Chapter 32

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"Oh Sinu hey? What do I owe the pleasure?"

Mike spoke as Sinu float sweetly into his office with a peachy smile and soft stature, her eyes welcoming as she set herself down on the couch next to the desk

"Your daughter, she's too stubborn to come down here herself so I wanted to come and apologise on her behalf"

She spoke honestly after having a conversation with the girl who seemingly was too invested to utter the words 'I'm sorry' in her fathers direction, the tantrums were less and less these days but still hit her when she felt that rush, the panic that someone somewhere is hiding something from her, leaving her out of the loop so that they can sneak up behind her and hurt her

"You don't have to do that... she meant what she said.. she doesn't trust me, every time I open my mouth these days I just get an earful"

"And you have no right to demand it be any different!"

Sinu replied instantly with a blatant tone as she learn more and more about Lauren's past, she had somewhat of a protective nature around the girl as she felt her motherly duties were best swept her way given the fact she was a loose firing cannon

"Excuse me?"

Mike shot back at the previous statement

"Just because you didn't physically leave her for all of those years you still mentally left her mike... you can't run back into her life and expect to be able to play happy families..."

Mike sigh folding his arms over in front of his chest as he sit with the heavy guilt of damaging his eldest child, the pending pressure of the up coming wedding leaving tracks in his mind as he desperately wanted to keep the peace, he was after all supposed to be giving Lauren away

"I know that! But I'm trying aren't I? That letter... I was just trying to protect her? I had every right to make that decision!"

"This isn't about the letters... it's about her having panic attacks every time someone touches her, giving attitude to hide the fact that she's upset? Mike she is like a puppy running through a field of needles and you need to understand that your actions have consequences!"

"I will talk to her... I just need to figure out what to say..."

"Well you better think quick because"

She began as her phone float into her hand, the fingertips shooting off a quick message before returning it to her pocket

"She'll be here any minute!"

With that the woman quickly exit the office, the set up immediately noticed as Mike sat stuttering in his chair wiping at his brow nervously as he await the potential arrival of his daughters probably still angry stature, it took only a few minutes before a small knock hit the door, Lauren's body entering shortly after with a vacant expression, mike straighten his back against his chair as he issued a weak smile beginning to speak before quickly interrupted by Lauren's voice

"I'm sorry"

His brows furrowed slightly having never heard that statement so genuinely leave her mouth before, she didn't look at him however as the thought made her feel almost sick... it wasn't until the man clear his throat that her eyes finally met his gaze

"Me too! Really I am Lauren... I just didn't want to let her back into your life.. I thought I was doing the right thing.."

Lauren calmly pace over towards the couch setting herself down with a soft look in her eyes as she took a deep breath just glancing over the room

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