Chapter 54

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~ Aliyah's POV ~
We've been walking thru the mall for the past three hours and I can't contain myself anymore. Jaden is driving me insane. On the way here he was touching my thigh constantly and moving up every now and then. Then when we were in the Nike store he places his hand on my butt and just left it there. Like what am I supposed to do? And every time I was trying clothes on he comes in the changing room and starts kissing my neck. And yes I may or may not have done some stuff back... but that's beside the point. I just wanted to go back to the house and... you know. Currently we were walking back to the cars with everyone. Jaden and I were holding hands and he gave me a little smile. I smiled back at him and he walked up to Josh. "Josh, can we take one of the cars? I want to show Ali something", he asked winking at Josh. Josh started to smirk and gave him his keys, "sure, bro." I looked confused at Josh and he winked at me. I looked at Jaden and he turned to me. "Come on", he said pulling me towards Josh's car. I waved goodbye to everyone and we left.

"Jay, where are we going?", I asked looking out of the window. "It's a surprise", he said keeping his eyes on the road. I turned to him and he was smiling. I shook my head smiling too and looked out of the window again. Then I feel his hand on my thigh and the heat of it goes thru my jeans. It slides up a little and it was now close to my heat and I bit my lower lip. I knew he couldn't see my face, because I turned away more. After a few minutes the car slows down and eventually stops. "We're here", Jaden said turning the car off. I looked in front of me and saw the beautiful view. It was over this frozen lake and it looked kind of abandon, but it was probably because of the winter. I looked at Jaden and he squeezes my thigh. "You know... you drive me insane", he whispered. I started to blush and put my hand on his that was still on my thigh. We just looked at each other and kept eye contact. His eyes seem to be bluer, like I could actually see the ocean. And I knew I was drowning in his ocean. Out of the blue he opened his door and got out. I was flustered by it but then he got into the backseat and sat in the middle. He looked at me and tilted his head. I took the hint and unbuckled myself.

⚠️⚠️⚠️SMUT WARNING⚠️⚠️⚠️

I straddle him and he puts his hands on my waist. I place my hands in his messy hair and started to kiss him. He kissed me back and it soon turned into a make out. He asked for entrance and I let him. He was always the dominant one and I never complain. I was never dominant. Our breathing got heavier and his hands moved up under my hoodie I was wearing. "...How...", I asked between kisses. "Josh", he said quickly and connected our lips again. "Hmm", I hummed into the kiss. He moved down to my jaw and soon found my sweet spot on my neck. I let out a little moan and feel a bulge form in his pants. I let out a little chuckle and he tugs on my hoodie. He soon pulled it over my head and looked down at my chest. He looked back at me and bit his lip. "God... you're sexy", he whispered connecting his lips to my collarbone. I tugged at his shirt and he pulled it over his head.

He moved me off him and laid me down. He hovered over me and started kissing my neck once again. I moved my hand down and rubbed him through his pants. His hands were tangled in my hair and slightly pulled on it. I hear him groan next to my ear turning me on even more. He slowly went down the center of my body and was met with my waistline. He took matters into his own hands and pulled my jeans down along with my thong. His hands were warm and it made me heat up. I soon put my hands on his belt and undone it. He pulled them down himself and his boxers too. His member fell out and even tho we had sex a few times, it surprises me every time. He soon came closer to me again and kissed me. His hands went behind my back and unclipped my bra. He slid it off my shoulders and threw it towards the front seats.

He puts his hand on the side of my waist to keep himself up. He just looks at me, while we both are trying to get out breath. "Please Jay", I said letting out a breath. "Please what?", he asked smirking. "Just... fuck me", I whispered. "Sorry I didn't ge-", he started. "Fuck me", I said louder now. "Got it", he said smirking at me and he lowered himself placing a kiss on my lips. He lined himself up to my entrance and slowly moved it in. I arch my back and my mouth fell open a bit. He slowly goes in and I let out a moan. He lets me adjust to his size and he soon goes out and back in. He goes in a steady rhythm and I dig my nails in his back. Not that hard, but I for sure left some red marks. The car gets steamy and the windows are all covers with some kind of steam. The car fills up with moans from the both of us. Every now and then Jaden kisses me, but we were both out of breath. "Jay, I-", I started but it came out as a moan. "Hold... it", he said in between breaths. I feel a knot form in my stomach and my back arches even more. He moves in faster and my legs start to shake. "I-I can't", I whispered but again was cut off with my own moan.

Jaden picks up the pace and I was already on my high. I couldn't keep it in anymore and I was a moaning mess. "J-Jay...", I moaned and he kissed my neck. "Now", he whispered. I let go of everything and he cums in me. I feel the fluid fill me up and the knot in my stomach was released. He rode out my high and my legs didn't stop shaking. My legs were numb and I knew I was going to be sore tomorrow. After a few minutes he pulled out and pulled me up. He sat in the same position as in the beginning and pulled me on top of him. He placed one hand under my butt and the other on my back rubbing it. I put my arms around his shoulders and put my face in the crook of his neck. My breath was back to normal and I closed my eyes. "You okay?", he asked whispering. "Y-Yeah", I chuckled kissing his neck. He kissed my shoulder and we sat in that position for a while.

⚠️⚠️⚠️END OF SMUT⚠️⚠️⚠️

After doing... well that, we went back home after getting dressed. It was only an hour later, but it was almost dinner time. Jaden and I just talked the whole way back. He asked me about my dad and he told me about the record deal with DTA Records. We talked about life goals and whatever else. I always feel like I could tell Jaden anything, without being judged. He is a really good listener and that's one of the things I love about him. After driving for thirty minutes we arrived at the house and went in. "Hey kids", Bryce's mom says, "we are going out to eat, so be ready in and hour." We nodded and she smiled at us. We went up to our room and started to get ready. We both took a quick shower and got dressed up. We all dressed up a little fancy and made pictures before we left.

I smiled seeing all my friends, actually family, being happy and together. I always hoped our group would stay together, but now I just know we are. They are no longer just friends, they all have a piece of my heart. Every one of them. But Jaden? He has the biggest part.


So here's the little smut... (hehe)

But I have sad news tho...
The next chapter is going to be the last one :(
So I'm sorry and be prepared for this book to end

But other than that, you should listen to Shadow from Jimmy Levy. His voice is beautiful (I actually started to tear up). It's a good song, but yeah

Bye luvs and thanks for all the congrats <3333

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