Chapter 14

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I roamed around all day trying to make the time go by faster, but that didn't work at all. I haven't turned on my phone for the whole day and I knew Anthony was probably worried sick. I think everyone was. I could care less in this moment, but I also felt selfish. I went to a Chinese place and got some food for dinner. After I got my order I drove to the beach and ate there. The sun was setting and most of the people left the beach. I got weird looks here and there probably because I was crying, but I couldn't stop it. After the sun went down I went back to my car and drove around again. Because of all the driving I needed to fuel my car and that is what I did. I drove to one nearby our house and fueled the car. I walked in to pay and grabbed some snacks. When I walked up to the lady behind the counter I could feel she was scanning me. "Are you alright, dear?", she asked. I shot her a smile and said, "bit of a rough day, but nothing new for me." "Well, just know good days are coming, even if it doesn't feel like it", she said smiling. "Thank you", I said. I was about to pay when she stopped me. "Wait, are you Lisa and Brett Reeves' kid?", she asked. "Yeah...", I said looking down.

Did I forget to say that my parents are pretty famous. They both are big actors in Hollywood and the last few years over the whole world. That's the main reason why they aren't home a lot and why me and Anthony both started to do social media. I am less active than Anthony and that's why he is more famous than me. I think that's why they like him more, or something. I think it's ridiculous but whatever. I don't blame Anthony for that, because he is the most amazing brother I could ever ask for. My parents never really took me with events and I didn't mind as much when I was young, but as I got older I felt left out by my own family. When they went to an event and took Anthony with them I would go to my aunt. She is like my best friend. She also lives in LA and we use to go there a lot. A few years ago she and my parents had an argument and never spoken since. We really miss her, but maybe she is mad at us too. We don't really know any other family, because we never met them. But my friends are my family and I'm really thankful for them.

After I finally paid I walked back to my car. I drove off and decided to just go home. It was already half past 1 am and had to pack. Thinking of it made me upset once again. As I arrived home I parked my car and got out. I walked into the house trying to make as little noise as possible. As I walked in I say everyone sitting in the living room. And I mean everyone. Blake, Bryce, Addison, Avani, Payton, Jaden and Anthony. They were all asleep and it broke my heart knowing I won't be here after tonight. I decided to just leave without telling anyone. That would make things easier. I think. I wiped my tears and walked upstairs. I grabbed my two suitcases and my bag and tried to pack as much as possible. I don't have that much clothes because Anthony and I share most of our clothes. I'm gonna miss that. I took all the polaroid's, I had on my wall, off and put them in a little box. As I was packing I took the sweaters out of my closet. I grabbed one of the ground and recognized it immediately. It was Jaden's. I teared up and hugged it like it was a stuffed animal. I took in his scent and let out a little sob. I still didn't know what I felt towards him, but I hope he will forgive me for leaving like this. I pulled the sweater over my head and took a breath. Just finish it, the earlier you can leave. I packed the last stuff and sat down at my table. I grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote a note to Anthony.

When I was done with putting everything in my car I walked back in. Surprisingly nobody woke up. I grabbed the little note that I wrote and laid it besides Anthony. Avani had her arms rapped around him, I knew he had been crying. I walked to Jaden who sat on a one sitter and kneeled down to be the same level of his face. I kissed his cheek and a tear fell down. "I hope you forgive me, someday", I whispered standing up. I turned around, but someone grabbed my wrist. "Don't leave", Jaden whispered sitting up. I turned back around and met eyes with the sleepy boy. "I need to, Jae. I'm sorry", I said looking down. "You can stay with me. Or with Addison or anyone, just don't leave", he said standing up. I pulled him out of the house and we stood outside by my car. "Jaden I would love to, but I- ", I started. I couldn't finish it because Jaden cut me off with kissing me. I pulled away after a few seconds, even tho I didn't want to. "I can't Jae", I said tearing up. "Why? Why not?", he asked upset. "Because... my parents", I said. "They don't have to find out", he said. "They will. We're always in the public eye and it's just impossible", I said letting go of his hands. "Ali, please", he said, "you can't just leave Anthony like that." "I know, okay? And I don't want to, but I don't have a choice. They kicked me out and only me. I know", I said raising my voice. "At least say goodbye", he said grabbing my hands. "I-I", I started but the tears were coming down. And my sobs took over my voice. Jaden wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "Shhh, I'm here", he said kissing the top of my head. I can't say goodbye to Anthony and see him breaking apart. That's what I wanted to say.

~ Anthony's POV ~
I woke up hearing people talk. I woke up trying to get out of Avani's grip. I feel something ruffle beside me and I see a little note. I open it and read it.

My eyes were blurry and I just shook my head

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My eyes were blurry and I just shook my head. No... no, she can't leave. Not alone. I look up and see that Jaden is gone. I hear him talking outside and I walked to the front door. It was slightly open and I could see Aliyah standing in front of Jaden. "Ali, please. You can't just leave Anthony like that", Jaden said. "I know, okay? And I don't want to, but I don't have a choice. They kicked me out and only me. I know", Ali said as tears were coming down her face. "At least say goodbye", he said grabbing her hands. "I-I", Ali stuttered and broke down. I hate to see her like that. I hate to see her hurt. "Shhh, I'm here", Jaden said kissing the top of her head. I hear her cry and my heart broke. Somebody wraps their arms around me and of the smell of her perfume I knew it was Avani. "She's safe", I said intertwining our fingers. "Yeah", she said sniffing. Everyone had been really worried today. Nobody knew where she was and honestly I was scared to death. If something would have happened to her, I don't know what I would have done. "They're cute", Avani said chuckling. "Mhhm", I said agreeing with her. I know I had an argument with her about her and Jaden, but he really makes her happy and comforts her.

I slightly open the door and Aliyah looks up over Jaden's shoulder. She lets go of him and I let go of Avani. I hugged her tight and we both started to cry. "I'm not letting you leave", I said. "I need to", she said in between sobs. I let go of her. "I'm not letting you leave alone... I'm leaving too", I said. "You would do that for me?", she asked. "Anything for you", I said chuckling. Then I remembered the thing dad said. 'She is not even our child'. I didn't know if I should tell her. Maybe it's better to keep it to myself. No, it's not. "Ali...", I said as Avani was hugging her. "Yeah?", she said letting go and turning towards me. "Uhm... I don't think 'mom and dad' are your, well our, parents", I said. "What?", she asked frowning. "Well, I heard dad say that you're not their child, but we are twins so that means that they are not my parents either", I said rambling. "But what if we are not actually... twins", she said tearing up. I didn't even think about that. That's not possible. That can't be. Aliyah is my sister. I don't know better. I looked at her and she was already crying. I took her in for a hug. "I don't care, you are my sister", I said hugging her even more. "And you're my brother", she mumbled in my chest, "I love you." "I love you too", I said. This is all so fucked up. How could our parents do this? Are they really our parents?


Again a sad chapter and I'm sorry. It's gonna get better, I hope...
By the way, do you guys want SMUT, like detailed or something. I've never wrote it, but I'll try if you guys want.

Today was a bit of a sad day for me and probably for more people.

Know that you're here and you're here to live and love the people around you, but most importantly is to love yourself. and if you can't or feel like nobody does... know that I love you a whole lot <3333

Goodnight bubs <3 (or morning :))

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