Chapter 34

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The next morning I wake up before Jaden. That was a normal thing since he sleeps like a rock and if nobody wakes him up, he'll sleep until 3 pm. I slowly open my eyes letting them adjust to the light. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 6 am. Why am I awake? I put my phone down again and noticed we were in the same position as last night. I smiled a bit, but that smile quickly faded when I felt my body tense up. I feel my mouth water. I felt nauseous. I felt sick. I quickly removed Jaden's arm from my waist and got out of his bed. I practically ran to the bathroom and kneeled down in front of the toilet. Before I knew I started to throw up. It was disgusting. I know it's my own, but that smell made me throw up even more. After what felt like two minutes I stopped throwing up. I wiped my mouth with a towel and leaned back at the wall. I feel my body slowly relax and I let out a shaky breath. "Jesus", I said under my breath. My eyes were watering, but not because I was hurt. The nauseous feeling faded away and I felt like I was good again.

I sat on the bathroom floor for a while when I notice a sleepy Blake standing at the doorway. "What are you doing?", he said yawning straight after, "it's 6 am." I looked up at him and stood up. "I needed to throw up", I said turning the sink on. "Why?", he said walking in and sitting on the edge of the bathtub. "I don't know... I felt sick", I said shrugging and bending forward to take a sip of water. "Do you have that often?", he asked rubbing his eyes. "No, not really", I said wiping my mouth. "When did it start?", he asked frowning. "Uhm... two weeks after the party? So three days ago?", I said shrugging. "Maybe you're...", Blake said raising his eyebrows. I looked at him to finish his sentence, but he didn't. "I'm what?", I asked. "Pregnant?", he whispered. "What?", I asked making sure if I heard him right. "Pregnant? You know? When two people have se-", he started. "Yeah, yeah. Okay I know", I said chuckling, "but no. I'm not pregnant." "How do you know?", he asked raising his eyebrows. "I'm just not, okay? I probably ate something", I said shrugging it off. "Ali...when did you last had sex with Jay?", he asked uncomfortable. "The night of the party", I said looking at him. "Did you use a condom?", he asked. "We always do", I said. "But did you that night, because you weren't in any of the rooms, so...", he said looking at me. Did he hear us? We need to be quieter. I started to get embarrassed that he heard us.

"I don't think so...", I said under my breath. I looked down at my hand thinking about everything. I've been feeling sick for three days. And mainly in the morning. I feel bloated, but I always do when I get on my period. Fuck! I quickly walked back to Jaden's room and grabbed my phone of the table. I walked back to the bathroom and closed the door. Blake looked at me like I was insane. I quickly unlocked my phone and went to the health app where I keep track of my periods. I am very regular, so I never differ from it. I saw the calendar and saw the blood drop. That meant I was supposed to be on my period. A week ago. Oh no... I still had my eyes glued to my phone and my eyes started to get blurry. I can't be pregnant. It's not that I don't want a kid with Jaden, because I want to have two. But not now. Not when I'm 18 and Jaden 19. "Ali? What's wrong?", Blake asked standing in front of me. "I-I'm... late", I whispered. "Late to what?", he asked. "My period", I said looking up at him. His expression changed as he met my eyes. He pulled me into his chest and I let out a sob. "I can't be pregnant, Blake", I whispered.

We stood there for a good twenty minutes. He made sure I was okay and that we were gonna get a pregnancy test. I was more scared of how to tell Jaden this, then actually being pregnant. We also decided to go to the doctor. I asked Blake to not tell anyone. Not even the girls. I just wanted to make sure, before causing any drama. I called the doctor and she said I could come tomorrow. I'm glad it could be this fast, but I still had to lie to Jaden. And I'm not really comfortable with that... and really bad at it too.

