Chapter 50

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The past two weeks have gone by so fast, but it was so worth it to just get out of LA for a little. We went on like two other boat trips, just enjoying the amazing weather we had. One night it was raining, but still hot outside so we went to the beach with everyone. We dances and swam in the rain, it was honestly the best thing we ever did with the whole group. We ate out every day and went back to the restaurant that played music. We dance with each other and eventually Payton gave Maya the promise ring. We were all filming and holding in our smiles. Not forgetting that Payton is the youngest of the group, but yet the most mature one. Maya couldn't stop smiling and tearing up for the whole night. It was really cute and it made me really happy that Payton did find his right person. I always thought that we were that for each other, but looking back at it, we are way happier now. Jaden genuinely makes my heart skip a beat by just looking at me. He makes my cheeks burn up without even saying anything. I turn into jelly when he calls me 'babe' of 'baby'.

Without me noticing I was smiling slightly and staring at Jaden who was making TikToks with Bryce while we waited for our plane. "Dreamy head", Avani said flicking my head, making me turn to her. "Huh?", I said still not really having my attention to her. "You were staring", she said nudging me. "Oh", I said smiling and starting to blush. "Don't be embarrassed, you should be staring at your bOyFRieNd", she said mocking me. "Shut up", I said pushing her slightly. We started to laugh and sat back in our seats. "I like seeing you like this, it suits you", she said smiling at me. "Yeah, I guess I'm happier now", I said shrugging. "What about Anthony's parents? Have you talked to them?", she asked. I glared at her as she just ruined a perfectly good moment. "Sorry, dumb question", she said looking down. "No, I'm just kidding. But I haven't talked to them at all", I said, "and honestly I'm fine with it. I have Sam and Michael now." "Oh yeah, how's your dad?", she asked. "Well, he's in jail. But he said it's fine. He only has like four years to go", I said shrugging. "Is he nice?", she asked. "Yeah, we actually have a lot in common", I said nodding my head smiling. "I'm happy for you, Ali", she said giving me a side hug. I hugged her back and the intercom announced that our plane was ready to board. 

I went to sit in my seat next to Jaden. "Hey", he said letting me past him so I could sit by the window. "Hi", I said giving him a peck on the lips. "You ready?", he asked putting his hand on my thigh. "Yeah, I'll pass out the minute we take off", I said chuckling. "Come here then", he said putting the armrest up letting me be closer to him. He wrapped his arm around my back to my waist and pulled me close. I put my head on his chest along with one of my hands. I looked at his Chanel necklace and start playing with it. He traced little circles on my side making my body relax. "I got a message from DTA Records", he said. "What's that?", I asked. "It's a record company. I have been looking into it for years now and actually wanted get signed there first, but that didn't work out", he said obviously sounding sad. "Hmm, what did they say?", I asked still looking at his necklace. "They invited me for a session", he said. I looked up at him and he had a huge smile on his face. "That's amazing, Jay", I said smiling back at him. He kept smiling at me and I knew for sure that nobody could wipe that smile away from his face. "I'm proud of you Jay", I said putting my hand up to his cheek. I kissed him slowly and he kissed me back. I smiled and laid my head back down on his chest. "I uh... wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me", he said stuttering. I looked up at him again and he was waiting for me to answer. "Of course, I would love to", I said smiling at him. "Okay", he said smiling being slightly surprised by my answer. I laid back down and soon dozed off.

After a few hours I feel soft kissed being placed on my forehead. I started to smile and I hear Jaden let out a chuckle. "We're almost landing", he said moving my hair out of my face. "Hmm", I hummed burying my face in his t-shirt. "Babe, you need to wake up", he said chuckling. "Why can't you carry me?", I mumbled. "Okay", he said. I looked up at him opening my eyes for the first time. "Really?", I asked pouting. "Of course", he said smiling at me, "not." My smile fell and I lightly hit his chest. "Meany", I said laying my head back down. "Your meany", he said kissing my forehead. "Damn right", I said smiling.

After getting all our stuff we finally were back home. I put my stuff in my room and changed into some normal clothes, since I was wearing spandex and Jaden's t-shirt. It was still quite early in the day, so I wanted to visit my dad. "Where you going?", Jaden asked walking in and standing behind me. I was standing in front of my mirror putting on my jewelry. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. "I'm going to visit my dad, I promised him", I said focusing on my earrings. "Do you want me to drive you?", he asked moving my hair aside exposing my neck to him. I nodded slightly with my mouth open, still trying to get my earrings in. Jaden kissed my neck softly taking away my concentration. "Jay...", I said smiling slightly. "Hmm?", he hummed against the skin of my neck. "I can't... Ughhhh", I said sighing not getting my earrings in. Jaden stood up straight and grabbed the earrings from me. After fidgeting for a minute he got them in. I smiled at him thru the mirror and he kissed my cheek. 

Soon after, we left and drove to the jail. I kissed Jaden quickly and got out of the car. I walked in and did all the security stuff and soon sat in a chair waiting for my dad to show up. After 5 minutes he came and he had a big smile on his face. I don't think I have seen him this happy since I met him. "How was the trip, kid?", he asked. "It was great, we did a lot of stuff. I'll take you when you're out", I said smiling at him. "I'll hold you on that one", he said smiling. "How was it here?", I asked looking around the place. "Still the same", he said shrugging, "a friend of mine got released last week, so that's good.... For him." He looked down and got sad all of the sudden.

"Can I ask you something?", I asked looking at him. "Sure", he said looking at me. I took a big breath in still hesitating if I should ask him at all. But I thought 'fuck it' and just did it. "For what are you in jail?", I asked with a shaky voice. "I've been waiting for that question", he chuckled. I smiled at him weakly. "It's really complicated, but to tell you quickly... I am in a gang and another gang killed one of my brothers. He was just 14 at the time. It happened a lot back then and honestly it was the life we chose for, well our parents did for us. So I went to confront them, well just killing one of them. Actually the guy who shot him, but I got caught", he said explaining, "I got caught, but it could've been anyone." I nodded slowly. "Does that change your opinion about me?", he asked looking at me. "No... I would kill someone too if they kill Anthony", I said shrugging and smiling slightly. He lets out a laugh and we talk for a little while. He told me about his family. I apparently have like 3 uncles and 2 aunts. I also have a lot of cousins, he promised me to introduce me as soon as he was out.

Next morning...

~ Jaden's POV ~
Aliyah and I just arrived at the building. I'm so hyped about recording with the DTA Records. They have been my dream record company, I would love to work with them. Not forgetting that Travis Baker works here too. I want to meet him so bad. My leg was jumping up and down like crazy and my nerves were so bad. I feel someone but their hand on my leg and I looked down. "Calm down, Jay. You'll be fine", Aliyah said smiling at me. I smiled back at her and looked at the door that just opened. "Hey, you must be Jaden", the guy said. I nodded and we shook hands. "I'm Jordan, let's go in", the guy said and guided us to recording room. "Just wait here, I need to get someone", he said smiling at us. I nodded and Aliyah just sat on the couch. "Weird that he didn't introduced himself to you", I said frowning. Aliyah just shrugging and looked around the room. Soon the door opened again and three people walked in. The same guy as before, another guy and- No way! I was frozen in place, but I see Aliyah stand up. She walked to the last guy and gave him a hug. "It's nice finally meeting you, Aliyah", he said. "Same to you, Travis", Aliyah said smiling. What the hell is going on here?! How does she know THE Travis Baker?


How was your day? Mine was fine, I guess (nothing really happened)

Thank you for reading!!! I love all of you <333

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