Chapter 31

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~ Aliyah's POV ~
The clock soon hit 6 pm and we decided to just order some food before getting ready. The girls came back an hour ago and Maya bought me a dress. And for a change I liked it. After eating and talking about the plans tonight everyone got ready. All the girls got all their stuff and went to Addison's room. She had the biggest room and there was a bathroom connected to it. I was still not talking to Avani and if I'm honest it made the group a bit awkward at this moment. I was talking to Maya when Avani tapped on my shoulder. "Can we talk?", she asked. I nodded slowly and stood up. We walked out of Addison's room and sat on the couch in the hallway. "I'm sorry about what I said, Ali", Avani said looking at me. I just stayed silent not really knowing what to say. "It wasn't my place to say anything about it. I just hope that you can forgive me", she said looking down, "I just miss you." "Why didn't you just say that?", I asked looking at her. "I don't know...", she said. "Look, I'm fine with that you're with Anthony, because you really do make him happy. But what bothers me is that you stick up for him, even tho you didn't know what happened", I said trying to keep my voice down. "I know, I'm sorry", she said looking up at me.

"I don't wanna fight, let's just let this go", I said shrugging at her. "Are you sure?", she asked. "Yeah, I'm not really in the mood to fight at the moment", I said pressing my lips together. "What about Ant?", she asked. "I'm not saying sorry this time, Vani. I always say sorry first, but he really hurt me by saying what he said", I said sternly. "I get that... he's acting distant with me too", she said looking at her hands. "What do you mean?", I asked frowning. "He's just angry or something. And when I tried to talk to him earlier he just cut me off", she said shrugging, "I don't want to push him or start a fight or anything." "That's just him. He always does that, but don't let him set you aside like that. You only have good intentions", I said grabbing her hand. She gave me a little smile and I hugged her. "Let's get ready for this party", I said standing up and pulling her up. For the past hour we got ready and had a lot of fun. We had put music on and were dancing like crazy people. I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

When we were finally done we went downstairs. There was already music playing, so the guys must have been ready for a while now. We all walked down and went to the kitchen and the guys stopped talking. They all looked at us and the girls and I looked at each other smiling. Avani walked to Anthony. He seemed to be in a way better mood then earlier. Addison walked to Bryce and he whispered something in her ear. She started to blush so I think it was something either dirty or cute. It comes from Bryce, so don't judge me. Maya walked up to Payton and the only thing I could do is smile at them. They are cute together. Nessa walked to Josh and it seemed like they were together again, or at least on good terms. I was distracted by looking at all my friends, who seemed to be happy. And that made me happy. Without me noticing Jaden walked up to me. I shot out of my gaze and my eyes met his. I gave him a little smile and he grinned. He grabbed my hands and I already started to blush. "You look beautiful", he said smiling. "Thanks Jay, you too", I said pulling him in for a hug. Mainly to hide my blush from him, but also because he always smells nice.

I wanted to pull away but Jaden held onto me more. "The things I want to do to you right now... drive me insane", he whispered. His breath on my neck made me shiver and make my knees weak. I let out a little chuckle before pulling away. I was even blushing more, if that was possible. I looked down at our hands who were intertwined once again. "I wanna kiss you, but...", he said looking behind him towards Anthony. I looked up at him as he turned back. I put my hands on his cheeks and pulled him in. I kissed his lips and he pulled me closer. He deepened the kiss and it lasted way longer than I intended. Which I didn't mind... at all. As I slowly pull away I look at him. He was the one blushing now and I let out a giggle. "I don't care", I said regaining my footing, since I was standing on my toes. He licked his lips and turned around standing beside me.

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