Today we had a busy day. We had a photoshoot for Avani's, Bryce's, Blake's and Addison's merch. We hired a house with a lot of cool rooms. It would take up the whole day. Before everyone woke up, Blake and I went back to our rooms. I went to Jaden's room and laid next to him again. This time facing him. I just watched him as he was sound asleep. I bit my lower lip trying to find a way to tell him. I'm scared of how he would react. Maybe he'll break up with me and leave me. Maybe he's not ready for a kid. Oh hell, I'm not even ready. "You watching me sleep?", Jaden asked with a low morning voice. It took me out of my thoughts and I looked away from him. He placed a kiss on my forehead making me look at him. "You okay?", he asked. I nodded giving him a little smile. I looked away from his eyes once again, knowing he can read me easily. I could feel he was looking at me. It took every fiber of my body not to get lost in his eyes, like I always do. "Ali?", he asked. "Mhm", I hummed still looking down. I decided to look at his necklace. "Can you look at me?", he asked whispering. I slowly looked at him and a smile crept on his face. "What's wrong?", he asked. "Nothing Jay, just tired", I said giving him a reassuring smile. He nodded slowly and looked at me. I once again looked away and in that moment Noah walked in. "Dude", Jaden said looking at him. "Sorry, but we're leaving in thirty minutes", Noah said scratching the back of his neck. "Thanks, Noah", I said turning around looking at him. He nodded and walked out. Before Jaden could ask me anything I quickly got out of bed and walked back to my room.

The whole day me and Jaden haven't really talked. And if I'm honest I didn't really talk to anyone. I zoned out most of the day. People asked if I was alright and I just answered with a 'yeah' or 'I'm fine'. I was sitting on the steps of a staircase. I was lost in my own thoughts talking to myself. Blake stood in front of me, but I didn't notice. "Aliyah? Ali", Blake said shaking me lightly. "Yeah, huh?", I asked confused looking up at him. He studied my face and frowned. "You're crying", he whispered. I quickly wiped my eyes and looked around the room if anyone saw. Without me noticing Jaden was already looking at me. I locked eyes with him for a second before I looked away. I could see him stand up from the couch he was sitting on and I quickly stood up. I grabbed Blake's wrist and walked to the nearest room locking it.

"I can't do this Blake", I said pacing. "How could I be this stupid", I said holding my head. "Hey, it's not your fault", he said stopping me. "Having sex takes two people, so protection too", he said holding my shoulders. I let out a breath and looked down. "Jaden knows something's wrong", he said letting me got and sit on the bed. I looked up at him and nodded, "I know." "He was asking us if we knew something... I didn't say anything", Blake said. "I just can't lie to him", I said playing with my bracelet. "Then don't", he said shrugging. "Yeah, that sounds easier than actually doing it", I said looking at him. "I know, but Jaden will get it. He likes- pretty sure it's loves you, a lot", he said with a little smile. "Love?", I asked. "Yeah, he can't stop talking about you. And the way he looks at you? He just turns into a lost puppy", he said laughing. I let out a chuckle. "Are you two together?", Blake asked raising his eyebrows. I nodded looking down smiling. "Just tell him", Blake said nudging me. I looked at him letting out a breath. Yeah, how do I do that?

After a whole day of shooting we were finally home. I was about to sit down when Jaden grabbed my hand and pulled me outside by the pool. "Jaden", I said looking at him confused. "Okay Ali... if you don't like me anymore, just tell me and not go behind my back", Jaden said letting my hand go. "What?", I asked frowning. "Ali, I know you. You're hiding something and you and Blake have been close with each other the whole day. You and I haven't even talked since this morning, where you were already acting weird. I'm not getting hu-", he started but I cut him off. I pulled his face close to mine and connected our lips. He was surprised at first but kissed me back. I slowly pulled away and stepped back letting him go. "There's nothing between me and Blake, Jaden", I said looking down. "Then what is it Ali, because you're clearly not okay", he said looking at me. "I think I'm pregnant", I whispered. I was genuinely scared for his reaction. "What?", he asked. I looked up at him and his face just fell. Like I told him I killed his dog. "I think I'm pregnant", I said again now looking him right in the eyes. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, like I usually can. I messed up good...


Will Ali really be pregnant? Or maybe not....
And how would Jaden react?

I wanna say thank you to @sway_hype_house for the idea<33 I'm not telling you yet if I'm using the actual idea, but you'll figure it out soon enough!

Goodnight luvs <33

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