Chapter 6

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I was sobbing now as Jaden was trying to get Anthony off Payton. Anthony hit Jaden in the process of getting him off and that broke his anger. "I'm sorry, Jae", he said panting. The only person I could look at was Payton. Who almost looked lifeless on the ground. Anthony looked down to Payton and I could tell he was shocked by what he just did. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!", I yelled at Anthony as I kneeled down next to Payton. "He is leaving, now!", Anthony said trying to pull me up. "Don't touch me!", I said moving back and shaking him off. "Ali, he hurt you! I'm not letting you get hurt even more", he said. "You know who hurt me more right here?! YOU!", I screamed at my brother who didn't seem to get that I was scared of him, because of the way he acted. "He's lea- ", he started but Jaden cut him off. "He can't go home like this, just let him stay here for the night", Jaden said standing in front of Anthony. "Whatever. I'm not staying here", Anthony said turning around and grabbing his keys. "Yes leave!", I yelled still sobbing. "Avani let's go", Anthony said opening the front door. Avani stood with her hands crossed in front of her chest and looked mad at Anthony. She looked at me and asked, "you're gonna be okay? Ali?" I looked up at her and nodded. She gave me a little smile and walked out of the house with Anthony. And if I tell you Avani was mad, she was.

"Payt, can you hear me?", I asked as I stroked his hair. He nodded and gave me a smile. "Can you get up?", I asked as tears were still going down my cheeks. He pushed himself up a bit and closed his eyes. "Jae, can you help?", I asked looking up at him. "Yeah", Jaden said kneeling down and holding one side of Payton. We pulled him up to his feet and I could tell there was a lot of damage done. "Let's bring him upstairs", Jaden said. I just nodded and we started to make our way upstairs. It took a while but eventually we got him in the bathroom. We put him in front of the bathtub, and I sat on my knees in between his legs. "C-can you get the first aid kit?", I asked to Jaden. He nodded and walked out. I got up and got a towel and made it wet. I kneeled down again and started to clean his face. He had a swollen eye, that for sure would turn into a black eye. His lip was cut and bruises all over his face. I haven't stopped crying, mainly because it hurt me to see him like this and that Anthony scared me. "H-hey, I'm alright", Payton said putting his hand to my cheek. I sniffed and completely ignored him. I didn't even make eye contact. "Ali", he said turning my face towards him. I finally looked at him in the eyes and it make my heart break even more. He looked awful. "I'm fine", he said. "No Payt, nothing about this is fine. H-he...", I stuttered not being able to finish my sentence. "I know, okay. And if I'm honest I deserved it", he said as his little smile faded. I couldn't say anything and a moment later Jaden walked back in with the first aid kit.

After cleaning his face, I put some stitch strips on his cuts after gluing them, so they wouldn't open by any slight movement. I stopped crying in the process, but I still felt like a wreck. After I was done I cleaned up the bathroom and started to put everything away. Payton stood up slowly and leaned against the sink. "Thank you", he said putting his hands in his hair. I just ignored him and cleaned the blood off the floor. "I'm sorry, like I don't know why I did it... You probably hate me... I deserve this...", he rambled. "Payt please stop", I said with a shaky voice and standing up. I stood in front of him and grabbed his hands. "Yes, you hurt me. And yes, I feel like shit. But I would never hate you, okay?", I said looking at him. He nodded and looked down at our hands. I was scared to ask him this, but I had to know. "Do you like her?", I asked whispering and also looking down at our hands. "We don't need to talk about it if you're not ready", he said looking at me, but I still looked down. "Just answer it, please", I said. Silence took over the room and he spoke after a minute. "I think I do...", he said. I could feel he felt guilty. "Then go get her", I said looking up with teary eyes, but with a little smile. "W-what?", he asked with a shaky voice. "I love you Payt. And the only thing I want for you is that you find the person that you really love, even if that isn't me", I said letting the tears fall. "I do love you Ali, it's just not-", he started. "The right time? I know, but that's fine. We will go our own ways and maybe we will find each other someday", I said giving a weak smile, "but please don't hold back because of me." "You're the best", he said pulling me in for a hug. I hugged him back and letting go of everything. I was completely breaking down at this moment. I just let go the boy I love with my whole heart. Well broken heart. I want him to be happy.

