony", I said looking down, playing with my bracelet. "I'm sorry, Ali", she said looking at me with a sympathetic look. "It's whatever, I get to spent a week with my favorite family", I said smiling at her trying to press back the tears I've been keeping in the whole day at school. "Come here", she said opening her arms. I sighed and stood up. I walked up to her and hugged her. I gave up on the fight against my tears and cried in her shoulder. "I'm so sorry, honey", she said stroking my hair. "I-it's not your fault that I have messed up parents", I said whispering. "You know, you are the best person I've ever met", she said pulling away holding me by my shoulders. "That can't be true", I said chuckling slightly. "No honestly, I haven't seen a girl with that big of a heart even when she gets disappointed every time", she said smiling at me, "Keep being her, I like her." "I'll try", I said smiling back at her.

Amy made some hot chocolate with marshmallows for me and Jaden. She told me Jaden was in his room probably doing homework, so I went up to his room. I stood by his doorframe and I heard him playing his guitar. I smiled at him, but he didn't see me. I could hear him sing some words, but it didn't sound like a song I knew. I knew he played the guitar, but I never heard him sing. Other than when he was in the shower and he didn't know I was in his room. I walked in slowly and put the drinks on his side table. I walked up behind him and covered his eyes. "Hey you", he said chuckling. "Hii", I said excited and took my hands off his eyes. He placed his guitar back on the stand. "What you doing here?", he asked turning to hug me. "Oh... I was bored", I said hugging him back. "Ali...", he said pulling away looking at me. "Okay fine, they left and took Anthony with them. Your mom said I could stay the week", I said shrugging. He pulled me in again and kissed my forehead.

"What you want to do?", he asked drinking his hot chocolate. "Uhm... I don't know", I said looking thru his clothes. Well, actually mine. I have a bit of my clothes here, since I'm here most of the time. "Roof?", he asked. "Hmm", I hummed grabbing some sweats and a hoodie. "I'll grab the blankets", he said hopping off the bed. I walked to the bathroom and changed my clothes. "Do you want ice cream?!", Jaden yelled from downstairs. "Yeah, duh!", I yelled back laughing. I hear him laugh and I smiled walking out of the bathroom. I tied up my hair in a messy bun and sat on his bed. "I didn't know which one you wanted", he said holding up Strawberry Cheesecake and Caramel Chew Chew. "That's why I love you", I said smiling. He smiled and signaled me to come to the roof. I grabbed the three blankets from his bed and followed him.

We set up the place and sat down. We opened both the cans of ice cream and dug in. "You know... we're almost done with... high school", Jaden mumbled in between eating his ice cream. "We still have two years to go, Jay", I said chuckling. "Yeah, well I'm already done", he said throwing his hands up. We very much dislike school. We only went to school to see our friends, and surprisingly we still had good grades. "Jay, you're a mess", I said laughing at the ice cream that was on his nose. He looked at me confused and I just shook my head. "Here", I said wiping away the ice cream. "Oh...", he said looking at me. I started to smile at him and smiled back. We kept our eye contact and I got lost in his blue eyes. Those eyes will be the death of me one day.

I looked away from him and sat down in my spot. "So how are you and Mads?", I asked digging into my ice cream. "Don't get me started", he said sighing. "What?", I asked chuckling. "Like I know she's your best friend, but sometimes she is just too much", he said shaking with his head. "I mean you're my best friend before her, so tell me", I said rubbing my hands together. "It's not really that big", he said shrugging. "Now I know for sure it's something big, dummy", I said nudging him. He looked down at his hands and I knew it had to be something big. "She sort of asked me to... stop hanging out with you", he said almost whispering. "Sort of? Or did she?", I asked raising my eyebrows. "She did", he said slowly looking at me. "What the hell?", I said frowning, "she told me she was alright with us being friends, not that it really mattered. Because we've known each other longer, but li-." "Hey, I won't stop hanging out with you, just because she said so", he said grabbing my shoulders making me stop talking.

I frowned at him biting the inside of my cheek. I was really mad at Mads. I told her a thousand times that me and Jaden are friends, nothing more. "Ali, look", Jaden started, "nothing can ruin our friendship. And for sure not a girl or a boy, for that matter." I looked up at him and still bit the inside of my cheek. "Don't do that", he said putting his hand on my cheek making me relax. I slightly let my anger go and take a big breath in. I looked at him and he pressed his lips together. "I told her I'm not going to stop being friends with you. You mean a lot to me, always will okay?", he said. "Yeah, I just... Why isn't she honest with me? Like nobody is hon-", I started but was cut off by two warm lips hitting mine. I was flustered by it and didn't know what to do. Jaden pulled away and looking at the look on his face he didn't know either. "W-why did you do that?", I asked stuttering. "I don't know... I-I'm sor-", he said but stopped talking. Without me knowing I was kissing him. I knew this was wrong, but it felt right. Jaden pushed me away slowly, looking at me with a frown.

"I-I'm...", I started but I didn't know what to say. "It's okay, really", Jaden said scratching the back of his neck. "No, I shouldn't have kissed you... back", I said avoiding eye contact. "Ali, it's okay", he said. I could feel he was looking at me. "I-I should go", I said standing up and grabbing my phone. I went back in his room and grabbed my keys. "Ali, please", Jaden said walking behind me. "Jay, it's fine. I'm just gonna go home, I'll see you tomorrow", I said looking at him for the first time in a while. I shot him a smile and walked out of the door.

I came home and locked the door behind me. I sat down on the couch and put my knees up to my chest. "You're so fucking stupid", I whispered to myself. Mads is literally my best friend and now I probably messed their relationship up. I started to tear up. I didn't really know if it was because is kissed Mads' boyfriend or because I kissed my best friend and didn't know what I was feeling...

End of flashback


So here's a little flashback, let me know if you like it!

But I'm going to sleep, I'm exshausted...
Bye Bye bubs <333

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