Chapter 39

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"What does it say?", I asked moving closer to Addison. "It says, 'you're such a beautiful girl'" Addison said reading the message out loud. "It's probably nothing, maybe your number got leaked", Maya said shrugging. "I don't think so", Avani said grabbing Addison's phone with wide eyes. "What is it, Vani", Maya asked. " 'you look so cute in those red sweats'", Avani said looking at us. "Uhm, okay this is definitely weird", I said standing up, "we need to lock all the doors." The girls stood up fast and walked to different doors. I walked to the front door and pulled out my phone. I got a few texts.

We are out front

Big Man
Make them good scared, sis!

You look cute in my hoodie...

I smiled at Jaden's text and bit my lip trying to hide it. In this moment I knew they could see us, so that made it extra scary. I didn't actually locked the door, so they could come in. As I walked back to the living room there was a loud bang on the kitchen mirror. I met the girls and they actually looked scarred. "What the hell was that?", Avani said holding on to my hand. "Maybe we should call the guys?", Maya said holding on to Addison. "They won't be here in time if anything happens, it's like a 45 minutes' drive", I said shaking my head. "What should we do then?", Addison asked. "Check if the random number texted you again", Avani said. Addison pulled out her phone and looked down. "Oh my-", she said covering her mouth. She turned her phone towards us and it showed a picture of our backyard. "T-they are really h-here?", Maya said tearing up. "I'm gonna close the curtains", Addison said letting go of Maya and walked to the big glass doors we had. Soon after the sound of another notification went off. Addison walked back and read the message. " 'why are you hiding, baby girl?'", Addison read looking up at us. "I'm really scared, guys", Avani said. "Me too", I said squeezing her hand. Sike, I'm not, hahaha.

Then they send a picture to Addison of the front hall. "Ali?", Addison said looking up. "Yeah?", I asked looking at her. "Did you... close the front door?", she asked whispering. I nodded frowning at her. "Then what the hell is this?!", she whisper yelled. She showed me the picture and I was trying to hold in my smile. "That's not possible", I said looking at her. "Okay, that's it... let's go to my room and lock the door, I'm calling Payton", Maya said pulling at Addison. We all followed her and went to her room. We locked the door and huddled up on her bed. She was calling Payton when we hear noises downstairs. "Babe, please... there is someone in the house.... Please hurry", Maya said hanging up the phone. "They are on their way", she said. Soon enough we hear footsteps coming up the stairs, multiple footsteps.

We all pulled each other closer and Maya's soft cries filled the room. The footsteps stopped and the whole room went dead silent. All of the sudden there was another notification making us all jump once again. Addison grabbed her phone and read the message, " 'why hide? We only wanna play a g-game'". In that moment the door swung open and they all screamed. The boys had these scary masks on.

I stood up and skipped to Jaden and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Ali, what are you doing?", Avani whispered with big eyes. I kissed Jaden's cheek and pulled off his mask. "What the-", Addison said. They boys all took of their mask and started to laugh franticly. The girls' faces fell and I started to laugh with them. Maya still had tears in her eyes and looked at her hands. I nudged Payton's shoulder telling him to comfort her. He walked up to her and sat by her. "We nailed that", Bryce said giving me a high five. "And I got it on camera", Josh said holding up his camera. After talking for a few minutes everyone calmed down and we went to do our own thing.

Jaden have been whispering little things in my ear and giving me the look the whole night. And if I'm honest he turned me on a lot, but I mean when am I not by him. He just has that kind of effect on me, he always did... After an hour of teasing I said goodnight to everyone and went to my room, hoping that Jaden got the hint. I walked to my room and wanted to close the door, but Jaden stood right behind me. He grabbed my waist and pulled me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders. He puts one hand under my thighs for support and closed the door. He locked the door immediately and connected our lips. I melted into the kiss and flung my hands in his hair. He pulled away and looked at me. "The things you do to me, are just...", he said biting his bottom lip. "I didn't do anything", I said looking at him raising one eyebrow and smiling. "Yeah, that's what I mean... you're just... you", he said letting out a little chuckle. "Is that a good thing?", I asked touching our foreheads together. "Oh, it's a great thing", he said smirking and soon kissing me again.

