Chapter 51

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I stood there not really knowing what to say. Aliyah was talking to Travis Baker as if it was one of the most normal things. I'm frozen and speechless, but on the inside I'm screaming, no kidding. "Jay?", Aliyah asked smiling at me. I shot out of my stare I was having and she started to chuckle at me. "This is Tra-", she started but I cut her off. "Travis Baker", I said looking at him, not really sure if he was real. "Yeah", she said chuckling. He walked up to me and stuck out his hand. I shook his hand back and said, "nice meeting you, I'm Jaden... Jaden Hossler." "Right back at ya", he said smiling, "Ali contacted me and send me some of your songs, there're really good!" "Thanks, it means a lot", I said smiling sheepishly. "Do you have a song you've been working on?", he asked. "Uhm yeah, I was writing one. I haven't figured out the beat yet, but I do have the lyrics... I think", I said shrugging. "Let's hear it!", Jordan said clapping his hands. He showed me to the recording room and gave me headphones. It was a lot bigger than the one I have at my other record company or even the one in our house. Yes, we have a recording room in our house.

"Just relax and start whenever you're ready", Jordan said thru the speaker. I nodded and looked at Aliyah. She gave me a thumbs up and smiled at me. I couldn't help to not smile and I close my eyes. I concentrated and thought about the lyrics I wrote two weeks ago. Let's do this Jaden...

"The drugs and the drinking
Girl, you know the feeling it's not the same
It's too late,
My breathing is fucked up from everything you would say"

I open my eyes again and locked eyes with Aliyah. She was smiling at me and biting her lip like she always does. I smile back at her as I continue singing.

"Baby, let me breathe next to you
Baby, you don't breathe the same air, no no

I hear all these worries
And maybe I know it's just pillow talk
Something so beautiful
Can't really be so insensible, no no

Baby, let me breathe next to you
Cause baby, you don't breathe the same air, no no

Baby won't you let me just breathe"

I sung out the last note and let out a breath. If I'm honest I wrote this song a few years back. I never fully finished it back then and I found it last month in my old notebook. When I read it I immediately knew who it was about. It was about my ex who was cold to the outside world, but when I got to know her better she was a great girl. All I wanted was to be with her 24/7. I wanted to breath the same air as her. It let me think of Aliyah. All I want now is be with her and make her happy. She is very closed off to strangers and doesn't let her walls down easily. It wasn't always like that. She was a very bright kid, but when she got screwed over a few times in high school and got used for her platforms, she closed off. She never did towards us, which I was happy about. To most people she seems like a bitch and yes, she can be that sometimes, but she is actually a really genuine girl if you get to know her. I finished this lyric last week and was really doubting to let Aliyah hear it. But I guess now she has.

I walk back to the room and Jordan and Travis and this other random guy were talking. "That was really good, Jaden", Travis said, "I like the vibe." "Thank you", I said smiling. "You also do more of like rock songs, right?", Jordan asked. I nodded, "yeah, it was actually what I was moving towards. But I recently released 'Pray' and that was more of a personal song to me, and less rock." "Yeah, I heard that one. I think you can do a lot with your voice, that's really rare", Travis said. "Loved 'Pray', by the way", the random guy said putting his hand up. "Thanks", I said chuckling.

We talked about some more lyrics and actually figured out a beat for the song. They asked me about my current record deal and I told them about the situation I'm in, at the moment. They said that I could quit any time because of the kind of contract I had. I didn't know that, but that's amazing. They asked me to come back next week and work on some more songs. This is the best day ever!

~ Aliyah's POV ~
We said goodbye to them and walked back to the car. I stood at the passenger door, but it was locked. "Jay, unlock the car", I said looking at my phone. I didn't get any response so I turned around and Jaden was standing there with a huge smile on his face. He just looked at me in complete silence. "What?", I asked chuckling. He walked up to me and hugged me. He lifted me up slightly and I place my head in the crook of his neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you", he said kissing my cheek every time he said it. I giggled and he put me down, but still had his arms around my waist. "But, h-how did you pull that off?", he asked still smiling. "After you told me about what happened with Mads, I started thinking. You have been talking about DTA Records for years now. And I thought why not shoot my shot. It may have been a long shot, but they loved your music and here we are", I said shrugging and smiling. "So you already knew what DTA Records was?", he asked surprised. "Yes Jay, you told me. You were drunk tho, but you couldn't stop talking about it", I said laughing. He laughed back at me and nodded, "yep, I was for sure drunk."

"I can't believe this actually happened", Jaden said while driving into the parking lot. I smiled at him and took his hand in mine that was placed on my thigh. "I actually met the Travis Baker, like what?", he said shaking his head. He parked the car and turned to me. "Can you believe it?", he asked. "Jay, you're an amazing artist. Everyone should be thankful to work with you", I said putting my hand on his cheek. He stayed silent and just looked at me. "I love you", he said out of the blue. I smiled and leaned in. Our lips connected and I started to smile into the kiss. "I love you too", I said pulling away making circles on his cheek with my thumb. He pulled me closer again and pecked my lips. "Let's get food", he said brushing his nose against mine. "Okay", I said scrunching my nose, letting out a giggle. We got out and walked to the little café hand in hand.

After we were done eating we walked out to be met with the paparazzi. "Hello Jaden and Aliyah", Fletcher said from The Hollywood Fix. "Hey Fletcher", Jaden said while still holding my hand. "You two have been seen a lot together recently. Are you two like a thing or?", He asked. "Yeah, we've been together for a few months now", Jaden answered smiling down at me. "Oh great great, I'm really happy for you guys", Fletcher said. "Thank you", I said smiling at him. "So Aliyah, rumors have been spread that you and Anthony are not actually twins and that you have different parents. Are these true?", Fletcher asked. "I rather keep that private for now, so sorry I can't say anything about that", I said pressing my lips together. "No problem, have a nice day. And I'll see you guys soon", he said. "You too, bye", Jaden said. I waved at him and we walked away. Jaden squeezed my hand and I looked up at him. "You okay?", he asked. "Yeah, kinda", I said shrugging. He puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in for a side hug, while we're still walking. He kissed the top of my head and I smiled putting my arms around his waist. I love you, rockstar... My rockstar.


So the lyrics I used are actually a song of Jaden he hasn't released yet :)))))
I really want him to release an album or something, but this is the clip <33

I love his voice, like actually
And this song just vibes, you know?

Okay, that's enough of me drooling over this man

Ciao Ciao <3333

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