Chapter 22

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After a silent drive for thirty minutes, we were finally home. I got out of the Uber and walked right to the front door. I wanted to pay for the ride, but Bryce already took money out. I opened it and started to walk to my room. "Hey hey, what happened?", Bryce asked grabbing my wrist once again. The tears already had come down and I couldn't keep it in anymore. Bryce's face softened and he pulled me into his chest. I let everything go I had kept in for the past hour now. The little bit of alcohol that was still in my body made me more emotional. After fifteen minutes I stopped crying and pulled away from Bryce. "Please don't tell me a boy made you feel like this", Bryce said wiping the tears from my cheek. I nodded slowly and he started to frown. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up to my room. He sat me down on the bed and sat right next to me. "Now tell who this asshole is", he said seriously. "Jaden", I said not looking at him. He didn't move and just said something under his breath that I didn't understand. "I feel stupid for crying... I mean... I did something way worse and she still acted normal... I'm here crying over Jaden... who kissed another girl... and I'm not even with him or anything", I said rambling forgetting Bryce was right there. "Wait, what do you mean?", he asked turning towards me. Way to go Ali! Stupid ass. "I saw Jaden and Mads kissing, that's why I wanted to leave", I said trying to avoid the part he was referring to. "No what did you mean by 'I did something way worse', or something", he asked frowning.

"Can you please keep this for yourself?", I asked. "Yeah sure", he said. "Only Jaden and Mads know", I said. "Yes, now tell me", he said. "Okay, well when Jaden and Mads were together... Jaden and I had... sex... one night", I said fidgeting with my hands. "Wow, what?", he said with big eyes. "I know, I messed up good, but I told her and that's why we aren't friends anymore", I said looking up. Bryce was already looking at me with the same expression. "Can you please say something", I said getting nervous. "I- uuhh... just never expected that from... you", Bryce said shrugging. "I know and I still feel guilty about that", I said, "I'm the worst friend ever." "That's not true, it was a mutual thing right?", he asked unsure. "I hope it was", I said looking up at him. He shot me a little smile and asked, "but why are you upset of them kissing?" "It's complicated and confusing", I said trying to just stop the conversation. "Well I have the whole night, so tell me", Bryce said smiling and facing me completely. "Okay... Jaden and I just become closer and maybe shared some... kisses and....", I started. "Don't need to know that, but go on", Bryce said chuckling. I smiled and continued. "We talked about taking things slow, since we both are still hurt about out past relationships. But when I saw them kissing it just... stung, you know?", I said. He nodded not saying anything. "I think I like him", I said under my breath. "Sorry what?", Bryce asked with a grin on his face. "You heard me", I said shaking my head. "No, I couldn't hear your mumble", he said squeezing his eyes. I sigh and look down. "I think I like Jaden", I said now completely audible.

"I knew it, I knew it!", Bryce said jumping up from the bed. "What?", I asked frowning. "I knew itttt", he sang almost dancing. "How?", I asked pulling him back on the bed. "That night when Payton brought Maya and you guys kissed? I knew it wasn't just a kiss, well make out, to make Payton jealous. You two enjoyed that", he explained sitting like a proud kid. I started to blush thinking back about that night. "See? You liked it", he said squeezing my cheek. "Stoppp", I said slapping his hand away. "Okay, but on a serious note, if they really kissed then it's his loss. There are enough boys who would love to be with you. He knows Mads broke his heart. And not forgetting she's just using him, I think. And maybe she kissed him", he said shrugging. "I don't think so, I saw it myself Bryce", I said looking down again. "Just talk him", he said putting his hand on my shoulder. "No, I'll look stupid. And I probably can't even talk without tearing up", I said shaking my head. "Just think about", he said pulling me in for a side hug.

"Everyone probably comes back in like two hours, so what do you say about getting Mc Donald's and just watch movies?", Bryce asked standing up. "Are you sure?", I asked looking up. "Anything for you, sissy", he said smiling. "Okay, yes please", I said smiling. After that we left and went to Mc Donald's as promised. We got a whole lot of food and went back to the house. Nobody was home yet to we took all the blankets and pillows and put them in our movie room. We put on 'Footloose', since Bryce hadn't watched it yet. We were talking the whole movie and just making jokes. Bryce never fails to make me feel better. As the movie came to an end we hear the front door open and a whole lot of noise. I was so distracted that I almost forgot what happened tonight. Bryce probably noticed that I tensed up, so he grabbed my hand making me look at him. "It's okay", he whispered. I nodded softly and looked at the group who was approaching us. "Where did you guys go? You were gone all of the sudden", Anthony asked sitting next to me. "Aliyah didn't feel good, so we went home", Bryce said as Addison jointed his side. Everyone started to talk and I hadn't seen Jaden yet. That made me even more upset.

"Why didn't you tell me you didn't feel good, I could've taken you home", Jaden whispered in my ear, wrapping his arms around my neck from behind. "You were too busy", I said pulling his arms of me and standing up. Everyone went silent and was looking at us, but mainly me. Jaden looked at me confused. I just let out a breath and started to walk away. "Wait, what did I do?", Jaden asked standing in front of me. "Maybe you should ask Mads, she would know", I said giving him a sarcastic smile and walked past him. I was more mad then upset now. He didn't even tell me. Maybe he didn't want to. I walked up to my room and locked the door. I went to sit on my bed and let out the breath I didn't know I was keeping in. Then there was a knock on my door. "Are you okay, Ali?", Avani asked. "I just want to be alone right now", I said. "Talk tomorrow okay?", Addison asked. "Yeah, thanks girls", I said. I hear them walk off and I let myself fall on my bed. I feel pathetic.

~ Jaden's POV ~
I see Aliyah walk off and I knew I messed up. Avani and Addison went upstairs and I walked to my room that was on the same level as the movie room. ' should ask Mads, she would know...' That sentence replayed in my head. I knew exactly what she was talking about, but I hoped she didn't see that. It's not what really happened. I held my head in my hands. I was so mad at myself and Mads. But more at myself. I should've never talked to her. I know that she is just trying to play a game with me and probably with Aliyah too. I feel so dumb. "Can we talk?", Bryce asked walking in with Anthony right behind him. Anthony closed the door and looked confused and mad at the same time. I just nodded and Bryce sat next to me. Anthony went to sit in the chair in the corner of my room. I would like it more if it was only Bryce, because Anthony would probably kill me. Never mind Bryce would too... "What's wrong with you?", Bryce asked sternly breaking the deadly silence that was created. I just looked down scared to see their expressions. "Jaden, what happened?", Bryce asked. "What did Ali tell you?", I asked still not making eye contact. "That you and Mads were kissing?", he said, "what happened, Jaden." "It's not like that, okay?... Mads said she wanted to talk to me and I just couldn't say 'no'", I started, "then she said that Ali told her that me and Mads were better together, but I didn't want to believe it." "Why not? It's not like you like Ali", Anthony mumbled. "Actually, about that", I said looking up at him. "Bro...", he said shaking his head. "I'm sorry okay? But I didn't believe what she said. And then she started to come all on me. She kissed me, I didn't kiss back. I pushed her off, okay? I didn't kiss her", I said sternly trying to make it clear. "Tell Ali that, because she thinks different", Bryce said. "But first... what the hell?", Anthony said. "Ant I'm sorry okay. We just wanted to keep it lowkey and we were taking things slow",  I said. "Did you guys had sex?", he asked. "Uhmm....", I started. Well... this isn't gonna end well.


What do you think Anthony would do if he finds out?

Hope you liked it! Sorry for the late update...
It's 3am here, so I'm going to bed

Bye bye luvs <33

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