Chapter 53

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I was at lost for words. Everyone was silent, but all I could do is let out a little chuckle. "I uh... I got us matching rings", Jaden said scratching the back of his head. "They are... beautiful", I said letting out a breath. "Look on the inside of it", he said squeezing my shoulders. I grabbed one of them and read: 'forever'. I then grabbed the other one and it read, 'and ever'. "Jay this is amazing", I said looking up at him. He kissed my forehead and took the smaller ring and put it on my pointer finger. After that I took the other one and grabbed Jaden's left hand and put it on his pointer finger. "Jaden you are the cutest", Maya said smiling like crazy. "I mean, I try", he said chuckling and shrugging. Everyone started to laugh and Addison came over to me. She grabbed my hand and inspected it. She smiled at me and hugged me. Soon after I unwrapped the other gifts. Jaden got me black Dr. Martens and a necklace with my biological last name on it.

Yes. Anthony and I have different last names, of course. I wasn't sure if I was going to change it to my father's name, but it did mean a lot to me. And another thing is that 'Reeves' makes me feel connected to Anthony, even tho we're not really twins. I remember being really scared of us drifting and eventually not speaking. And we did got to that point a few months back, but looking at it now. We are good and I love him being my brother, because at the end of the day that's what he is for me. And only me. Now you may ask, 'what is your last name?'. Well, it's Rodriquez. I actually like it. I told Jaden about it and he wouldn't stop saying that his last name fits better on me than Reeves or Rodriquez. I laughed at him and told him he needs to ask my dad first. His face changed realizing he needs to ask my dad if he can marry me. I kissed him and told him to not worry about it, he'll be fine. I hope.

After cleaning up the living room, it was already 1 am. We all decided to go to bed. Tomorrow we were going to the mall and do some shopping, just for fun. The parents are going to go to the spa. "I wanna shower first", I said grabbing some shorts and a sweater. "Okay", Jaden said jumping on our bed. "Please join me", I said pouting. "Ughh, fine", he said rolling his eyes playfully. "Oh don't act like that, you like it", I said raising my eyebrows at him. "Well, that's totally true", he said walking up to me. "That's what I thought", I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "Let's go then', he whispered and kissed behind my ear. I smiled and started to blush. He intertwined our hands and pulled me towards the bathroom at the end of the hall. We soon took our clothes off and stood under the hot shower. We both took off the rings and I was already smiling thinking back about earlier. "What you cheesing about?", he said massaging my scalp with the shampoo. "About your gift", I said turning around facing him. "You like it?", he asked putting his hands on my waist. "I love it, Jay", I said putting my hands on his chest, "can I ask something?" He nodded slowly while making little circles with him thumbs.

"What did you mean with 'forever and ever'?", I asked looking at him. "It's like what I said in the card. I want to be with you forever and ever. And don't hate me for saying this, but if we ever do break up. Not planning on it, by the way", he said smiling. I smiled back at him. "I want us to still be friends and be in each other's lives, because I don't think I can deal with not having you in it at all", he said looking down. I put my hand under his chin making him look at me. "I won't leave, Jay. I promise", I said giving him a little smile. "I'm just scared of losing you in any possible way, even when it's when we're older", he said with his voice breaking at the end. His eyes welled up and I slightly started to frown. "I know, bub. But I'm here now and you know, I'm scared too", I said putting my hand on his cheek. Even tho we were in the shower I could tell a tear rolled down his cheek.

He pulled me close to him and I hear him let out a deep breath. I hold him tight and I could hear his heartbeat, it was raising. "I love you", I whispered kissing his shoulder. "I-I love you", he said stuttering. I pulled away slightly, but still very close to him. I gave him a little peck and I could feel his lips trembling. "Jay...", I whispered looking at him. Every time he gets upset, it breaks me. I hate seeing him hurt or sad. "I'm sorry", he said biting his lower lip. "Don't apologize, it's okay", I said rubbing his cheek. "I just want you to be okay", I said looking at him. "I am... It's just that I've been thinking about this ever since I knew I fell for you", he said trying to keep his voice steady. "You are way too cute", I said smiling looking at his teary blue eyes. We stared at each other for a few minutes and Jaden has calmed down a little bit. He gives me a smile and leans in. I lean in too and we kissed. I feel his body relax and his heartbeat was steady now. He pulled away and his smile grew. "Now, let's shower", he said chuckling. I smiled at him and pecked his lips quick before washing out the shampoo, that surprisingly didn't went into my eyes by now.

We did everything we needed to do and it was now 2 am. We quickly went back to our room and got in the bed. I snuggle up to Jaden and he wrapped his arms around me. For the past hour Jaden would kiss my forehead and whisper little things. I wasn't asleep, but just had my eyes closed. "Ali?", Jaden asked. "Yeah?", I whispered. It stayed silent for a little bit and I looked up at him. "...I can't sleep", he said whispering. He looked at me obviously tired and I moved up in the bed. He climbed on top of me and laid his head in the crook of my neck. He placed a small kiss on my neck making the hairs on my arm stand up. He slowly puts his hands under my sweater hitting my back. His hands were hot as always and they made me warm up. I put one hand in his hair and the other on his back. I played with his hair and just looked down on him. I wasn't feeling like sleeping and just watching Jaden made me relax. I soon hear soft snores in my ear and his warm breath on my neck. I smiled knowing he's finally sleeping. His arms are not holding me as tight as before and his whole body felt relaxed. After admiring the boy in my arms for half an hour my eyes started to get heavy and I soon fell asleep.

~ Jaden's POV ~
I wake up as I hear some stumbling downstairs. The sun was hitting me right in my face it was warm. I tried opening my eyes but closed them immediately. After adjusting to the light for a minute I finally open them and feel a heartbeat. I pushed myself up a bit and saw the girl I was probably crushing. She was still sound asleep with her mouth slightly open. Her hair was tangled and her lips were a little bit chapped. I look at her and she looks so at peace. I move away the strand of hair that manage to cover her face. She frowns a bit, but soon relaxes. I put my hands in her hair trying to detangle the knots. I was so focused that I didn't notice she was awake. "Did I wake you up?", I asked still with a raspy voice. "No", she whispered smiling at me. I kissed her nose and I feel her hands coming back to my back. They are really cold so I squirmed a bit. She started to chuckle and move her hands down. "Ali, your hands are really cold", I said shivering. "Really? I wouldn't say", she said tilting her head. She moved her hands down and they started to go in my sweatpants. "Ali, I mean it", I said shivering even more.

She had a little devilish smile on her face and moved down. Her hands were now on the side of my legs. "You wanna play this game, don't you?", I asked squeezing my eyes at her. "What game?", she asked smiling. I shook my head at her and leaned down. I started to kiss her neck and slowly went down to her collarbone. I hear her let out quiet moan and I started to chuckle. One of my hands moved up to her breast and squeeze it softly. She lets out a gasp and I pushed myself off her. "What are you doing?", she asked as I got out of bed. "Getting ready", I said casually. "Jaden, you did not just tease me", she said sitting up smiling. "It was the game, right?", I said moving towards my suitcase. I hear her get out of bed and soon feel her hands around my waist. "Let's get this game started then", she whispered probably standing on het tippy toes. I feel her hand go down my stomach and get in my sweats once again. She touched my friend down there and removed it soon after. I let out a breath. "Game on", I said biting my lower lip. I hear her giggle behind me and she sure did turn me on. Man, I love this girl.


This is a little cute chapter :))
And I'm sorry the writing sucks, my brain is shutting off tonight x)

These are the rings btw

Okay goodnight luvs <3333

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Okay goodnight luvs <3333

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