Christmas Day

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''MUUUUUUM!'' My body jolts up from a restless night's sleep full of nightmares as I hear my daughter, Willow, yell for me; she has the same eyes as Prim and they share the same scream. Panic shoots through my body until I realise, it wasn't a scream of terror, but a scream of excitement. Excitement for Christmas Day.

I turn over to my side to see Peeta smiling through his concern, and eventually his lips meet mine, making the horrors disappear as quickly as they came. He gently whispers in my ear ''not real'', referring to my thoughts of it being reaping day and the fear of my two children entering the games. But they're long gone now. Just a nightmare, I reassure myself.

Myself and Peeta lay in bed together watching the morning sun rise, and staying in bed as long as possible, before Willow grabs her brother Rye from his crib. I drag myself up out of bed, putting on my robe and prepare for the day ahead. My name is Katniss Mellark, I am 34 years old, I am married to Peeta Mellark, we have 2 children and today is a good day... today is Christmas and we're going to have fun.

After quickly getting ready I walk into the kitchen to smell the aroma of freshly baked bread. I look over to our dining table and see a fresh bouquet of Primroses waiting, with a small card, wishing me a Happy Christmas, reminding me that, yet again, it's another Christmas where I won't see Prim's smile. It's time to put on a brave face.

In the room beside I can hear the excitement and Rye repeating ''pres, pres'', I smile to myself and walk through. Immediately I'm greeted with a warm, gentle hug from Peeta and then from Willow. Rye crawls over and reaches his arms out for me to pick him up. ''Hello my special boy, shall we open some presents'', his big grey eyes blink up and me and each time they do I grow a little bit happier- thankful that Peeta's persuaded me to have them both. In front of me there he is kneeling down next to our daughter while she opens her first of many presents, I had told him not to spoil her, but he's too generous when it comes to our kids.

After all the gifts have been opened Peeta brings in 3 mugs of hot chocolate and jam on toast, Will's favourite, however just as he's entering the room I get up, ''Peeta, I'm just going for a walk''

''Wait, are you ok?'' His face is full of concern, like the night on the train during our victory tour.

''Yes I'm fine, I just need a little air that's all, Mum will be here soon and I want to go grab some more flowers for the table''. He looks unsure, but eventually he lets me go.

I trudge through the thick carpet of snow, which covers the whole village and, as always, find myself sitting in the exact spot where Gale and I sat the morning of the 74th reaping. All of a sudden I collapse onto the ground, my mind ridden of memories. Thoughts of Prim dash through my mind and how lonely and lost she was the Christmas after dad died, and how I had to be the strong one for the both of us, but who is there to be strong for now? She's gone. 

After about ten minutes of mourning, I decide to head down to the market and find some flowers before my mother arrives. As I walk through, there are rows of purple Rue's, instantly my mind flickers to her family, how were they doing this Christmas? They still often received money from Peeta and myself as, thankfully, they survived the rebellion, yet we lost touch. I scan the rows of flowers and finally settle on some tiger-lilies. As I'm queuing up to pay, once again my mind flickers back to Gale, I often keep in touch with his sister and she says he's doing great, married to Cressida apparently, 3 kids, but not even a single word from him.

Eventually I head back home after having a think, I realise this is what I wanted, Myself, Peeta, Willow and Rye, together- as a family. And for the first time since dad dying and the games I am content. I am happy.

Everlark- The Years After the Epilogue *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now