Chapter 42

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The couples were going to share a room and Noah and Blake shared one. We all had our rooms on the top floor with a big pool on the roof. It was so beautiful, like I haven't been out of the country so this was really cool. Jaden and I walked to our room and separated from the others. It was completely silent the whole way there. Jaden opened the door and walked in. I walked in after him and closed the door. I put my suitcase on the side and sit on the bed. Jaden dropped his suitcase too and walked to the window. Is he really that mad at me? "Jay?", I asked looking at him. He wasn't looking at me and didn't turn around when I called him. "Jay, I'm sorry", I said standing up and not really knowing what I was saying sorry for. He still didn't dare to turn around and look at me. He was quite far from the window so I went to stand in front of him. I stood between him and the window. He still looked straight ahead since he was taller than me. "Jaden really?", I said frowning looking at him. For the first time he finally looked at me, but not the way he used to look at me. "I'm sorry, okay?", I said getting lost in his eyes. "It doesn't matter", he said turning around and walking away from me.

Jaden started to walk to the door. I run after him and stood against the door so he couldn't leave. "It does... it does to me", I said holding my hand on the doorknob. "Ali, I'm not in the mood", he said reaching for the doorknob. "Jaden, I've been trying to gain some balls to tell you", I said looking at him. "Tell me what?", he asked. Are you dumb? "That I love you too", I said. I was happy on the inside that I finally told him, but my face said something different. I was sad, because Jaden was pushing me away and I didn't know why. "Okay", he said bluntly avoiding eye contact. "Okay?", I asked frowning. "Yeah okay. Can I leave now?", he asked raising his eyebrows. I looked at him and was hoping he didn't mean it. He was being so cold towards me. "Jaden...", I said tearing up looking at him. "Aliyah, just let it go", he said slightly pushing me away and walking right out of the door. I rarely cry because I just don't like it. Only when I get heartbroken or when it's about family. Not over a stupid argument.

I see Jaden walk away and get in the elevator at the end of the hall. I close the door and slit down it right away. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on them. I let the tears fall but trying not to let out a sound. I don't know what just happened. I finally tell him that I love him back and he just says 'okay'? And why is he acting so cold. Like it's just not Jaden. Something else is up, but I couldn't figure out what...

~ Jaden's POV ~
I see the elevator door close and I let out a breath. What the hell did I just do? She finally tells me she loves me back and I just say 'okay'? Like what kind of decent human being does that? Well, me apparently. I walk out to the lobby and walk out of the building. The beach was just on the other side of the road so I walked over there. I try to clear my mind, but I can't. The only thing I think about is Aliyah.

And that guy at the front desk. He must have balls, because why would he give his number to MY girlfriend. Because you weren't acting like one, head ass! True... And I mean if I'm honest I would want to give my number too if I saw Aliyah for the first time. She is really beautiful. And I'm about to screw that up...

So you may ask why Mads tagged me and I shared it too. Well, my manager thought I would be a good idea to link me and Mads up. He even started talking about fake dating. And hell, I'm not doing that! He really had the audacity to ask me if I wanted to break up with Aliyah because of it. I really yelled at him and I never do that. But on with the linking up stuff. So apparently Mads can sing? Never knew that. But we are making and recording a song together and releasing it in a month or so. My manager says it would be good for our following and platforms. Well, I don't really care about that. If it means I don't have to work with Mads, that's fine with me. But no, I don't have a choice. And you know what's worse? I promised Aliyah that I would never contact her again or whatsoever. And I gladly accepted because I really don't want to. But now I don't have a choice otherwise I will lose my record deal. They really threatened with that. And now I need to tell Aliyah that I'm basically going to sit in a studio for days with the person she and I hate the most. Oh, and another thing. It just gets better. We need to make a videoclip while playing a couple. And yes, I tried to talk my way out of it, but no. My manager wouldn't budge.

How am I gonna tell her that? Maybe stop being a jerk to her and you wouldn't fight! Yeah, maybe I should start there...

~ Aliyah's POV ~
I stopped crying about an hour ago and I decided to take a shower before heading out for dinner tonight. I get in the bathroom and then I hear the room door open. It must be Jaden, because he is the only one with the other key. I walked to my suitcase and grabbed some pants and a cute shirt. I also grabbed some new underwear and a bra. Jaden went to sit on the bed and just looked at me while I was doing stuff. I walked back to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. Normally I would just let it open, because he had seen me naked. But right now he needs to know he messed up. I undressed myself and stepped into the hot shower. The shower was in an open space. It didn't really had walls, not like at home. I hear the door open but didn't mind to look. After a few minutes the door closed and I turned around. All of the sudden Jaden stood right behind me. I let out a short yelp and he just chuckles at me. "Not funny", I mumbled turning around. "Can I join?", he asked. "Okay", I said impersonating his okay from earlier. I stepped aside and grabbed some soap. Jaden took my place and wet his hair.

I really try to not look at him, but I mean who can't look at him. He is so gorgeous. And naked? Even better. I washed my body and without me noticing I was staring at his abs. "Like what you see?", he asked smirking. I shot out of my gaze and turned my back towards him already blushing. I hear him chuckle behind me. After a few minutes Jaden places his hands on my hips taking away my breath. I could feel his warm breath on my neck and I desired for his lips connecting to that exact spot. "The shower is free", he whispered making me shiver. "O-okay", I stuttered turning around facing him. His hands were still placed on my hips but they had moved up bit. My hands landed on his chest trying to resist him. But that wasn't an easy thing to do. Before I knew he connected our lips and I slowly melted into the kiss. No Ali, you're supposed to be mad at him! The little voice in my head made my mind clear and I pushed Jaden off me. He looked at me confused but I wasn't fazed. I walked past him and stood under the shower. I could feel him looking at me, but I completely ignored his presence. After a few seconds he finally left and I felt like I could breathe again. Even tho I want to kiss him and do so many other things, I have to be strong and not let it go so easily. I did that with Payton a lot and look where that got me.

After showering and getting dressed we left. We decided to just walk to a restaurant. Just as we were approaching the group Jaden grabbed my hand. He stopped walking making me stop too. I turned around and faced him. "Can we talk when we are back?", he asked looking down on me. "Now you wanna talk?", I asked raising my eyebrows. "Ali...", he said looking down. "No, I'm not doing this Jaden", I said letting go of his hand and walking away. I walked to Blake and linked our arms. He looked down at me and smiled. "Hey Ali", he said in a girly voice. "Hi", I said barely audible. "You okay?", he asked talking normal again. "Just annoyed", I said looking at him. "Boy trouble?", he asked chuckling as we started walking. "Something like that", I said looking away. I look at Jaden while he walked in front of us with Bryce. The group stopped walking to discuss something, but I wasn't paying attention. Blake's and my arm were still linked and I accidently looked at Jaden. He was already looking at me. His jaw was clenched once again. I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head. His face softened and he mouthed, "I'm sorry." I look away from him and we started to walk again. 'Sorry' my ass...


He he :)))

Okay so I have some ideas and a suggestion from @Laraljaz
So I'm gonna work on that, I think this trip is gonna have a lot of chapters :)))

Also here is a little shout out to my girl, @jadenhosslersboo

She is also writing FanFic about Jaden. She is currently working on a new book, but please support her and I'm really excited for her new story! Keep up the work girl <333

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