I calmed down after a little bit and we pulled away. "Can we still be friends?", he asked wiping away my tears. "Yeah, I just need some space from us before I get there", I said looking down. "I know and I want you to know I will be there if you need me", he said cupping my face. I just want to kiss him. I nodded and Jaden walked in. "Uhm, Anthony is back. He went to bed", Jaden said looking at us. I knew we were really close for a couple that just broke up, but we were civil about it. "Thanks Jae, can you bring Payt to my room?", I asked. Jaden nodded. "I can just go home, you know. Anthony probably doesn't want me here either", Payton said. "No please stay, I'm not letting you drive home like this", I said looking up at him. "I don't have a choice, do I?", he asked chuckling. He immediately winced as his lip was cut. "No not really. Just sleep in my bed", I said giving him a hug. "Goodnight Ali", he whispered in my ear. "Goodnight", I said pulling away. They walked out and I closed the door.

I let everything go once again and just sat on the floor crying. "Ali, can I come in?", Avani asked knocking in the door. "I-it's open", I said stuttering. She walked in and sat next to me. She rubbed my back and we just sat there. "He scarred me Vani", I said taking a breath. "Ant?", she asked probably already knowing the answer. I nodded and looking down at my hands. "Me too, but I think he scared himself too", she said. "He just beat up his best friends, because of me", I said looking at her. "Anthony cares a lot about you, he's just hurt about seeing you hurt. I don't think he really meant it", she said. "I hope not", I said, "how did he even know Payton cheated?" "Jaden called us when we were driving to the park this afternoon", she said shrugging. I was really mad right now. I told him NOT to tell Anthony, because I knew he would lose it. I just stood up and walked out. "Ali? What are you doing?", Avani asked walking behind me. I ignored her and walked to my room where Jaden stood. "He just fell asle- ", he started closing the door. "Safe it. Come on", I whispered grabbing his wrist. I didn't wanted Payton to wake up, so I pulled him downstairs to the living room.

"You told Ant", I asked standing in front of Jaden with my arms crossed. "Yeah, but", he said frowning. "No 'but' Jae, I asked you not to tell him. Now Payton is in my room completely fucked up", I said slightly raising my voice. "I had to tell him Ali. I can't see you hurt like this", he said also raising his voice. "I can take care of myself! I don't need you or Anthony to fight for me", I said frowning. "Yes, I know! But you are clearly not okay!", he said yelling at me. "I can handle this myself, I'm fine", I said tearing up and walking away. I'm not okay. Jaden grabbed my wrist and I turned around. "Don't lie to yourself Ali", he said. I pulled back my arm and turned around again. That's when I bumped into someone. Anthony. "Why are you yelling?", he asked looking at me and Jaden. I looked down and walked past him. Anthony grabbed my wrist and turned me around. "Can we please talk?", he asked. I shook my arm out of his grip and looked at him. "No, we are not talking", I said turning around. "Please Ali?", he asked putting his hand on my shoulder. "Do NOT touch me!", I yelled at him, "you scared me, okay?!" Anthony looked at me with glossy eyes. I noticed he had been crying. "I'm sorry okay. I-I don't know why I flipped like that", he said stuttering and a tear rolled down his cheek. "No Anthony, don't. I'm not talking to you", I said walking away.

The tears rolled down my face. Anthony and I barely argue or yell at each other, other than over silly stuff. I walked to my room and then I remember Payton was in my bed. I pulled the covers over him and walked up to my chair in my room. "I'm not letting you sleep there", Payton said with a croaky voice. I looked up at him and he sat up. "Just take the bed Ali", he said. "No Payt, I'll be fine", I said pulling a blanket over my bare legs. "I'm not sleeping if you sleep in that chair", he said. He knows me to well. I can't let him not sleep. "I hate you", I said throwing the blanket off me and walking over to the bed. He chuckled and laid down again. I got under the covers and turned my back towards him. I was still upset about the whole fight and argument. Tears started to form again, and I couldn't stop them. I let out a sob and I cover my mouth not wanting Payton to hear me. "Ali, come here", I hear him say. I turned around and he pulled me close. He always made me feel safe and calm me down. It's gonna be hard to let him go. Let alone stop loving him. I don't think I'll ever will.


That was really sad...

I made my last test today for school, so I'm free now!!! Finally!!!
Bye bye luvs <33

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