⚠️⚠️⚠️!!!SMUT WARNING!!!⚠️⚠️⚠️

We started to make out and we were still standing in the middle of my room. He slowly let my thighs go making me stand on my own feet. I'm way shorter than him so I stood on my tippy toes. He moved my hair to one side and connected his lips to my neck. With a split second he found my sweet spot, sucking on it hard. I let out a shaky moan letting my fingers entangle in his hair. He groans turning me on even more. I feel my body warm up from the inside and I knew I needed him. I pushed him slightly off me and he looked at me weird. I turned my back toward him and slowly walked to my bed. I pull the hoodie over my head leaving me in only a sports bra. I pull those off too and still had my back towards him. Soon I feel his breath on the side of my face and his hands wrap around my bare torso. "God... you're sexy", he said kissing the base of my neck. His hand moved up to my bare chest and started massage my boob. I let out a moan and feel his bulge grow behind me. I moved my hand behind my back and started to rub him thru his sweats.

He nibs at my skin that felt more sensible then ever. Eventually he turned me around to face him. He looked down at my body and back up to my eyes. I started to cover up my chest but Jaden quickly grabbed my arms. "Don't do that... you are beautiful, okay?", he whispered loosen his grip on me. "Don't be insecure about your body", he said pulling me closer making me look at him. "I very much love your body, so you should too babe", he said moving a strand of hair behind my ear. I smiled at him and kissed him. He then lifted me up slightly putting me on the bed. He still stood at the front and pulled off his shirt, quickly followed by his sweats and underwear. He then grabbed the ends of my sweats and pulled them off me. He slowly started to move up placing a kiss on every bit of skin he could. Every time his lips would make contact, my body heated up on that spot. He came around my inner thigh very close to my heat. I bit my lip trying to hold in my moans.

Jaden almost touch my heat with his lips, the only thing stopping him was the little fabric between us. "Jay.... Please", I whispered in between moans. "Please what?", he said looking up at me with that stupid, but very attractive smirk. "I-.... I want you", I said looking at him. "You already got me baby", he said lining up with my face. "You know what I mean", I said smiling at him running my hands thru his hair. "Let's pretend I'm stupid", he said kissing my cheek. I rolled my eyes playfully and put my hands on his cheeks cupping his face. "I want you in me", I said firmly. "Loud and clear", he said kissing me again. He started to remove my underwear and move back to me. "Do you have a condom?", he asked catching his breath. "Top drawer", I said. He stood up and grabbed one out my dresser and moved back. He unwrapped the condom and slipped it on. He hovered over me again and lined up his member to my entrance. "Ready?", he asked looking at me. I nodded slowly putting my hands on his waist. He slowly inserted in me and I closed my eyes. He let me adjust to his size and I opened my eyes again. He slowly went in and out and soon picked up the pace. Pronounces, such as his name fell out of my mouth as I started reach my high. "As much as... I love hearing you say my name... please be quiet", he said connecting our lips. I let out a moan in the kiss and I feel a knot form in my stomach.

"I... Jay", I let out with moans. Jaden covered my mouth not letting any sound escape. His trust got sloppier and we cum at the same time. My muffled moans got quieter and Jaden rode out our highs. He pulled out of me and laid next to me. He pulled the cover over us and we looked at each other. We were both still breathing heavy, but my body was at ease. Jaden moved the hairs out of my face and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. After a comfortable silence and being cuddled up in each other Jaden spoke up. "Aliyah?", he whispered loosening his grip around my waist. "Hmm?", I said opening my eyes and looking up at him. "...I love you", he said looking me right in the eyes. A big lump formed in my throat making me choke on my words. "I...", I said. Am I gonna say it back?


It's a bit of a long chapter but wanted to fit it in one
I hope it was good ;))

I'm really done with everything...
And I have nobody to tell that, because everyone thinks my live is good and I'm happy
I'm always trying to be there for people and stay positive and happy
But honestly it's just a mask or act... what ever you want to call it

But on the other side I don't want to tell people either...

It's just great :)

Thank you for listening to my rant, luv you guys <333

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