Chapter 28

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I grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the counter. I looked down at the bottle and played with the cap. I'm happy that Nessa and I are good and me and Jaden of course, but what Anthony just said to me, messed me up. I'm still angry and mainly hurt that he would think of me like that. It's like he doesn't want to see me happy. He always tries to lecture me and tell me what to do, like he is older than me. We are the same age, it's not like he knows better. Our 'parents' always adored him and I get that. Because yes, he is the perfect kid. He doesn't do anything wrong, at least that's what they think, and is obviously more successful. And I don't want to blame him for that, but he is straight up being a dick right now. He got everything he wanted and I'm happy for him, but he needs to understand that not everything in life is given to you. He met Avani because of me. He continued doing social media because of me. Our parents love him because of me. I would always get the blame for everything that went wrong, even when I wasn't involved at all. I'm just sick of trying to press everything down, I'm just not doing it anymore.

I hear someone walking into the kitchen and I looked up. It's Avani. I look back down already knowing what is coming. "Are you okay?", she asked standing on the other side of the kitchen island. "I'm fine", I spatted out still looking down. "You shouldn't have yelled at Anthony like that, he's really upset", she said silently looking down. "I'm not doing this Avani", I said hopping off the counter and walking away from the conversation. "You really hurt him, Ali", she said stopping me. "And I'm not? I don't need you to come at me too", I said looking at her ready to start walking again. "He feels really bad about what he said", she said making me stop again. "If he really feels that bad, he should talk to me himself, not you", I said getting mad. I walked away when I hear her mumble something. "What did you say?", I said turning around getting really angry right now. "I said that he isn't wrong", she said quietly. "About what?", I asked frowning. "That you are sleeping with everyone and that you're just different", she said. "Really? You too?", I asked. "I mean you're angry or upset all of the time. Like you're just not the same person anymore", she said shrugging. "Well, I'm sorry that I changed. People change, Avani!", I said throwing my hands up. In the corner of my eye I see the group looking at our argument, that was about to turn into a fight. "I'm sorry that I open myself up to people! I'm sorry that I let my boyfriend cheat on me for practically half of our relationship! I'm sorry I'm not good enough to be loved by my so called 'parents'! I'm sorry that I let my best friend go, to date with my brother! I'm sorry that I like my best friend! I'm sorry that... I'm sorry that I even exist!", I yell.

Avani just looked down at her hands and I already had tears in my eyes. And this time not because I was upset. I was about to burst and I didn't know what I would do then. At this moment everyone was looking at us. I could care less how stupid and insane I sound and look right now. I'm so done with everyone telling me what I should do or how I should act. "I didn't mean it like that", Avani said softly. "Then like what?", I said slightly raising my voice. "I just want my best friend back", she said looking up. "You lost me the moment you stopped talking to me and hanging out with me when you started to date Anthony", I said shaking my head. "But you said you were happy for us", she said frowning. "I am, I really am. But it doesn't mean you just abandon me", I said frowning, "so I'm sorry if I'm not the same person anymore. You never checked in on me, you never asked if I was 'okay' when my heart got broken into a million pieces, because you were too busy sucking my brother's dick!" I gagged internally for saying that, but it's the truth. "That's enough, Ali", Anthony said walking up behind Avani. Avani had tears in her eyes.

I just shake my head and wanted to walk away again. Anthony grabbed my forearm and made me turn around. "You need to stop acting like this, Ali", he said between gritted teeth. "You are NOT my dad!", I said pulling my arm away. "Now I see what mom and dad meant", he said looking me right into the eyes. I just looked at him confused. "They always said you got your anger from your dad", he said. Immediately the expression in his face changes. He just said something he wasn't supposed to say. "W-what?", I asked. "I-I didn't mean it li-", he started. "What the fuck did you just say?", I asked raising my voice. "Ali...", he said. "Who is my dad Anthony?", I asked stepping forwards toward him. It stayed silent for a while and Anthony avoided eye contact. "I don't know", he said under his breath. I scoffed and smiled. "So... you lied to me? You acted like you didn't know, while you knew the whole time that I'm not your sister?!", I asked screaming in his voice. "Ali, I'm sorry", he said looking up. "No, don't do that... do not talk to me!", I said finally walking off. I was so heated at the moment. I was confused but mainly really angry.

I walked upstairs and walked to the bathroom next to my room. I tried to calm myself down, once again. But nothing worked. Slow breaths? Nop. Counting to ten? Nop. Digging my nails in my own hands? Nop. Screaming? Nop, because my voice was almost gone from the yelling. I just couldn't keep it in anymore. I looked at myself into the mirror. I hated what I saw, I always did. I was so angry at myself, Anthony, Avani, everyone. I balled my fist and within a split second my fist hit the mirror. I didn't feel anything of a few seconds, while I see the mirror break. It broke into a million pieces, just like me. I hear the glass fall and I fall down to my knees. Luckily not with the glass under me. I let the tears fall and the intense pain in my hands started to come. With blurry eyes I look at my hand and it was bleeding a lot. I'm not really scared of blood but let me tell you it hurt like a butt cheek on a stick. I started to cuss and just hold my hand. Glass was piercing thru my skin and blood started to get everywhere. I hear people walk upstairs, but I didn't bother to look. Addison sits in front of me and lifts up my face. "Again?", she asked pressing her lips together. I nodded slowly not making eye contact. "I'll get you some band aids", she said standing up and walking back downstairs. Jaden practically sped walked over to me and grabbed a towel. He puts it on my hands, not trying to hurt me. I slowly looked up at him and he seemed... upset? "I'm sorry", I said with a shaky voice. "Just... don't talk", he said not looking at me. I looked back down and sobbed quietly. This hurts so much. Physically and mentally.

A few minutes later Addison walked in again with the first aid kit. She closed the door behind her, which I appreciated. Jaden held the flashlight of his phone over my hand while Addison was trying to get the glass out. The room filled with some cuss words from me and 'sorry' from Addison. After about twenty minutes everything seemed to be out of my hand. Jaden asked Addison to leave us alone and she did. She shot me a little smile and I thanked her. When she left, Jaden pulled me up to my feet and lifted me up to sit on the counter. He turned on the water and put my hand under it. I flinched as the water stung. The bleeding had stopped for a little bit and he dried my hand carefully. He started to grab some band aids. He haven't said a single word for about thirty minutes now. He moved back to me and stood in between my legs. He lifted my arm by holding my wrist and started to wrap the band aid around. "Jaden...", I said looking at him. "Don't ever do that again", he said sternly not looking at me. "I'm sorry", I said with an almost lost voice. I bit my lip trying to hold in the pain that was caused. "I don't care how angry you are, you just down do this", he said finally looking at me. "I-I'm sorry", I said looking away letting the tears fall. He wrapped up the last bit and washed his hands. "Ali, look at me", he said standing between my legs again. I swallowed the stone that had formed in my throat and looked up at him. "What is going on?", he asked calmly. He looked like he was about to cry. "I... I don't know", I said looking down. "You know, Ali. Just tell me", he said lifting up my face with his hands. I looked at him and my eyes really started to give up on me. The tears were uncontrollably rolling over my cheeks and I didn't know how to stop them. "I c-can't to this", I said whispering letting out a sob. Jaden pulled me into a hug and that's when I completely let go. All the anger was out of my body, but it was filled with pain. I haven't cried like this in years...


Okay this was quiet a sad chapter...
Who do you think really is Aliyah's dad? (I'm curious too, hahah)

I'm tired as hell, so bye bye <33

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