Chapter 1

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Jauregui Enterprise

You're still here? Well that's more than could be said for most, it was a rocky uphill road in maintaining even an ounce of sanity at jauregui enterprise. A cold, Icy bucket of water over the mundane head snapped back to reality by the heavy sledge hammer of life.

"Delusional, if you think this is feasible you're delusional!" Lauren yelled passionately as her father stood with a gruff stance and heavy demand.

"I won't hear it Lauren, I need you on this campaign and that is final! You're getting an assistant weather you like it or not!"

The fine intervention of 'assistance' was one Lauren fiercely disagreed with. She didn't need handouts or a maid to kiss her feet, she handled things on her own even if it left her dragging behind a broken leg, nobody ever dared step in to ask why either.

"No, I'm not! I don't need a weedy little intern to staple pieces of paper at the same time as me holding this entire company up while you're out fucking around with fancy lawyers!"

Mark grunted "Those fancy lawyers keep our heads above water! You should stop being so ungrateful!"

"Yeah, the water YOU put us in! The only thing I'm grateful for is being nothing like you!" The girl yelled fiercely.

Even her father shook at the woman's raspy tone, everyone knows rattling Lauren's cage was the worst thing to do if you wanted to keep your balls securely attached to your body.

Mark however would argue with the statement, the love they shared as much as it may not be possible to see, was probably what made the pair the deadly power house of a union they were known to be. Lauren being the 'head bitch' kept things in line while her daddy signed the contracts that threw billions into their fat pockets.

Mark rolled his eyes "You can take that accent out of your voice too, your mother used to do the same thing when when she didn't get her own way. Ad goes up in 10!"

With that the President of the company confidently arranged his suit before swiftly exiting his daughters office, leaving her ivory thighs crossing one over the other as she sat boiling in her seat. Her slender fingers very quickly grasped the closest thing to her being a pot of pens before throwing them harshly across the room.


No one could hear the dramatic out burst, that didn't stop Lauren from slamming out of her seat to pace back and forth behind her desk. She finally settled onto the ledge of her window leaning on the palm of her hands as she eyed the distant cars outside with a head full of antagonising thoughts. 

"So what's rattled my princess today then?" A soft yet sassy voice spoke, snapping Lauren's attention back firmly into the room. She turned around with a sigh before walking towards a large cabinet built into one of the walls, pulling out a large decanter of whiskey. 

"Daddy wants me to get an assistant!" She replied sarcastically as Sam folded his arms gently into his barely covered chest. Lauren pulled out a delicate glass and began pouring herself a large dose of the dark liquid that soon after elicited a sassy eyebrow raise from the only person she could stand to be around.

"You know mama, the rule is no drinking until at least noon" Sam laughed.

"Its gotta be noon somewhere right?"

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